This election isn't JUST a choice between McCain and Obama

Tax cuts does not necessarily = good. That's ridiculous.

Clinton RAISED TAXES and CUT SPENDING, at the same time. Both Keynesians and supply siders despised this. And it made the economy boom. Why was this? Because your simple logic that the only thing that matters when voting for someone is whether or not they will cut taxes is absolute bullshit.
If they happened at the same time, how would you determine that both would be what caused a boom? The spending cuts are what did it as they encourage more investment, which in turn fuels more innovation and more wealth.
How on earth do tax increases make an economy boom?
Remember who you're talking to Water, throwing around technical terms to impress doesn't work with me. For one thing there are no Keynesians around anymore and haven't been for decades, nor did any register any hate in the 90's.

Coolidge cut spending AND taxes and saw a giant decrease in percent of debt (not just deficit) and there was a far bigger boom too.
Increased taxes better the economy by lowering the debt. Cutting spending would hurt just as much as increased taxes.
But you can achieve the same effect of lowering the debt by cutting spending and that way you keep more wealth in private hands where it generates yet more wealth.

Increasing taxes MAY help in one area and hurt more in another, I say may because there is no guarantee that you will get more revenue with a tax increase, businesses can leave, rich people can plop their money in the Caribean, you are not drawing funds from a static source. There's a reason why one of the first laws any Communist nation implemented was that no one is allowed to leave the country.
Hey Leaning, how's the new Oklahoma NBA team! You going to see them?

I think you are referring to that sole incident in 2001, aside from that McCain has opposed restrictions on so-called "assault rifles" and voted consistently against such bans.

He isn't perfect and I have my beefs with him over his leftwing stance on climate change and CFR, but on guns he's been fairly reliably Conservative, I think you're being a bit unfair there.

Don't know how good they'll be but we'll be seeing them.
In all likelihood Democrat majority control over the senate and congress will increase even more this year. We all know this.

So it's not just a simple choice between McCain and Obama, it is also a choice between giving the Democrats complete and total control over government, in having at least one check on their power.

You should have known commies like full control if it is in there interests. They won't accept checks and balances when it comes to pushing marksism on the USA. That is when things go nuts, like a wild animal trapped in a corner goes extreem to be free.

Let it happen if that is what they want. They think Americans will sit back and take it---not me.
Maj, you appear to have some serious problems and do need professional help.
Please pursue it.

this is serious, no joking or poking with a stick.

I am going to have to stop playing with you. Not nice to agitate the mentally ill.
It costs over $800 billion for government health insurance in the form of Medicare and Medicaid (and that is rising fast), how many trillions do you think it will cost to implement Obama and Dems universal healthcare? And what mammoth percent of GDP will that swallow?

I hate the Iraq war but that alone makes it seem like chump change.

That is just ONE of the Dems new (old 1994) spending "ideas". Yes it definetely can get worse and you can lose by national bankruptcy.

McCain has his faults but he is unique in that he has never been afraid to piss people off even in his own party. Remember that Bush barely vetoed any spending bills at all (and yes there were plenty of Dem ones even when they were a minority), McCain would do better there. Obama as you yourself are correct in saying would not.
Yeah boy that McCain he is ready to piss off people in his own party. He is going to get rid of those bush tax cuts he hated so much in ...oh wait, he has embraced those now. But he did say that he was against overturning Roe v.....Oh that's right, he has jumped on that bandwagon too, the one driven by the people he once called agents of intollerance but now he kisses their lily white asses. The John McCain you speak of, the maverick of 2000, he got killed by the John McCain of 2008. The Spirit of John McCain past no longer exists. The John McCain of 2008 is the one we have to deal with and he has jumped lock step with the Social Conservative right. The Maverick is dead, and John McCain of 2000 wouldn't vote for this guy on a bet.
In all likelihood Democrat majority control over the senate and congress will increase even more this year. We all know this.

So it's not just a simple choice between McCain and Obama, it is also a choice between giving the Democrats complete and total control over government, in having at least one check on their power.

Did not seem to concern you under the Repubs. Now this is a viable argument? Why?
In all likelihood Democrat majority control over the senate and congress will increase even more this year. We all know this.

Who is the Democrat party? I know the Democratic party but please tell me more about this new Democrat party, I might be interested in joining.
Link please asshole.
I am doing my best to make sure that my senator, the echo boy of bush loses out this time. Not real wild about the Dem candidate, but still better than a Bushie.

Next time I will work on getting that baseball playing idiot bush bill submitting guy out.

he submitted many bills that the rest of the Republicans got embaressed to submit.
Modern republicans want to cut into individual rights for the cause of national security.

Modern democrats want to cut into individual rights (tho in different areas) for the cause of "domestic tranquility" and economic equality.

Eitehr way we lose more than we can hope to gain.

Why NOT give democrats full reign? Look at what full reign under republicans has done. Democrats may be different, but not where it truly counts. Individuality will still play second fiddle to democratic ideals of society just as individuality played second fiddle to republican ideals of society.

The more obstructions there are to the will of strong government, the better chances are that individual freedom will survive.
Maj, you appear to have some serious problems and do need professional help.
Please pursue it.

this is serious, no joking or poking with a stick.

I am going to have to stop playing with you. Not nice to agitate the mentally ill.

I really hope Majority is saving some $ for therapy. Maybe his mom has him on her insurance that will cover a few sessions.
Modern republicans want to cut into individual rights for the cause of national security.

Modern democrats want to cut into individual rights (tho in different areas) for the cause of "domestic tranquility" and economic equality.

Eitehr way we lose more than we can hope to gain.

Why NOT give democrats full reign? Look at what full reign under republicans has done. Democrats may be different, but not where it truly counts. Individuality will still play second fiddle to democratic ideals of society just as individuality played second fiddle to republican ideals of society.

The more obstructions there are to the will of strong government, the better chances are that individual freedom will survive.
I absolutely agree with you. Both parties believe in sacrificing the individual for their view of the "common good". Living in a free society means that we are going to be less safe and some people are going to have less means than others. It is the sacrifice you make to live in a free country. A sacrifice I fear less and less voters are willing to make.
Ahh the problem lies in what exactly is the definition of the "common good" ?

For many it is whatever benefits them personally the most.
a few are willing to give up someting for the common good. I do not complain about paying taxes.

But they will pry my Nestles quick and milk from my cold dead fingers!
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