This is crazy, a gay man has to tell some bimbo the truth about Palestine

So genocide against people that hate gays is ok, good to know.
You are just as misinformed as she was. The Palestines want to wipe Israel off the map that advocate for the complete destruction of all Jews. Meanwhile Palestinians freely live in Israel and even serve in Israels government and even in the IDF. You are just another leftist useful idiots.
So genocide against people that hate gays is ok, good to know.
Again I make the observation that any sentence starting with so is almost invariably prime bullshit, this is no. exception. The whole construct appears to be to obfuscate and put words in peoples' mouths.
You are just as misinformed as she was. The Palestines want to wipe Israel off the map that advocate for the complete destruction of all Jews. Meanwhile Palestinians freely live in Israel and even serve in Israels government and even in the IDF. You are just another leftist useful idiots.
Israel has nukes. Stop the silliness.
That woman is a useful idiot on steroids. Typical leftist. An astounding level of ignorance.
That is an insult to useful idiots. That woman is utterly and completely blonde.


Blonde, it's not a hair color, it's a lifestyle choice! :awesome:
That woman is a useful idiot on steroids. Typical leftist. An astounding level of ignorance.
A large portion of the ignorance comes from the person conducting the interview.

In fact NO ONE has been jailed or put to death for being gay in Palestine for quite some time.

The only relevant law is a holdover from BRITISH law.

Same-sex sexual activity is prohibited in Gaza under the British Mandate Criminal Code Ordinance 1936. The relevant provision carries a maximum penalty of ten years’ imprisonment. Only men are criminalised under this law.

The law was inherited from the British. It continues to be in operation in Gaza today, though it is not in force elsewhere in Palestine.

There is little evidence of the law being enforced, and it appears to be largely obsolete in practice.

Here in the USA you can still be jailed for violating sodomy laws in certain states.
A large portion of the ignorance comes from the person conducting the interview.

In fact NO ONE has been jailed or put to death for being gay in Palestine for quite some time.

The only relevant law is a holdover from BRITISH law.

Same-sex sexual activity is prohibited in Gaza under the British Mandate Criminal Code Ordinance 1936. The relevant provision carries a maximum penalty of ten years’ imprisonment. Only men are criminalised under this law.

The law was inherited from the British. It continues to be in operation in Gaza today, though it is not in force elsewhere in Palestine.

There is little evidence of the law being enforced, and it appears to be largely obsolete in practice.

Here in the USA you can still be jailed for violating sodomy laws in certain states.

What It's Like to Be Gay in Gaza: Meeting Israelis on Dating Apps, Evading Hamas and Plotting Escape​

In a society where homosexuality could be punishable by death, gay Gazans keep their identity secret
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On his avatar on an instant message app, Jamil looks like a happy young man, with glasses and a trendy haircut. But Jamil (not his real name) says he lives in a state of constant fear, and his most cherished dream is to leave his homeland and break free from his family. The 21-year-old student from the Gaza Strip is gay and lives a double life: an open one, as a diligent student, the youngest child in his family, busy helping his elderly parents with everyday tasks (shopping, making sure the electrical generator works and there’s water in the house) – and a secret one, a large chunk of which is spent on dating apps and fake accounts on social


What It's Like to Be Gay in Gaza: Meeting Israelis on Dating Apps, Evading Hamas and Plotting Escape​

In a society where homosexuality could be punishable by death, gay Gazans keep their identity secret
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On his avatar on an instant message app, Jamil looks like a happy young man, with glasses and a trendy haircut. But Jamil (not his real name) says he lives in a state of constant fear, and his most cherished dream is to leave his homeland and break free from his family. The 21-year-old student from the Gaza Strip is gay and lives a double life: an open one, as a diligent student, the youngest child in his family, busy helping his elderly parents with everyday tasks (shopping, making sure the electrical generator works and there’s water in the house) – and a secret one, a large chunk of which is spent on dating apps and fake accounts on social

A. Your link doesn't work.

B. Is the man mentioned in the article afraid of GOVERNMENT reprisal or is he afraid of retaliation from intolerant homophobes?
A large portion of the ignorance comes from the person conducting the interview.

In fact NO ONE has been jailed or put to death for being gay in Palestine for quite some time.

The only relevant law is a holdover from BRITISH law.

Same-sex sexual activity is prohibited in Gaza under the British Mandate Criminal Code Ordinance 1936. The relevant provision carries a maximum penalty of ten years’ imprisonment. Only men are criminalised under this law.

The law was inherited from the British. It continues to be in operation in Gaza today, though it is not in force elsewhere in Palestine.

There is little evidence of the law being enforced, and it appears to be largely obsolete in practice.

Here in the USA you can still be jailed for violating sodomy laws in certain states.
^willful ignorance
A large portion of the ignorance comes from the person conducting the interview.

In fact NO ONE has been jailed or put to death for being gay in Palestine for quite some time.

The only relevant law is a holdover from BRITISH law.

Same-sex sexual activity is prohibited in Gaza under the British Mandate Criminal Code Ordinance 1936. The relevant provision carries a maximum penalty of ten years’ imprisonment. Only men are criminalised under this law.

The law was inherited from the British. It continues to be in operation in Gaza today, though it is not in force elsewhere in Palestine.

There is little evidence of the law being enforced, and it appears to be largely obsolete in practice.

Here in the USA you can still be jailed for violating sodomy laws in certain states.
After the first few days get publicly executed the rest either leave Gaza or quash their sexual urges in public.

In recent months there have been repeated reports in the press (including in New Republic, 19 August 2002, East Bay Voice, 19 September 2002, Ha’aretz, 6 March 2003 and 10 September 2001, Jerusalem Post, 5 June 2001) and by civil rights groups (e.g. Agudah, ) on serious violations of the human rights of gays, lesbians, transsexuals and trans-genders in the autonomous areas ruled by the Palestinian Authority (PA). In 2000, it is claimed, four Palestinians were killed for being homosexual, and hundreds were forced to flee to Israel. It is alleged that 'harassment of gays' is 'practically official policy' in the PA. The victims are frequently called collaborators and accused as such. However, there have also been two cases in the last three years where people have been specifically accused of homosexuality. In the wake of the ‘Al-Aqsa Intifada’, Sharia courts have also been set up where homosexuals are threatened with the death penalty by stoning, burning and hanging. These courts also declare persons suspected of homosexuality to be ‘outlaws’, who can be murdered with impunity. It is also reported that the PA police regularly inflicts appalling torture on homosexuals.