This is crazy, a gay man has to tell some bimbo the truth about Palestine

you are a fucking clown

mahmoud ishtiwi is just one of many examples. This makes you are one of the worlds biggest assholes. The degrees of separation between you and those that do what you pretend is not happening is small

And when he's cornered and can't refute the facts he's presented with, zymurgy's infantile mind immediately resorts to vulgarity.

Per your link...

In February 2016, Al Qassam claimed they had executed Mahmoud Eshtewi, one of the group’s leading commanders, for very ambiguous reasons.

Most reliable sources at the time described the charges as unnamed or undefined. The stated reason was “for behavioral and moral violations to which he confessed” Whatever it may refer to, the confession was probably obtained by torture.

NO PROOF...just more baseless speculation.
And when he's cornered and can't refute the facts he's presented with, zymurgy's infantile mind immediately resorts to vulgarity.

Per your link...

In February 2016, Al Qassam claimed they had executed Mahmoud Eshtewi, one of the group’s leading commanders, for very ambiguous reasons.

Most reliable sources at the time described the charges as unnamed or undefined. The stated reason was “for behavioral and moral violations to which he confessed” Whatever it may refer to, the confession was probably obtained by torture.

NO PROOF...just more baseless speculation.
you are a jackass shit stain liar

"for behavioral and moral violations to which he confessed”

this is not a secret - just some assholes like you after the fact try to pretend its all a mystery

fuck off jackass. you might as well be the one executing them -
you are a jackass shit stain liar

"for behavioral and moral violations to which he confessed”

this is not a secret - just some assholes like you after the fact try to pretend its all a mystery

fuck off jackass. you might as well be the one executing them -
And which "behavioral and moral violations" were those?

You don't know, do you?

Oh, and I notice you ignored this part...

the confession was probably obtained by torture.
It requires me to create an account to read the article and I am not giving them my info, so it appears that it is Y-O-U who is the TWAT, and an uneducated TWAT at that..
derp derp
I wish you would go to Palestine and push for gay rights. one less shit stain retard in the world
So that's a "NO, I can't prove anything I claimed".

I wish I could say I was surprised.
it's well known. you are the moron that needs to prove it is safe to do what NOBODY DOES

you are a gas lighting retard. you might as well argue flat earth here dipshit
it's well known. you are the moron that needs to prove it is safe to do what NOBODY DOES

you are a gas lighting retard. you might as well argue flat earth here dipshit
Thank you for admitting you've got no proof.

I humbly accept your concession.
Thank you for admitting you've got no proof.

I humbly accept your concession.
you are as guilty as those that do this

you have the moral compass of a hyenna

you have zero proof it is safe to be gay in Palestine, but here you are derp derping around

you are as guilty as those that do this

you have the moral compass of a hyenna

you have zero proof it is safe to be gay in Palestine, but here you are derp derping around

you need to join me in picking up the moral argument in your posting agenda in a very real way.

isn't morality for the weak?

isn't get rich or die trying how real Americans live?