This Is just for EVINCE! your lies are exposed



Obama’s ‘Voter ID’ Scam is Busted!
Feb. 25, 2014 9:30am
Wayne Allyn Root
Wayne Allyn Root

Wayne’s latest book is: The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide: How to Survive, Thrive, and Prosper During Obamageddon. It hit #1 in bookstores, and is currently the 6th bestselling political hardcover in America for the past year. Wayne Allyn Root is a former Libertarian Vice Presidential nominee, successful entrepreneur, small business defender, business speaker, Capital Evangelist, and media personality- appearing on over 5000 interviews in the past 5 years. Wayne’s web site:

Folks, we are being scammed. Democrats are winning elections through what appears to be massive voter fraud.

There is a saying, “He with the gold rules.” Well, whoever wins elections has the gold. The winner has the power to change everything - so they rule. It doesn’t matter if the win was by a small margin, or if the win was by committing fraud. Winning is everything.

Many citizens may not realize most national elections are won by a sliver of votes in only a few, key battleground states. Change the vote totals by a small bit in a few states and Mitt Romney is the president: Ohio, Florida, Virginia, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Wisconsin, Iowa, Pennsylvania.

Why did Obama and Democrats win by just a sliver in those few battleground states? In 2012 it was a powerful one-two punch, both of which I believe were out and out voter fraud.

Colorado Election

First, Obama used the IRS as his personal mafia thug enforcers to persecute, intimidate and destroy his political opposition - ranging from Tea Parties, to conservative fundraising organizations, to top GOP donors, to high-profile outspoken critics in the media (like myself).

This widespread Obama-IRS conspiracy killed enthusiasm and intensity, dampened energy, silenced free speech and prevented fundraising through an IRS witch-hunt. This changed the outcome of the 2012 election and Obama should be impeached for it.

If you think impeachment can’t happen, study Ukraine. One day the president is mocking protestors and sending police to kill them. The next day he is abandoning his palace, impeached by Congress, and the military is hugging the citizens in the streets. It all changes quickly.

But still, I believe the IRS scandal is the smaller problem. Impeach Obama and no president will use the IRS for political purposes ever again. Problem solved.

The more widespread problem involves Voter Identification – or the lack of it. Without Voter ID, Democrat voters across this country could be voting four times, five times, 10 times each. There is no way to prevent it and the facts indicate that is exactly what happened.
FILE - In this Sept. 26, 2012 file photo People pass the signs telling of the requirement for voters to show an acceptable photo ID to vote as they head into the the Penndot Drivers License Center in Butler, Pa. Some political momentum could be on the line in a judge s forthcoming ruling on Pennsylvania's tough new voter identification law. Commonwealth Court Judge Robert Simpson is expected to rule Tuesday. That s just five weeks before voters decide whether to re-elect President Barack Obama, a Democrat, or replace him with Mitt Romney, a Republican.Credit: AP

FILE – In this Sept. 26, 2012 file photo People pass the signs telling of the requirement for voters to show an acceptable photo ID to vote as they head into the the Penndot Drivers License Center in Butler, Pa. Some political momentum could be on the line in a judge s forthcoming ruling on Pennsylvania’s tough new voter identification law. Commonwealth Court Judge Robert Simpson is expected to rule Tuesday. That s just five weeks before voters decide whether to re-elect President Barack Obama, a Democrat, or replace him with Mitt Romney, a Republican.Credit: AP

Take Philadelphia as just one example. There were voting precincts in Philly where the combined vote was Obama over Romney by about 30,000 to 0. In those precincts GOP poll watchers were forcibly removed for several hours, until judges ordered them back in. During those hours were the ballot boxes stuffed? Did Democrat voters vote 10 times each? As absurd as 30,000 to 0 is (it’s just statistically impossible), maybe the right vote total was 6,000 to 0.

If I’m wrong, why did the wolves want the chicken coup left unguarded?

Democrats hate Voter ID. It’s one of their biggest issues. But that’s ridiculous. Voter ID is a no-brainer. You need an ID to do most anything: cash a check, buy cigarettes or alcohol, get food stamps, or get any government benefits. You even need ID to get into government buildings!

So why are Democrats so intense and passionate about such a minor issue? Me thinks thou protesteth too much. This is a much bigger issue than meets the naked eye. Democrats are losing their minds over Voter ID because they know they can’t win elections without fraud.

Obama and his socialist cabal are making “a mountain out of a molehill” because this is their edge. This is how they win elections when their policies are a failure; when they’ve ruined the economy; when they’ve spent the country into bankruptcy; when they’ve killed millions of jobs. Voter ID is their secret weapon. They stuff the ballot box. They cheat.
Voter apathy, combined with voter fraud, threaten to undermine the democratic process. Photo Credit: David McNews/Getty Images

Voter apathy, combined with voter fraud, threaten to undermine the democratic process. Photo Credit: David McNews/Getty Images

I dare Democrats to prove me wrong. But of course they can’t, because without Voter ID, there is no way to prove voters are voting multiple times, in different precincts, using false names, or the names of dead voters, or the names of voters who have moved, or using illegal immigrants to illegally vote across this country.

But there is proof positive Voter ID is a scam. The Obama-Democratic Party argument against Voter ID because:

A) It’s racist…

B) It’s meant to stop people from voting…

C) It’s too big a burden for poor and minority voters to obtain ID.

I just returned from two doctor visits for a checkup and a follow-up test. These were my first doctor visits since Obamacare took effect. Guess what both medical offices asked me for before any doctor could see me, or any medical test could be done?

Official government-issued photo ID.

You cannot see a doctor, or receive your free Obamacare without ID to prove it’s really you. A health insurance card won’t do the trick, simply because the medical office needs to prove you are in fact the person whose name is on the insurance card.

I questioned the nurses at both offices. They verified no one can collect their “free” Obamacare services from any doctor without showing ID. And since everyone is now required to have health insurance (or is given free insurance), the government is requiring that EVERYONE have a photo ID.

Does that make Obama and the Democrats racists? No, what it makes them is hypocrites who are in total fear of fair elections that they know they have no chance of winning – no chance, that is, unless they cheat. Don’t look now but Obamacare just opened the door for Voter ID.

This is where the younger generation screams, “BUSTED!”

Let’s take the hypocrisy a step further. Every single Democrat voter must be lining up to get their photo ID so they can get their free Obamacare. So the argument that poor and minority Democrat voters don’t have ID, or shouldn’t be “burdened” to get it, is out the window.

I think this is where the younger generation screams, “DOUBLE BUSTED.”

That leaves only one possible reason to oppose Photo ID for voters…the ability to cheat! The whole Voter ID scam is dead in the water- just like the Obama economy. The argument against Voter ID is killed- just like jobs in this Obama economy. And anyone who tries to argue “most voters don’t have ID” is a liar- just like the president who said, “If you like your insurance, you can keep it.”

Obama you are BUSTED.
Are you aware that a big chunk of Soros change went to politicing at the local level. Specifically for precinct officials. Hes been doing this since about 2000. Lotta bang for vrry few bucks.

Obama’s ‘Voter ID’ Scam is Busted!
Feb. 25, 2014 9:30am
Wayne Allyn Root
Wayne Allyn Root

Wayne’s latest book is: The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide: How to Survive, Thrive, and Prosper During Obamageddon. It hit #1 in bookstores, and is currently the 6th bestselling political hardcover in America for the past year. Wayne Allyn Root is a former Libertarian Vice Presidential nominee, successful entrepreneur, small business defender, business speaker, Capital Evangelist, and media personality- appearing on over 5000 interviews in the past 5 years. Wayne’s web site:

Folks, we are being scammed. Democrats are winning elections through what appears to be massive voter fraud.

There is a saying, “He with the gold rules.” Well, whoever wins elections has the gold. The winner has the power to change everything - so they rule. It doesn’t matter if the win was by a small margin, or if the win was by committing fraud. Winning is everything.

Many citizens may not realize most national elections are won by a sliver of votes in only a few, key battleground states. Change the vote totals by a small bit in a few states and Mitt Romney is the president: Ohio, Florida, Virginia, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Wisconsin, Iowa, Pennsylvania.

Why did Obama and Democrats win by just a sliver in those few battleground states? In 2012 it was a powerful one-two punch, both of which I believe were out and out voter fraud.

Colorado Election

First, Obama used the IRS as his personal mafia thug enforcers to persecute, intimidate and destroy his political opposition - ranging from Tea Parties, to conservative fundraising organizations, to top GOP donors, to high-profile outspoken critics in the media (like myself).

This widespread Obama-IRS conspiracy killed enthusiasm and intensity, dampened energy, silenced free speech and prevented fundraising through an IRS witch-hunt. This changed the outcome of the 2012 election and Obama should be impeached for it.

If you think impeachment can’t happen, study Ukraine. One day the president is mocking protestors and sending police to kill them. The next day he is abandoning his palace, impeached by Congress, and the military is hugging the citizens in the streets. It all changes quickly.

But still, I believe the IRS scandal is the smaller problem. Impeach Obama and no president will use the IRS for political purposes ever again. Problem solved.

The more widespread problem involves Voter Identification – or the lack of it. Without Voter ID, Democrat voters across this country could be voting four times, five times, 10 times each. There is no way to prevent it and the facts indicate that is exactly what happened.
FILE - In this Sept. 26, 2012 file photo People pass the signs telling of the requirement for voters to show an acceptable photo ID to vote as they head into the the Penndot Drivers License Center in Butler, Pa. Some political momentum could be on the line in a judge s forthcoming ruling on Pennsylvania's tough new voter identification law. Commonwealth Court Judge Robert Simpson is expected to rule Tuesday. That s just five weeks before voters decide whether to re-elect President Barack Obama, a Democrat, or replace him with Mitt Romney, a Republican.Credit: AP

FILE – In this Sept. 26, 2012 file photo People pass the signs telling of the requirement for voters to show an acceptable photo ID to vote as they head into the the Penndot Drivers License Center in Butler, Pa. Some political momentum could be on the line in a judge s forthcoming ruling on Pennsylvania’s tough new voter identification law. Commonwealth Court Judge Robert Simpson is expected to rule Tuesday. That s just five weeks before voters decide whether to re-elect President Barack Obama, a Democrat, or replace him with Mitt Romney, a Republican.Credit: AP

Take Philadelphia as just one example. There were voting precincts in Philly where the combined vote was Obama over Romney by about 30,000 to 0. In those precincts GOP poll watchers were forcibly removed for several hours, until judges ordered them back in. During those hours were the ballot boxes stuffed? Did Democrat voters vote 10 times each? As absurd as 30,000 to 0 is (it’s just statistically impossible), maybe the right vote total was 6,000 to 0.

If I’m wrong, why did the wolves want the chicken coup left unguarded?

Democrats hate Voter ID. It’s one of their biggest issues. But that’s ridiculous. Voter ID is a no-brainer. You need an ID to do most anything: cash a check, buy cigarettes or alcohol, get food stamps, or get any government benefits. You even need ID to get into government buildings!

So why are Democrats so intense and passionate about such a minor issue? Me thinks thou protesteth too much. This is a much bigger issue than meets the naked eye. Democrats are losing their minds over Voter ID because they know they can’t win elections without fraud.

Obama and his socialist cabal are making “a mountain out of a molehill” because this is their edge. This is how they win elections when their policies are a failure; when they’ve ruined the economy; when they’ve spent the country into bankruptcy; when they’ve killed millions of jobs. Voter ID is their secret weapon. They stuff the ballot box. They cheat.
Voter apathy, combined with voter fraud, threaten to undermine the democratic process. Photo Credit: David McNews/Getty Images

Voter apathy, combined with voter fraud, threaten to undermine the democratic process. Photo Credit: David McNews/Getty Images

I dare Democrats to prove me wrong. But of course they can’t, because without Voter ID, there is no way to prove voters are voting multiple times, in different precincts, using false names, or the names of dead voters, or the names of voters who have moved, or using illegal immigrants to illegally vote across this country.

But there is proof positive Voter ID is a scam. The Obama-Democratic Party argument against Voter ID because:

A) It’s racist…

B) It’s meant to stop people from voting…

C) It’s too big a burden for poor and minority voters to obtain ID.

I just returned from two doctor visits for a checkup and a follow-up test. These were my first doctor visits since Obamacare took effect. Guess what both medical offices asked me for before any doctor could see me, or any medical test could be done?

Official government-issued photo ID.

You cannot see a doctor, or receive your free Obamacare without ID to prove it’s really you. A health insurance card won’t do the trick, simply because the medical office needs to prove you are in fact the person whose name is on the insurance card.

I questioned the nurses at both offices. They verified no one can collect their “free” Obamacare services from any doctor without showing ID. And since everyone is now required to have health insurance (or is given free insurance), the government is requiring that EVERYONE have a photo ID.

Does that make Obama and the Democrats racists? No, what it makes them is hypocrites who are in total fear of fair elections that they know they have no chance of winning – no chance, that is, unless they cheat. Don’t look now but Obamacare just opened the door for Voter ID.

This is where the younger generation screams, “BUSTED!”

Let’s take the hypocrisy a step further. Every single Democrat voter must be lining up to get their photo ID so they can get their free Obamacare. So the argument that poor and minority Democrat voters don’t have ID, or shouldn’t be “burdened” to get it, is out the window.

I think this is where the younger generation screams, “DOUBLE BUSTED.”

That leaves only one possible reason to oppose Photo ID for voters…the ability to cheat! The whole Voter ID scam is dead in the water- just like the Obama economy. The argument against Voter ID is killed- just like jobs in this Obama economy. And anyone who tries to argue “most voters don’t have ID” is a liar- just like the president who said, “If you like your insurance, you can keep it.”

Obama you are BUSTED.

Because if there's anyone you can trust to speak the truth, it's another RightWing partisan hack, writing an OPINION PIECE for Glen Beck's PERSONAL website.

You clowns whine about Rawstory or HuffPo, yet the best you can do is post from the Blaze?
Colorado Election. The republicans fielded the worst governor candidate ever. The guy had a "small business" but wouldn't reveal earnings, lied about getting fired from a Kansas police department for tipping off the drug dealer they were after because his girlfriend lived with them, was incapable of attacking a vulnerable Hickenlooper because of his own shoddy past, and couldn't make a speech to save his life. It was like asking your buddy to run while drunk.

Add the IRS BS and you've got a perfect storm.
Colorado Election. The republicans fielded the worst governor candidate ever. The guy had a "small business" but wouldn't reveal earnings, lied about getting fired from a Kansas police department for tipping off the drug dealer they were after because his girlfriend lived with them, was incapable of attacking a vulnerable Hickenlooper because of his own shoddy past, and couldn't make a speech to save his life. It was like asking your buddy to run while drunk.

Add the IRS BS and you've got a perfect storm.

"The IRS BS." LOL.
Because if there's anyone you can trust to speak the truth, it's another RightWing partisan hack, writing an OPINION PIECE for Glen Beck's PERSONAL website.

You clowns whine about Rawstory or HuffPo, yet the best you can do is post from the Blaze?

Typical attack the story, and the origin not the story your guilt is showing

Obama’s ‘Voter ID’ Scam is Busted!
Feb. 25, 2014 9:30am
Wayne Allyn Root
Wayne Allyn Root

Wayne’s latest book is: The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide: How to Survive, Thrive, and Prosper During Obamageddon. It hit #1 in bookstores, and is currently the 6th bestselling political hardcover in America for the past year. Wayne Allyn Root is a former Libertarian Vice Presidential nominee, successful entrepreneur, small business defender, business speaker, Capital Evangelist, and media personality- appearing on over 5000 interviews in the past 5 years. Wayne’s web site:

Folks, we are being scammed. Democrats are winning elections through what appears to be massive voter fraud.

There is a saying, “He with the gold rules.” Well, whoever wins elections has the gold. The winner has the power to change everything - so they rule. It doesn’t matter if the win was by a small margin, or if the win was by committing fraud. Winning is everything.

Many citizens may not realize most national elections are won by a sliver of votes in only a few, key battleground states. Change the vote totals by a small bit in a few states and Mitt Romney is the president: Ohio, Florida, Virginia, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Wisconsin, Iowa, Pennsylvania.

Why did Obama and Democrats win by just a sliver in those few battleground states? In 2012 it was a powerful one-two punch, both of which I believe were out and out voter fraud.

Colorado Election

First, Obama used the IRS as his personal mafia thug enforcers to persecute, intimidate and destroy his political opposition - ranging from Tea Parties, to conservative fundraising organizations, to top GOP donors, to high-profile outspoken critics in the media (like myself).

This widespread Obama-IRS conspiracy killed enthusiasm and intensity, dampened energy, silenced free speech and prevented fundraising through an IRS witch-hunt. This changed the outcome of the 2012 election and Obama should be impeached for it.

If you think impeachment can’t happen, study Ukraine. One day the president is mocking protestors and sending police to kill them. The next day he is abandoning his palace, impeached by Congress, and the military is hugging the citizens in the streets. It all changes quickly.

But still, I believe the IRS scandal is the smaller problem. Impeach Obama and no president will use the IRS for political purposes ever again. Problem solved.

The more widespread problem involves Voter Identification – or the lack of it. Without Voter ID, Democrat voters across this country could be voting four times, five times, 10 times each. There is no way to prevent it and the facts indicate that is exactly what happened.
FILE - In this Sept. 26, 2012 file photo People pass the signs telling of the requirement for voters to show an acceptable photo ID to vote as they head into the the Penndot Drivers License Center in Butler, Pa. Some political momentum could be on the line in a judge s forthcoming ruling on Pennsylvania's tough new voter identification law. Commonwealth Court Judge Robert Simpson is expected to rule Tuesday. That s just five weeks before voters decide whether to re-elect President Barack Obama, a Democrat, or replace him with Mitt Romney, a Republican.Credit: AP

FILE – In this Sept. 26, 2012 file photo People pass the signs telling of the requirement for voters to show an acceptable photo ID to vote as they head into the the Penndot Drivers License Center in Butler, Pa. Some political momentum could be on the line in a judge s forthcoming ruling on Pennsylvania’s tough new voter identification law. Commonwealth Court Judge Robert Simpson is expected to rule Tuesday. That s just five weeks before voters decide whether to re-elect President Barack Obama, a Democrat, or replace him with Mitt Romney, a Republican.Credit: AP

Take Philadelphia as just one example. There were voting precincts in Philly where the combined vote was Obama over Romney by about 30,000 to 0. In those precincts GOP poll watchers were forcibly removed for several hours, until judges ordered them back in. During those hours were the ballot boxes stuffed? Did Democrat voters vote 10 times each? As absurd as 30,000 to 0 is (it’s just statistically impossible), maybe the right vote total was 6,000 to 0.

If I’m wrong, why did the wolves want the chicken coup left unguarded?

Democrats hate Voter ID. It’s one of their biggest issues. But that’s ridiculous. Voter ID is a no-brainer. You need an ID to do most anything: cash a check, buy cigarettes or alcohol, get food stamps, or get any government benefits. You even need ID to get into government buildings!

So why are Democrats so intense and passionate about such a minor issue? Me thinks thou protesteth too much. This is a much bigger issue than meets the naked eye. Democrats are losing their minds over Voter ID because they know they can’t win elections without fraud.

Obama and his socialist cabal are making “a mountain out of a molehill” because this is their edge. This is how they win elections when their policies are a failure; when they’ve ruined the economy; when they’ve spent the country into bankruptcy; when they’ve killed millions of jobs. Voter ID is their secret weapon. They stuff the ballot box. They cheat.
Voter apathy, combined with voter fraud, threaten to undermine the democratic process. Photo Credit: David McNews/Getty Images

Voter apathy, combined with voter fraud, threaten to undermine the democratic process. Photo Credit: David McNews/Getty Images

I dare Democrats to prove me wrong. But of course they can’t, because without Voter ID, there is no way to prove voters are voting multiple times, in different precincts, using false names, or the names of dead voters, or the names of voters who have moved, or using illegal immigrants to illegally vote across this country.

But there is proof positive Voter ID is a scam. The Obama-Democratic Party argument against Voter ID because:

A) It’s racist…

B) It’s meant to stop people from voting…

C) It’s too big a burden for poor and minority voters to obtain ID.

I just returned from two doctor visits for a checkup and a follow-up test. These were my first doctor visits since Obamacare took effect. Guess what both medical offices asked me for before any doctor could see me, or any medical test could be done?

Official government-issued photo ID.

You cannot see a doctor, or receive your free Obamacare without ID to prove it’s really you. A health insurance card won’t do the trick, simply because the medical office needs to prove you are in fact the person whose name is on the insurance card.

I questioned the nurses at both offices. They verified no one can collect their “free” Obamacare services from any doctor without showing ID. And since everyone is now required to have health insurance (or is given free insurance), the government is requiring that EVERYONE have a photo ID.

Does that make Obama and the Democrats racists? No, what it makes them is hypocrites who are in total fear of fair elections that they know they have no chance of winning – no chance, that is, unless they cheat. Don’t look now but Obamacare just opened the door for Voter ID.

This is where the younger generation screams, “BUSTED!”

Let’s take the hypocrisy a step further. Every single Democrat voter must be lining up to get their photo ID so they can get their free Obamacare. So the argument that poor and minority Democrat voters don’t have ID, or shouldn’t be “burdened” to get it, is out the window.

I think this is where the younger generation screams, “DOUBLE BUSTED.”

That leaves only one possible reason to oppose Photo ID for voters…the ability to cheat! The whole Voter ID scam is dead in the water- just like the Obama economy. The argument against Voter ID is killed- just like jobs in this Obama economy. And anyone who tries to argue “most voters don’t have ID” is a liar- just like the president who said, “If you like your insurance, you can keep it.”

Obama you are BUSTED.

I didn't get past the introduction (nor do I want to), but I call bullshit on this bastard just from that! This whole rant sounds more appropriate to Bush's two wins than to anything Obama did. The Supreme Court didn't appoint Obama president.
Because if there's anyone you can trust to speak the truth, it's another RightWing partisan hack, writing an OPINION PIECE for Glen Beck's PERSONAL website.

You clowns whine about Rawstory or HuffPo, yet the best you can do is post from the Blaze?

And aside from the author and the source, your problem with the accusations of the OP is what?
They are completely untrue.

Mr. Root charges Democrats with MASSIVE voter fraud, and then doesn't provide any evidence to support his claim.

If the charges are untrue, then why do Democrats have such a problem with voter photo ID? Did your Mommy allow you to sign your own report-card? Does your banker allow you unfettered access to the bank's cash drawers? Does your State allow you to drive without a license? If voting is of the most importance then why should it be allowed Willy-Nilly and without important credentials?
Can you name them?

They vary by's what's acceptable in Colorado:

(a) A valid Colorado driver’s license;

(b) A valid identification card issued by the Department of Revenue in accordance with the requirements of Part 3 of Article 2 of Title 42, C.R.S.;

(c) A valid U.S. passport;

(d) A valid employee identification card with a photograph of the eligible elector issued by any branch, department, agency, or entity of the United States government or of this state, or by any county, municipality, board, authority, or other political subdivision of this state;

(e) A valid pilot’s license issued by the federal aviation administration or other authorized agency of the United States;

(f) A valid U.S. military identification card with a photograph of the eligible elector;

(g) A copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document that shows the name and address of the elector. For example:

(I) A cable bill or telephone bill,

(II) Documentation from a public institution of higher education in Colorado containing at least the name, date of birth, and legal residence address of the student elector,

(III) A paycheck from a government institution or private company, or

(IV) A Certificate of Degree of Indian or Alaskan Native Blood.

(h) A valid Medicare or Medicaid card issued by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (formerly the United States Health Care Financing Administration);

(i) A certified copy of a U.S. birth certificate for the elector issued in the United States;

(j) Certified documentation of naturalization;

(k) A valid student identification card with a photograph of the eligible elector issued by an institute of higher education in Colorado, as defined in section 23-3.1-102(5), C.R.S.;

(l) A valid veteran identification card issued by the United States department of veterans affairs veterans health administration with a photograph of the eligible elector.

(m) A valid identification card issued by a federally recognized tribal government certifying tribal membership.

(n) Verification that a voter is a person committed to the department of human services and confined and eligible to register and vote shall be considered sufficient identification of such person for the purposes of section 1-2-210.5, C.R.S.
The truth is Dems have been stealing elections through voter fraud since the Kennedy era, now they are just doing it on steroids. I notice Evince completely ignored this thread refuting everything she says
The truth is Dems have been stealing elections through voter fraud since the Kennedy era, now they are just doing it on steroids. I notice Evince completely ignored this thread refuting everything she says

Bush had legal backing in stealing his, doubtless?
Last edited:
And aside from the author and the source, your problem with the accusations of the OP is what?

Ambiguous, unproven nonsense like this:

Take Philadelphia as just one example. There were voting precincts in Philly where the combined vote was Obama over Romney by about 30,000 to 0. In those precincts GOP poll watchers were forcibly removed for several hours, until judges ordered them back in. During those hours were the ballot boxes stuffed? Did Democrat voters vote 10 times each? As absurd as 30,000 to 0 is (it’s just statistically impossible), maybe the right vote total was 6,000 to 0.

Some high...I mean LOW lights...

"Obama over Romney by ABOUT30,000 to 0..."

ABOUT? Doesn't sound very factual to me.

"Were the ballot boxes stuffed"

They don't know? Weren't these supposed to be PROVEN FACTS?

"Did Democrat voters vote 10 times each?"

And finally we've get outright proof...just bullshit supposition.