This is pretty sad, Republicans getting slammed for saying nice things about Mandela

there's always been sad petty commentary, but nowadays every nitwit opinion can instantly be seen on twitter as oppose to the coffee shop or whatever, then plastered in headlines as if anyone ever took them seriously...

As Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) sees it, Mandela "showed South Africans and the entire world what the power of forgiveness truly means and can accomplish." It's unclear if some of Rubio's disappointed supporters will be similarly forgiving of the senator.

"One woman found it "sad" that Rubio, a son of Cuban immigrants, showed such reverence..."

"another woman said Rubio had lost her vote."
then why will NONE of you comment on the history of the black people in this country.

None of you have the guts to talk about the reality.

What keeps the Republican party together?What keeps it from falling apart?

Fear, hatred, racism against anyone who's not white, and of course propaganda that's fueled by domestic and foreign slush money.

no surprise here TeaBaggers are glad a black man died, remember Trevon? they were giddy
Among the Republicans who voted against the Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act were President Reagan and Dick Cheney, who maintained that Nelson Mandela was a terrorist.
Anyone read about the Iran-Contra affair? The Halliburton scandal?
there's always been sad petty commentary, but nowadays every nitwit opinion can instantly be seen on twitter as oppose to the coffee shop or whatever, then plastered in headlines as if anyone ever took them seriously...

As Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) sees it, Mandela "showed South Africans and the entire world what the power of forgiveness truly means and can accomplish." It's unclear if some of Rubio's disappointed supporters will be similarly forgiving of the senator.

"One woman found it "sad" that Rubio, a son of Cuban immigrants, showed such reverence..."

"another woman said Rubio had lost her vote."
I can't even figure out what her point was....there was nothing offensive about what Rubio said.
Aneurin Bevan used to say, 'De mortuis nil nisi bunkum' - speak only good old crap about the dead. As I said elsewhere, when we were petitioning to get Mr Mandela released, the English Gents in my College were keen to write racist filth on the petition, and now they are tory MPs making holy noises about the great saint's death. Some people do find hypocrisy pukish, fair play.
none of the ones here seem very interested in the real history of Mandela

Im sure they pretend Mandela would just love their elections cheating of black voters out of their votes here
I can't even figure out what her point was....there was nothing offensive about what Rubio said.

exactly... God forbid leaders set aside politics and convey respect in the immediate wake of his death!
Dick Cheney Didn’t Regret His Vote Against Freeing Nelson Mandela?!!

Dick Cheney Didn’t Regret His Vote Against Freeing Nelson Mandela, Maintained He Was A ‘Terrorist’

…Cheney’s staunch resistance to the Anti-Apartheid Act arose as an issue during his future campaigns on the presidential ticket, but the Wyoming Republican has never said he regretted voting the way he did.


The only decent thing Dick Cheney ever did was not killing the man he shot in the face.

Dick Cheney Didn’t Regret His Vote Against Freeing Nelson Mandela, Maintained He Was A ‘Terrorist’

Before the Internet, we’d just have to assume there would be people still willing to say horrible, racist things about Nelson Mandela.- LOLGOP
Among the Republicans who voted against the Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act were President Reagan and Dick Cheney, who maintained that Nelson Mandela was a terrorist.
Anyone read about the Iran-Contra affair? The Halliburton scandal?
Then we went through 8 years of Bill Clinton and Mandela was STILL on the terrorists lists.....oh, don't want to be reminded of that little factoid.

He was removed from that list by George W. Bush.
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they are the party that Cheered death more than once in the primary debates.
Yeah....for Romney

October 23, 2012

Despite the issue garnering a significant amount of media interest as well as the attention of the Secret Service, Obama supporters continued their threats to riot and assassinate Mitt Romney if Obama loses in the aftermath of last night’s presidential debate............

Death threats against Mitt Romney explode in final hours of campaign
Posted at 1:06 pm on November 6, 2012 by Twitchy Staff | View Comments

i'm gon shoot romney in duh face weather he win or not

¥A$ON CL!FTON (@SteeveCastro) November 06, 2012

As Twitchy has reported, assassination threats targeting Mitt Romney continued to pile up throughout the campaign season.

#FUCKROMNEY: Hate and death threats greet Romney’s RNC speech
Twitter user threatens to assassinate Mitt Romney
Conservatives chronicle Romney death threats, face false reports
Death threats against Mitt Romney proliferate
Post-presidential debate, Obama supporters renew vows to murder Mitt Romney

And, of course they all got away with the threats....the double standard you know.

But this week, the disturbing threats on Romney’s life have absolutely exploded on Twitter. Here are just some of the recent tweets from people who want to assassinate the GOP candidate. There are many more coming in every hour.

If mitt romney win ima assassinate his bitch ass—
Pablo Escabar (@CapnSaveNoHoe) November 06, 2012
Is the hatred blacks show for Bush and Republicans "RACISM" or is it just hatred of Republicans?

Oh! That's right when whites hate a black President it's absolutely "racism," but when blacks hate a white President it's only his politics they hate, huh? Here's the proof of that,

Blacks loved LBJ even though after the Equal Rights Amendment passed ole Lyndon said, "That will have them niggers voting Democrat for the next 100 years." See? blacks love whites that say "nigger" as long as they're not fucking Republicans, huh?