This Reminds Me of Every Debate On this Forum~And Yes, the Least Educated Dies


Tea Is The New Kool-Aid
"You are obviously upset with me, so why are they here?" ...shooter says, "They're part of it, the scam."

So many race threads on here it makes me sick.

This is a white man mad about taxes like most of the people posting black race threads.

The School Board confronts his stupidity but it is too late. If you can't beat them, shoot them (R)ight?
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BIG BUSINESS FIRES SOMEONE~ Little Fox News puppet gets mad and thinks schools who run on taxation are the problem. Since stupid people are guaranteed a gun, he walks into a "debate" with a gun....because he can't win with a brain via "the pen is mightier than the sword".

He doesn't even attempt a debate, rather acts like an internet troll. "Your stupid". Then fires his gun. He did not have an AR-15 with a 100 round mag and his nerves got the best of him, he killed no one close range with a pistol. And the IDIOT school officer backup should have shot before this guy pulled the trigger.
Congratulations! Your video is a perfect example of why somebody in that room should have been armed aside from the shooter. The odds were several to one before the room cleared out. How fucking brave do you think the shooter would have been to even try what he did if he thought others in the room were armed?

Fact is, the world is full of fucking nut cases. Fact is, the right of self-defense was never more necessary.
he killed these people because he had NO fucking idea what he was talking about.

just like you idiots on the right want to do to this country
he killed these people because he had NO fucking idea what he was talking about.

just like you idiots on the right want to do to this country

Would he even had tried it if he thought others in the room were armed Moron? How many shots would he have gotten off if others in the room had been armed Moron?
he'd have been much more of a man had he just gone in swinging, eh?

He'd still be a chickenshit, but without his "manhood" in his pocket, he just wouldn't have gone anywhere near that meeting.

He needed the feeling of power a gun gives the cowardly in order the be able to face the board members.
he killed these people because he had NO fucking idea what he was talking about.

just like you idiots on the right want to do to this country

Who did he kill Desh; because this video had been shortened and none of the school board was ever hit
Funny thread title cosindering the OP hasn't participated in a single debate, and hasn't attempted to either. Wonder why has such an axe to grind.
He'd still be a chickenshit, but without his "manhood" in his pocket, he just wouldn't have gone anywhere near that meeting.

He needed the feeling of power a gun gives the cowardly in order the be able to face the board members.
is that why people become cops? because they are cowards?
Congratulations! Your video is a perfect example of why somebody in that room should have been armed aside from the shooter. The odds were several to one before the room cleared out. How fucking brave do you think the shooter would have been to even try what he did if he thought others in the room were armed?

Fact is, the world is full of fucking nut cases. Fact is, the right of self-defense was never more necessary.

There was someone else in the room with a gun kiddo......He still got a shot off. But you are clearly missing the point. You bone heads act like the guy and I wouldn't put it past some of you to do something like this.