This says basically everything I've wanted to say for a long time and didn't know how



A bunch of you people on Facebook and Twitter keep sharing a Huff Po stick-figure thing about how Gen Y is unhappy because they’re unrealistic delusional ingrates.

You know, this thing.

If you wrote that, or you liked that, carefully consider these thoughts:

1) These are weirdly contrived generational categories, too weird for such black-and-white reasoning. I’ve always thought myself more tail-end-of-Gen-X in temperament, age, and outlook. But '77-'79 is a sociologically ambiguous no-man's land, and we typically get lumped in with the millennials, especially when it comes to money matters.

2) Go f**k yourselves.

You have no idea about student debt, underemployment, life-long renting. “Stop feeling special” is some shitty advice. I don’t feel special or entitled, just poor. The only thing that makes me special is I have more ballooning debt than you. I’ve tempered the hell out of my expectations of work, and I’ve exceeded those expectations crazily to have one interesting, exciting damned career that’s culminated in some leadership roles for national publications. And I’m still poor and in debt and worked beyond the point where it can be managed with my health and my desire to actually see the son I’m helping to raise.

Younger journos see me as a success story and ask my advice, and I feel like a fraud, because I’m doing what I love, and it makes me completely miserable and exhausts me.

Last weekend my baby had a fever, and we contemplated taking him to the ER, and my first thought was - had to be - “Oh God, that could wipe out our bank account! Maybe he can just ride it out?” Our status in this Big Financial Game had sucked my basic humanity towards my child away for a minute. If I wish for something better, is that me simply being entitled and delusional?

There *are* delusions at play here, but they are not our generation's. They play out as two contradictory lectures that we are told, simultaneously, by our monied elders:

1) This is AMERICA. Everybody does better than their parents!

2) This is AMERICA. Suck it up and quit bitching that you're not as well-off as your parents!

The latter maxim lurks in the heart of every critique of millennials. It assumes that if we're worse off than previous generations, the fault is ours, and our complaints are so much white whine. We should shut up and be content, because we do work less than our forebears, and spend more time enraptured by our own navels, trying to divine some life-affirming creative direction in them.

But there's nothing for us to suck up, really. As a rule, our parents did end up much more dedicated to their careers than we have. But as a rule, they were laid off less. They didn't intern or work as independent contractors. They got full medical. They were occasionally permitted to adopt magical unicorn-like money-granting creatures called "pensions." Or, barring that, they accumulated a huger 401K to cash out before the Great Recession, because they saved more. And they saved more because the costs of college, of kid care, of health care, of doing business and staying alive and buying groceries and staying connected, were far less than they are today. They could raise a family on one salary if necessary.

They had room to advance and buy things. Yes, even the creatives. I once listened to a professor, who is in his sixties, read us the first published piece he'd been paid for, in the late 1970s. A thousand words or so. The rate, he says, was something like two bucks a word. That's four times what the Village Voice pays today, even for an award-winning investigative cover story. It's geometrically greater than what most writers can earn today writing daily brilliance for nationally renowned publications online. And writing daily brilliance, which many of them do, is hard goddamned work.

If I had a dollar for every older writer or editor who confided to me that "I don't know how young writers do it today; I certainly couldn't," I could buy every property that publishes them.

So no, we shan't be doing as well as our parents, and no, we shan't be shutting up about it. If anything, those of us who have been cowed into silence because college-educated poor problems aren't real poor problems should shed our fears and start talking about just how hard it really is out there, man.

This state of affairs does not exist because we're entitled and have simply declined to work as hard as the people that birthed us. American workers have changed from generation to generation: Since 1979, the alleged Dawn of the Millennial, the average U.S. worker has endured a 75 percent increase in productivity...while real wages stayed flat.

Those changes are blips on a timeline compared to the massive, psyche-altering vicissitudes of American Industry, its self-Taylorization to the point where profit-making and shareholder value have been maximized in ways that Morgans and Carnegies and Vanderbilts couldn't even have conceived — in ways that have stiffed workers and the families they can no longer afford. Since '79, the top 1 percent of earners in America has seen their income quadruple.

So take your “revise your expectations! check your ego!” Horatio Alger bullshit, and stuff it. While you’re at it, stuff this economy. Not this GDP, not this unemployment level: this economy, this financial system that establishes complete social and political control over us, that conditions us to believe that we don’t deserve basic shelter and clothing and food and education and existence-sustaining medical care unless we throw our lives into vassalage and hope, pray, that the lords don’t fuck with our retirements or our coverages. (Maybe if we’re extra productive, someday they’ll do a 4o1K match again, like our ancestors used to talk about!)

Take the system that siphons off our capacities for human flourishing in hopes that we get thrown a little coin of the realm in return. Take that system and blow it up, you cowards.

Oh, and also, stop thinking that you’re special.
Someone needs their participation medal!

I see you got yours, crapflooder.


Do you have anything to contribute to this topic?

We ?.....We don't know about underemployment ?.....that because we're more familiar with NO EMPLOYMENT.....
Student debt ?....After putting up my kid through college and helping with med. school, I know more about debt, both student and my own than hopfully you'll ever know.
Life long renting ?.....Stop living beyond your means and with that Oh SO GREAT job you have, save up and buy a small modest home, preferably in a rural area.
and any problems you have with family life is totally your one else is responsible for your personal life but you.

An "interesting, exciting damned career that’s culminated in some leadership roles for national publications" , does that mean you're self employed ?.......
and no health insurance at all....?....An who you gonna blame for that ? And how well off you parents are is irrelevant unless you want them to keep you
for rest of your life.....

"As a rule, our parents did end up much more dedicated to their careers than we have. But as a rule, they were laid off less. They didn't intern or work as independent contractors. They got full medical. They were occasionally permitted to adopt magical unicorn-like money-granting creatures called "pensions." Or, barring that, they accumulated a huger 401K to cash out before the Great Recession, because they saved more. And they saved more because the costs of college, of kid care, of health care, of doing business and staying alive and buying groceries and staying connected, were far less than they are today."

Its all relative....I started at $1.50 an hour in the late 60's....That's 60 bucks a week, ....they even taxed every penny too....about 5 or 6% of that $3200 yearly sum.... yeah, expenses were less....
Today, hardly anyone gets less that 9 or 10 bucks an hour unless you're a teen fast food worker....that's $360 to 400 a week....and things cost more...whats your point ?
No pensions, recessions, college costs, groceries cost big bucks..........whose fault is that...?....try the idiots you vote for that run or more likely not run things in Washington.
I've survived 12 or more recessions in my life....get over it.

"A financial system that establishes complete social and political control over us, that conditions us to believe that we don’t deserve basic shelter and clothing and food and education and existence-sustaining medical care unless we throw our lives into vassalage and hope"
You don't like a system that establishes complete social and political control over you ?.....YET, you think you deserve basic shelter, clothing, food, education and existence-sustaining medical care for you and your family ?.....from who ? Them ?

.....Did people in the 60's, 70's, or even 80's deserve all those things ? Who was gonna GIVE them all those goodies ?
Your whining just don't touch my heart is tough, get used to it. You ought to save 10% every week no matter what your income....thats words to live by.

You need a new outlook sonny,....a change of perspective in what you are, what you want, and what you can be.....
and especially in what you think you deserve
is in order......YOU picked your profession, not anyone should have considered brain surgery, it pays better.
Why have a baby if you cant afford a pediatrician?

What did you want from life when you graduated high school and how hard did you work to make that happen? It's fine to decide to do lots of different things, things that will fulfill you rather than your pocketbook...but then dont add dependents to your family until they can...depend on you.

A couple of generations before you had student loans. Tell me again why it's different for you?

The only real difference may be that you have to wait LONGER for the things your 'parents' had. I didnt own a house until I was 40...but then again, I did it on my own, not with a husband. We would not have had the $$ for kids AND a house anyway. So...hey...we didnt have kids OR take out loans we couldnt afford.

But you can still buy houses and have kids. Maybe you just need to wait a few years longer...but instead, people get all 'consumery' and get into debt and that dream gets even further away, not closer. (Let's face it, there's probably way more crap to buy now than for previous generations but nobody is making you buy it.).

I had wait until my 40s and 50s for the things *I* wanted in life. However on the way, with student loans, going back to school again in my 30s, yada yada yada...I managed to have fun anyway. It wasnt all about $$.

heh, just made a fire in the woodstove after working my azz off all day outside in the cold crisp fall day....the red wine musta gone to my head. Moar wine! :)'s about choices. I have yet to own a vehicle built in this century. OTOH, I havent had any car loans since 1983.
Someone needs their participation medal!

Way to prove that you have the reading comprehension of a fourth grader, Dude. Do you even realize that your implied "point" was specifically addressed in the article you replied so bullshittily to?
A couple of generations before you had student loans. Tell me again why it's different for you?

Seriously. Did everyone just completely miss that whole "Productivity is 75% higher, wages are flat" point? Or the fact that college tuition is up 54% from 1979 to 2008? Student loans are 50% higher, wages haven't changed even though we're working harder.

I suppose that once again I gave the people on this board too much credit and expected them to actually read and think. Fuck me for not understanding how fucking lazy each and every one of you is, on both sides.
Seriously. Did everyone just completely miss that whole "Productivity is 75% higher, wages are flat" point? Or the fact that college tuition is up 54% from 1979 to 2008? Student loans are 50% higher, wages haven't changed even though we're working harder.

I suppose that once again I gave the people on this board too much credit and expected them to actually read and think. Fuck me for not understanding how fucking lazy each and every one of you is, on both sides.

I didnt miss it. But I did say it might take longer.

Also, if those are the 'actual' costs....then people need to make more realistic choices based on current economics. It's called 'adaptation.' Humans are supposed to be exceptionally good at it.

It's not like you HAVE to make your decisions based on earlier period economics. Altho school counselors and parents *should* help with those decisions.
Also, if those are the 'actual' costs....then people need to make more realistic choices based on current economics. It's called 'adaptation.' Humans are supposed to be exceptionally good at it.

Very rich people have spent a long time figuring out how best to undercut our ability to adapt to changing economic conditions at the same time that they change the economic conditions. If you want to know who is to blame for the explosion of consumer debt, look who is getting rich off of it. Following the money will tell you who is responsible for the shape of the environment. Blaming the victim is right-wing bullshit.

Very rich people have spent a long time figuring out how best to undercut our ability to adapt to changing economic conditions at the same time that they change the economic conditions. If you want to know who is to blame for the explosion of consumer debt, look who is getting rich off of it. Following the money will tell you who is responsible for the shape of the environment. Blaming the victim is right-wing bullshit.

I'm left-wing...and I am all about competing.

You, like every other generation, will have to adapt. It's always different and there's always someone pulling the strings. It's not like many many dont...cuz they do.

Very rich people have spent a long time figuring out how best to undercut our ability to adapt to changing economic conditions at the same time that they change the economic conditions. If you want to know who is to blame for the explosion of consumer debt, look who is getting rich off of it. Following the money will tell you who is responsible for the shape of the environment. Blaming the victim is right-wing bullshit.

Always ready to blame someone else....yeah, the "rich" guy did it to me, to us......blaming others and/or not taking responsibility for yourself is left-wing bullshit.
are the farmers getting rich feeding you ?
are the semi drivers getting rich bringing food to your Walmart ?
Maybe Apple is getting rich because you bought a new $400 smart phone
Maybe Verizon is getting rich because you had to have FIOS
Maybe a car company because you had to have a new SUV
Maybe Sony because you had to have a giant flat screen HDTV
Got a sat. hook up too ?

Most of us start at the bottom or close to it unless you have well off parents slipping you the bread.
Nobody starts at the top unless your old man makes you the boss of his company....

It may seem I'm not compassionate to you, but I worked 37 years to get where I am, never bought a thing I couldn't afford, help my kids at every opportunity and spoil my grandkids as much as I'm allowed, and I ain't gonna get sucked dry by taxes and do-gooders to give you what you think you deserve.....if it wasn't for those 'rich' corporations, we'd all starve.
All you deserve is to be treated fairly, and paid fairly for what you have to offer in you expect to do for those that service your car or pick up your garbage.

There is a famous line by JFK out there, know what it is ?
Seriously. Did everyone just completely miss that whole "Productivity is 75% higher, wages are flat" point? Or the fact that college tuition is up 54% from 1979 to 2008? Student loans are 50% higher, wages haven't changed even though we're working harder.

I suppose that once again I gave the people on this board too much credit and expected them to actually read and think. Fuck me for not understanding how fucking lazy each and every one of you is, on both sides.
Your a loser and a spoiled brat, college nets millions
Grow a pair nancy
I’m doing what I love, and it makes me completely miserable and exhausts me.

As long as you love being miserable and exhausted what the fuck else can you ask for Goober? Count your blessings, you’re one lucky bastard!
I'm left-wing...and I am all about competing.

You, like every other generation, will have to adapt. It's always different and there's always someone pulling the strings. It's not like many many dont...cuz they do.

No you are not.

quit lying about it and then saying nothing but right wing talking points

the people are with you and these old fucks who just want to scream "oh these kids today" instead of facing what your generation actually faces in this current incarnation of our country will just be gone one day.

Your generation will be holding the reigns and there will be a better future for this country and its people.

Never give up
Good stuff Essense, and you are right on. And you received the usual villainizations.

The war against americans has been carried out in a multigenerational strategy, with each generation fully invested in the specially tailored mindfuck and set of manipulations that now has grandparents actively beating down their grandchildren, not giving a shit that their future is actually destroyed, but still defending the system to prop up their spurious investment portfolios built on the demise of their own progeny.
Your a loser and a spoiled brat, college nets millions
Grow a pair nancy

Not the question, you mentally deficient derp-machine. No one is arguing that the average college student makes millions in a lifetime. You're seriously arguing at this point that because college is still a net profit, it's OK that it costs 50% more even though the net benefit is only 57% of what it used to be.
