This says basically everything I've wanted to say for a long time and didn't know how

Not the question, you mentally deficient derp-machine. No one is arguing that the average college student makes millions in a lifetime. You're seriously arguing at this point that because college is still a net profit, it's OK that it costs 50% more even though the net benefit is only 57% of what it used to be.

Nobody owes a kid a free ride you loser
I think government should pay for college!
That said I disagree with slacker gen x,y,z not having way more opportunity than their parents.
education more and more each day is going to be the key to economic ( I mean the whole country) progress.

If this country does not soon start valuing educating its population then we will be swallowed whole
The quickest way to level the USA with the rest of the world is to fail to educate properly.

killing education and smearing its values with lies is what the right has been doing for decades now.

they are the REAL one worlders.

they want us to be leveled with the third world
Seriously. Did everyone just completely miss that whole "Productivity is 75% higher, wages are flat" point? Or the fact that college tuition is up 54% from 1979 to 2008? Student loans are 50% higher, wages haven't changed even though we're working harder.

I suppose that once again I gave the people on this board too much credit and expected them to actually read and think. Fuck me for not understanding how fucking lazy each and every one of you is, on both sides.

You really are a whiney boor. When I was in my 20's, I realized my wages were stagnant working in a union machine shop. I decided to do something about it and worked my way through college in order to make a better living. Prior to that I didn't care. It wasn't easy; it took me 10 years to finally graduate.

My wife and I scrimped and scrounged to scrape up a down payment on a home. We seldom ate out and stayed home a lot, primarily studying as we were both working our way through college. My wife cried at the thought of being that deep in debt with no real idea of how we were going to pay for it. Our first home was a tiny 1,400 SqFt attached home that we were able to buy because interest rates were sky high. My first mortgage was based on a variable rate mortgage starting at 8% with a cap of 16.5%.

Things weren't easy; they were just as hard. The only way one can make more money is by obtaining skills needed by companies and working in growing expanding industries.

I used to work in the printing business stripping camera copy for plate making. I saw that technology was soon going to replace what I was doing with more efficient computerized systems. I could either change, or be out of a job. Which do you think I chose?

In your narrow Socialist/commie view, one should always be paid the same based on your self perceived value and those of the past regardless of technological improvements and demand. But this is not how the real world operates. It doesn't work in command and control dictatorships or Communist regimes and it won't work here.

So by all means, get over yourself and get a clue. If you don't think you're doing as well as you should be, get off your butt and develop a skill companies need and consumers consume.

As for wages being flat; you can thank the malaise of this economy to the socialist principles of this President and Democrats who mistakenly believed that they could miraculously create good paying jobs by forcefully extracting $850 billion from the economy and spend it on political cronies and green energy products no one can use or needs.

Liberals are economic idiots; they actually believe that Governments can buy their way out of recessions by printing money. Yes, Democrats really are THAT incredibly dumb.

Very rich people have spent a long time figuring out how best to undercut our ability to adapt to changing economic conditions at the same time that they change the economic conditions. If you want to know who is to blame for the explosion of consumer debt, look who is getting rich off of it. Following the money will tell you who is responsible for the shape of the environment. Blaming the victim is right-wing bullshit.

So how are those evil rich bankers forcing us to borrow and accumulate so much debt? Did they twist our arms?

I am amused by the illogical leftist meme that presumes that the rich get richer only by killing their employees and customers. It is a painfully stupid claim that also moronically presumes that Government is good.

By the way, who do you think are the biggest polluters on the planet? Governments, or private companies?
is democracy the ability to enforce your will upon others?

the youth are the ones having the will of the previous generations forced upon them. When the retirement accounts became invested in stocks that used globalization and destroying the economy to juice their short term value and then still wanted those with no future to pay their "fair share", that's when the forcing occurred and it was done with collusion between the private and public sectors.
is democracy the ability to enforce your will upon others?

dear fucking idiot,

a democracy means we talk about the ideas and then vote on them and then the majority gets its way.

If you don't like what the founders planed then get the fuck out of the country
but apparently it nets you a peace prize if you're a black democrat president

Well i dont even really prefer the government paying for college. You know my big beef (lol big beef) is with sending as many jobs as possible overseas. This is literally wreckng our economy. In lieu of that trend being reversed, i don't know what the fuck should be done, something "socialismy". Large corporations have completely let down america, though they still want to be worshipped as the "job creators". Fuck them. I guess private enterprise is a sham after all. Right?