This says basically everything I've wanted to say for a long time and didn't know how

I suppose that once again I gave the people on this board too much credit and expected them to actually read and think.

That's it in a nutshell, but it is easy to do. So many of them have stated repeatedly that they are in the to 1% intellectually so you are to be forgiven for thinking that must mean they can read!

Very rich people have spent a long time figuring out how best to undercut our ability to adapt to changing economic conditions at the same time that they change the economic conditions. If you want to know who is to blame for the explosion of consumer debt, look who is getting rich off of it. Following the money will tell you who is responsible for the shape of the environment. Blaming the victim is right-wing bullshit.

And if the claims made by Susan Faludi in her best-seller from 1991, Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women are to be believed, the right wing has been blaming the victim since the day Reagan took office. But I personally think that it started a long time before that. I think that it started sometime before Edmond Burke! For all those in the top 1% here who don't know who he is or haven't heard of him, he was once considered conservative. Now he is probably a radical communist in most right wing circles because he believed in incremental change!
do we have a democracy?

Not according to those on the right where most of this crowd exists! To them might [power] and cheating make right!

If you don't have as much as you want you just haven't fucked enough people and that's your problem not theirs because they are all about fucking as many people as they can!
dear fucking idiot,

a democracy means we talk about the ideas and then vote on them and then the majority gets its way.

If you don't like what the founders planed then get the fuck out of the country

So if the "majority" vote to reinstate slavery, you're ok with that; because it was decided democratically?
Not according to those on the right where most of this crowd exists! To them might [power] and cheating make right!

If you don't have as much as you want you just haven't fucked enough people and that's your problem not theirs because they are all about fucking as many people as they can!

Since it is your belief that most of the posters on this site are "on the right"; why don't you post who you think they may be, so someone might be able to show if you're incorrect?
Nobody owes a kid a free ride you loser

Who said they did? Oh, wait, you ASSUMED that that's what we're talking about because you have the reading comprehension of a fourth grader! Now go back to the very beginning and read very carefully and see if you can follow the actual thread of the conversation.
You really are a whiney boor. When I was in my 20's, I realized my wages were stagnant working in a union machine shop. I decided to do something about it and worked my way through college in order to make a better living. Prior to that I didn't care. It wasn't easy; it took me 10 years to finally graduate.

My wife and I scrimped and scrounged to scrape up a down payment on a home. We seldom ate out and stayed home a lot, primarily studying as we were both working our way through college. My wife cried at the thought of being that deep in debt with no real idea of how we were going to pay for it. Our first home was a tiny 1,400 SqFt attached home that we were able to buy because interest rates were sky high. My first mortgage was based on a variable rate mortgage starting at 8% with a cap of 16.5%.

Things weren't easy; they were just as hard. The only way one can make more money is by obtaining skills needed by companies and working in growing expanding industries.

I have no idea how old you are, but I'm going to assume for the sake of this reply that you're about 60. That's the age of most of the people who spew out this kind of ignorant bullshit.

Let me lay out that single fact for you again: Wages flat. Productivity up 175%. 35 years.

What that means, in real terms, is that no, it wasn't "just as hard". What that means is that people right now work just as hard as you did back then, and they get 57% of what you got in return. You had to work your ass off just to finance you first house? Fuck you; people today work that hard and have 57% the relative income that you did then. They work as hard as you did just to be able to rent a 600 sq. ft. apartment. You're just to fucking ignorant of the changes in the economy to understand that, so you assume that they're lazy and stupid.

But the fact is right there, in black and white. People. Work. The. Same. Amount. For. Half. As. Much. Income. You were struggling, and your wife cried because you didn't know how you were going to pay off your debt? I work my motherfucking ass off and my wife cries at night because she doesn't know how we're going to buy motherfucking food. And all the while your ignorant ass is out here spraying your ignorant conservative filth all over the place shouting about personal responsibility like the Millennials don't have any when what you're actually seeing and just not comprehending is the fact that we work exactly as fucking hard as you did and we get just over half as much because rich dickwads who control the government have decided that trickle-nowhere economics is a great fucking thing.

You're an empathyless, ignorant, blind, selfish dick who couldn't tell a fact from my asshole shitting down your throat -- which I wouldn't even give you the courtesy of doing if your lungs were on fire.
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Who said they did? Oh, wait, you ASSUMED that that's what we're talking about because you have the reading comprehension of a fourth grader! Now go back to the very beginning and read very carefully and see if you can follow the actual thread of the conversation.

The Dude is a crapflooder. What do you expect from him?
education more and more each day is going to be the key to economic ( I mean the whole country) progress.

If this country does not soon start valuing educating its population then we will be swallowed whole

Considering how you slaughter the English language, this post is pretty amusing.
You really are a whiney boor. When I was in my 20's, I realized my wages were stagnant working in a union machine shop. I decided to do something about it and worked my way through college in order to make a better living. Prior to that I didn't care. It wasn't easy; it took me 10 years to finally graduate.

This is typical of many many people. I did it too. I had a job that I liked and had a degree for but ended up at the a boring desk job. So I went back to school in my early 30s. So I worked and went to's a time-honored strategy. So you live on bagels and rice and beans while your friends are all taking vacations and going out to restaurants. It's tough but it also goes by way faster than people think it will.

And you have to pay your dues all over again. I think alot of people resent that...esp. those of the entitlement generation. They seem to want to avoid that even the first time around.

I'm not saying that I got that impression from Essence....he/she seems pretty together actually....just a comment on what I've seen and read.
He, thanks. :) And I don't mind paying my dues. I graduated college with a Bachelors in '03, worked my ass off in retail, got promoted to store manager, got salaried, and then the economy tanked and the store closed. Like millions, I couldn't get a job, and as I reached the end of my unemployment insurance, I stopped looking and put myself to work putting together a business that writes blogs for small businesses. Over the last four years, I've taught myself in the ins and outs of SEO, marketed my skills wisely, and my income per unit has quadrupled. I work from home, from the moment my 5yo goes to school at 8:30AM until an hour or two after he gets home at 4PM every weekday. (Obviously, I take a few breaks, many of which I spend yelling at the right wingers around here because it's great stress relief.) I work a few hours on weekends, too. I've got my shit together, and I'm damn proud of being able to do it without suckling at the teat of corporate America. But as the article I linked to in the OP said, articles that got paid $2/word 30 years ago get paid $.50/word now. In other words, people in my profession working exactly as hard as I do today made four times as much as I do not taking into account the fact that country-wide, wages have been flat while productivity has risen 75%. If you add that in, I should be making somewhere near seven times what I do now.

And then they have the gall to bitch about the fact that I'm still on foodstamps as though it's a matter of personal responsibility. Go fuck yourselves; the economy fucking sucks and it's the fault of conservative voodoo economics that have moved the wealth in this country entirely out of the hands of the middle and lower classes and into the hands of the rich. The same money that would have gone into my pocket in 1978 is going into the Koch Brothers', and for no reason other than that we decided to start letting corporations pay politicians to represent only the interests of the owner class.
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So you have weak ass skills and are on food stamps!
Everybody rises to there level.
Good for you junior
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Yep. You've certainly risen to your fourth-grade reading level. Do you even comprehend what's being said, or are you just crapflooding because crap is the only content left between your ears?
Yep. You've certainly risen to your fourth-grade reading level. Do you even comprehend what's being said, or are you just crapflooding because crap is the only content left between your ears?
Angry bird on food stamps
Listen, I'm sure that's the best you can do, so you are who foods stamps are for.
Those who don't have skills to provide for themselves.
I think it's hilarious that Kaboomers created each and every single one of the problems mentioned in the article, but they want to blame Millennials. They used to try blaming Gen X, but that didn't work.

Which was the first generation to feel special?
Which was the first to collectively feel the world had let them down?
Why the fuck was there a hippy movement in the first place?

The children of the greatest generation became the worst. Then the succeeding two generations had to deal with their sense of loss, their refusal to EVER take responsibility for their actions/failure, and their general bullshit.

Yes, we have debts and shouldn't make excuses. Thank you for making everything so damned expensive.

As Billy is so fond of saying, the Kaboomers cannot possibly die soon enough.