This says basically everything I've wanted to say for a long time and didn't know how

Its pretty much on the level of being a good pool player in the area of human morality.

Go get stoned and listen to some love filled Bob songs and regain your humanity
Piss off, it doesn't make you evil as you pretend. Bitch

so NOW jyou are going to flat out LIE about what I said?

dude I made good decisions too with what I could muster.

THAT is not what makes me a good human being.

Its not evil to be good at finances but it sure aint saintly
Its pretty much on the level of being a good pool player in the area of human morality.

Go get stoned and listen to some love filled Bob songs and regain your humanity
Why would you be soo bent to assume that is not my daily routine. Oh evil one
debate all you like. deny me any of my rights and freedoms, I will kill you.

you will kill no one.

the police will blow you away before you muster the gonads to kill anyone.

man am I sick of nutters who think they are scary because they brag about guns.

the sad thing is you don't even know what I said is actually a compliment to you
I have no idea how old you are, but I'm going to assume for the sake of this reply that you're about 60. That's the age of most of the people who spew out this kind of ignorant bullshit.

Let me lay out that single fact for you again: Wages flat. Productivity up 175%. 35 years.

What that means, in real terms, is that no, it wasn't "just as hard". What that means is that people right now work just as hard as you did back then, and they get 57% of what you got in return. You had to work your ass off just to finance you first house? Fuck you; people today work that hard and have 57% the relative income that you did then. They work as hard as you did just to be able to rent a 600 sq. ft. apartment. You're just to fucking ignorant of the changes in the economy to understand that, so you assume that they're lazy and stupid.

But the fact is right there, in black and white. People. Work. The. Same. Amount. For. Half. As. Much. Income. You were struggling, and your wife cried because you didn't know how you were going to pay off your debt? I work my motherfucking ass off and my wife cries at night because she doesn't know how we're going to buy motherfucking food. And all the while your ignorant ass is out here spraying your ignorant conservative filth all over the place shouting about personal responsibility like the Millennials don't have any when what you're actually seeing and just not comprehending is the fact that we work exactly as fucking hard as you did and we get just over half as much because rich dickwads who control the government have decided that trickle-nowhere economics is a great fucking thing.

You're an empathyless, ignorant, blind, selfish dick who couldn't tell a fact from my asshole shitting down your throat -- which I wouldn't even give you the courtesy of doing if your lungs were on fire.

There you have it folks; liberalism in all it's repugnant brilliance. Any questions?

Yes essence; you really are that repugnantly stupid and give ignorance a bad name.

Carry on; you're a complete waste of bandwidth.
I think it's hilarious that Kaboomers created each and every single one of the problems mentioned in the article, but they want to blame Millennials. They used to try blaming Gen X, but that didn't work.

Which was the first generation to feel special?
Which was the first to collectively feel the world had let them down?
Why the fuck was there a hippy movement in the first place?

The children of the greatest generation became the worst. Then the succeeding two generations had to deal with their sense of loss, their refusal to EVER take responsibility for their actions/failure, and their general bullshit.

Yes, we have debts and shouldn't make excuses. Thank you for making everything so damned expensive.

As Billy is so fond of saying, the Kaboomers cannot possibly die soon enough.


Yup....the stereotype in print.

No personal responsibility, all whining, unrealistic expectations.

If they dont have what they want by 25...they've been gyped out of it by earlier generations. Forgetting that earlier generations didnt have much in the way of disposable income for toys, travel, etc. until their 40s, 50s, 60s.

The whiners now even get to stay on their parent's health insurance until 26!! Holy crap..,if I was your generation I'd be embarrassed as Hell at that explicit acknowledgement that you are losers.
There you have it folks; liberalism in all it's repugnant brilliance. Any questions?

Yes essence; you really are that repugnantly stupid and give ignorance a bad name.

Carry on; you're a complete waste of bandwidth.

I'm still waiting for the day you explain WHY. You've got all of this opinion, but you've never once (at least since I've gotten here) given a single actual fact to support it all. I keep asking you to actually debate, and you keep spewing your opinion without offering a single lick of support for anything you say. And you know what -- you can't afford to get into a genuine debate about your beliefs, because if you actually did take the time to offer up the support that you do use to explain your idiocy to yourself, it would get dismantled in a heartbeat by people who a) know how to debate and b)understand the facts.

You hide behind several synonyms of the word 'stupid' and your own overinflated ego because if you actually laid out what you believe and why, you would have to actually examine your own beliefs, and you can't afford to do that, because they don't actually stand up to any level of rigorous scrutiny.

And if you don't believe that, than do it. Get off your intellectually lazy ass and actually argue. Tell me WHY what I say is stupid, not just THAT it's stupid. Do it in a way that someone who doesn't have a good grasp of conservative economic and social theory would understand. Explain your axioms as well as your arguments. Let's see who the real Truth Detector is.

I suspect you're too fucking lazy and stupid to actually step up, and I straight up, elementary-schoolyard double dog dare you to prove me wrong.
you will kill no one.

the police will blow you away before you muster the gonads to kill anyone.

man am I sick of nutters who think they are scary because they brag about guns.

the sad thing is you don't even know what I said is actually a compliment to you

this is why you're not only a fool, but a retard as well. I served as a marine for 6 years. i'm quite capable of killing someone and with more than just a gun. your idiocy in your belief that cops are superheroes is blown away with every misconduct post I make.

reality is going to scare the shit out of you someday.
Slacker gen is the first one wanting better than their parents given to them!
It is boomer parents fault, we raised you nancy boys on video games and free cars at 16.
The truth is most of them will do better, more go to college than ever, especially woman.
Now I'm not going so far as to say a basket weaving or history degree will do it though.

Are you saying you're the only Kaboomer not raised in the idiot box? Sweet 16s were invented by lousy Greatest Gen parents and you were the original recipients. Obviously, you were not the original shitty parents. You will be the original wrecking ball AARP generation.
Regarding college degrees, they may not guarantee jobs, but the possession of a diploma is still considered a basic requirement by employers.

Yup....the stereotype in print.

No personal responsibility, all whining, unrealistic expectations.

If they dont have what they want by 25...they've been gyped out of it by earlier generations. Forgetting that earlier generations didnt have much in the way of disposable income for toys, travel, etc. until their 40s, 50s, 60s.

The whiners now even get to stay on their parent's health insurance until 26!! Holy crap..,if I was your generation I'd be embarrassed as Hell at that explicit acknowledgement that you are losers.

Minus the new innovation of the health plans, you have described the Kaboomers perfectly. The original spoiled brats, ZERO personal responsibility, ONLY whining coming out of your mouths, and unrealistic expectations that gave birth to counterculture and other reactions.

It started with milk and cookies and has evolved to tens of trillions in national debt.