This should REALLY piss off the Righties

Yes. It does. The world series is a stupid dumb fucking game with no meaning of any consequence. The presidential race is much more interesting. I hope they cancel the entire thing.

Leave it to a right winger to call someone gay like its insulting.

I guess you don't read Cypress posts.

Actually now that I think about it by comparing you to gay people I was insulting gay people. Many gay people actually like sports.

I apologize to gay people for my f*cked up comment.
it's all a bunch of bullshit so historians can look back at it and use it as a point of reference to masturbate to because WOW WHAT A MOMENT IN MEDIA.
You'll have to think like a con to figure that out...

As a sports fan this comment is really interesting to me. I've never really given thought to the political leaning of sports fans because I just figured its mixed. Maybe I was wrong. WM, you think more or most sports fans are conservatives?
As a sports fan this comment is really interesting to me. I've never really given thought to the political leaning of sports fans because I just figured its mixed. Maybe I was wrong. WM, you think more or most sports fans are conservatives?

The dumber the sport is, the more conservative the audience. For instance, consider Nascar.
As a sports fan this comment is really interesting to me. I've never really given thought to the political leaning of sports fans because I just figured its mixed. Maybe I was wrong. WM, you think more or most sports fans are conservatives?

I just hate sports. I honestly couldn't comment on that. I think most sports guys are conservatives but that would be something I pulled out of my ass.
From a righty:

Obviously Obama is running scared. After all, McCain wiped the floor with him in all three debates. No wonder Obama refused McCain's offer of 10-12 town hall type debates, it would only make matters worse.

From a lefty:

Obviously Obama simply wants to rehearse his first inaugural speech, In preparation for his second, and then his third since the people will most likely re-amend the Constitution to allow such a strong and determined leader as many terms as President as he is willing to accept.

From a realist:

I ain't gonna watch the fucker. Be a good time to cook the pre-game show pizza's and stock the coolers.
Or even worse, poker.

Yes, that was a shot at Grind. ;)

yes but a lousy one. Poker is a highly analytical game. To be a good winning player, you should be able to have a firm grasp of pot odds, implied odds, reverse implied odds, knowing your equity in the current hand, how to calculate correct push/fold ranges based on your opponents likely hand range and how much fold equity you derive from that. You need to know how to read people, look for tells, etc etc etc..

so shooooove it beyotch
Now that is worth pushing back the start of the World Series. Otherwise a politician pushing the World Series back? Unless its George Washington or Abe Lincoln returning from the dead I don't know about that.

what world series