Those Who Demand Nothing, Get Nothing


The Force is With Me
"African Americans are the only constituency that has presented no demands to the two corporate candidates."

The current election cycle is, indeed, one for the history books. For the first time since the rebellions of the Sixties, we hardly hear the call for a Marshall-type plan to rebuild the cities - once the near-unanimous, unifying demand of virtually the entire spectrum of Black "leadership." Not that the demand has been made moot or passé by great achievements in rendering urban America more habitable to Blacks or more recent influxes of browns. The opposite is true: urban centers have become far more hostile environments to the non-affluent of all ethnicities. The historic Black demand for massive urban transformation, for a grand makeover of the cities that would redress the huge wrongs inflicted on the yearning Black masses who were methodically excluded from the great suburban post-World War Two national project, has been answered - by our enemies, with a second Black exclusion in the form of gentrification.

In place of a massive public sector-led Marshall Plan to rehabilitate the cities for the benefit of the largely African American populations that inherited them by default through government-subsidized white flight, public policy now facilitates the Corporate Plan for the cities: Black removal.

If any handwriting-on-the-wall were needed to graphically illustrate the grand corporate scheme for the cities, it is written on the walls of the 70,000-plus unrehabilitated, empty homes of the scattered, mostly Black and poor classes of metropolitan New Orleans; in the rubble of countless demolished public housing projects across the nation, not one of which has ever been replaced unit-for-unit; and in the millions of affordable private dwellings that have been supplanted by habitats for well-to-do urban newcomers - a small fraction of whom are Black or brown.

"Urban centers have become far more hostile environments to the non-affluent of all ethnicities."

It is true that elements of the Black misleadership class have often conspired with "developers" (actually, "destroyers") to displace many of their own constituents. Yet even these cynical players pay lip service to the general Black demand for a Marshall-type plan that would transform the cities for the benefit of existing populations. Along with the age-old demand for elemental justice from the state, a comprehensive plan to bring working class jobs, affordable housing, quality education and civilized amenities to the central cities remains the most broad-based and deeply centered aspiration of the modern Black Political Consensus. For decades, it was the demand that must be heard.

Until now. With the ascension of Barack Obama, all Black agitation has been subordinated to his election, leaving African Americans as the only constituency that has presented no demands to the two corporate candidates. Black misleadership simply accepts what Obama feels comfortable in offering. His Denver acceptance speech shows Obama is prepared to give Blacks precisely what they have asked for: nothing.

-- more at link

Obama assumes there will be overwhelming black support for him in record numbers .. but there shouldn't be.

I predict that he will lose, but not because of race.
What demands do blacks need to make? I faced the same challenges they do in this country. The only difference today is---they tend to trash their own neighborhoods--and elect people like Kilpatrick--a gangster. I think the blacks need to demand more of themselfs. The ones who do--can actually run for president. I grew up in a small rural area, and we had black families there (more now). Why were they there in the country--because they demended more of themselfs and did not want to raise their children in a ghetto. They simply moved--and demended a good U-Haul.

Of course--you have to have some skills to move, and take care of yourself--no matter what race you are. Time to demend more of yourself, if you want more for yourself. Grand Rapids Michigan has a good size black population, and a couple of small rough neighborhoods--but most blacks have a better car than I do. They demended more from them self--and they got it! Obama is responsible for rising racial tension in our city. His pay back time policies is elevating tension has been calm for decades. I see it in my city--right now.

The fucker Obama is using you. Is it really pay back time?
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"African Americans are the only constituency that has presented no demands to the two corporate candidates."

The current election cycle is, indeed, one for the history books. For the first time since the rebellions of the Sixties, we hardly hear the call for a Marshall-type plan to rebuild the cities - once the near-unanimous, unifying demand of virtually the entire spectrum of Black "leadership." Not that the demand has been made moot or passé by great achievements in rendering urban America more habitable to Blacks or more recent influxes of browns. The opposite is true: urban centers have become far more hostile environments to the non-affluent of all ethnicities. The historic Black demand for massive urban transformation, for a grand makeover of the cities that would redress the huge wrongs inflicted on the yearning Black masses who were methodically excluded from the great suburban post-World War Two national project, has been answered - by our enemies, with a second Black exclusion in the form of gentrification.

In place of a massive public sector-led Marshall Plan to rehabilitate the cities for the benefit of the largely African American populations that inherited them by default through government-subsidized white flight, public policy now facilitates the Corporate Plan for the cities: Black removal.

If any handwriting-on-the-wall were needed to graphically illustrate the grand corporate scheme for the cities, it is written on the walls of the 70,000-plus unrehabilitated, empty homes of the scattered, mostly Black and poor classes of metropolitan New Orleans; in the rubble of countless demolished public housing projects across the nation, not one of which has ever been replaced unit-for-unit; and in the millions of affordable private dwellings that have been supplanted by habitats for well-to-do urban newcomers - a small fraction of whom are Black or brown.

"Urban centers have become far more hostile environments to the non-affluent of all ethnicities."

It is true that elements of the Black misleadership class have often conspired with "developers" (actually, "destroyers") to displace many of their own constituents. Yet even these cynical players pay lip service to the general Black demand for a Marshall-type plan that would transform the cities for the benefit of existing populations. Along with the age-old demand for elemental justice from the state, a comprehensive plan to bring working class jobs, affordable housing, quality education and civilized amenities to the central cities remains the most broad-based and deeply centered aspiration of the modern Black Political Consensus. For decades, it was the demand that must be heard.

Until now. With the ascension of Barack Obama, all Black agitation has been subordinated to his election, leaving African Americans as the only constituency that has presented no demands to the two corporate candidates. Black misleadership simply accepts what Obama feels comfortable in offering. His Denver acceptance speech shows Obama is prepared to give Blacks precisely what they have asked for: nothing.

-- more at link

Obama assumes there will be overwhelming black support for him in record numbers .. but there shouldn't be.

I predict that he will lose, but not because of race.

I don't really want to get into it with you. I've been down that road before and it doesn't really get either of us anywhere. I simply offer you the link below detailing Obama's urban policy.

As an initial matter, Obama is the first candidate that I can remember that has actually offered an urban policy. Typically, presidential candidates don't even bother, instead focusing exclusively on rural issues.

The policies Obama is proposing may be less than you would like, but at least he's talking about it.
What demands do blacks need to make? I faced the same challenges they do in this country. The only difference today is---they tend to trash their own neighborhoods--and elect people like Kilpatrick--a gangster. I think the blacks need to demand more of themselfs. The ones who do--can actually run for president. I grew up in a small rural area, and we had black families there (more now). Why were they there in the country--because they demended more of themselfs and did not want to raise their children in a ghetto. They simply moved--and demended a good U-Haul.

Of course--you have to have some skills to move, and take care of yourself--no matter what race you are. Time to demend more of yourself, if you want more for yourself. Grand Rapids Michigan has a good size black population, and a couple of small rough neighborhoods--but most blacks have a better car than I do. They demended more from them self--and they got it! Obama is responsible for rising racial tension in our city. His pay back time policies is elevating tension has been calm for decades. I see it in my city--right now.

The fucker Obama is using you. Is it really pay back time?

Hey, I know someone will call me racist, but the other day my brother in law and I were talking about how popular culture like BET glamorize gangsta crap. I made a comment that I thought too many in that culture must not care or must be afraid to expect better behavior from their friends and brothers. Then my brother in law said Asians had no problem coming here and working for better lives. I said it 's because they demand more out of each other.

I know tons of african americans who work hard and I know tons of white trash losers, so I'm not trying to blame race. It's the culture, for lack of a better term.

Just my ignorant opinion
Hey, I know someone will call me racist, but the other day my brother in law and I were talking about how popular culture like BET glamorize gangsta crap. I made a comment that I thought too many in that culture must not care or must be afraid to expect better behavior from their friends and brothers. Then my brother in law said Asians had no problem coming here and working for better lives. I said it 's because they demand more out of each other.

I know tons of african americans who work hard and I know tons of white trash losers, so I'm not trying to blame race. It's the culture, for lack of a better term.

Just my ignorant opinion

Racist. :)

I saw an interesting documentary that laid quite a bit of the blame at the feet of leftism. Specifically, the counter culture of the 60s and 70s. Blacks were rapidly advancing in the decades prior and things looked great for them. Then along came a culture of rich young white morons that told them to blow off traditional values (many of which were there for a damn good reason, some of which were silly). These hippies settled in the "ghettos" and inner cities, where their parents allowance enabled them to pay rent and still live comfortably. Their impact on the culture was devastating.
bac go back to school and get a real degree, try business.
That battle has been fought and lost. Nobody gives a shit about the puke holes you call cities anymore.
Now, THE battle is cheap gas to get educated (corporate blacks & whites) to those cities to work and back out before dark.
I don't really want to get into it with you. I've been down that road before and it doesn't really get either of us anywhere. I simply offer you the link below detailing Obama's urban policy.

As an initial matter, Obama is the first candidate that I can remember that has actually offered an urban policy. Typically, presidential candidates don't even bother, instead focusing exclusively on rural issues.

The policies Obama is proposing may be less than you would like, but at least he's talking about it.
I got turned off in the first paragraph. I do agree with him about the job loss, but I don't think I agree with him on a the solution. As soon as he said "We need to make INVESTMENTS to make America competitive again"--He lost me. What does he mean by "Investments". He means higher cost for the people in troubling economic times. He is thinking bigger government, and that will fix the problems. I think they have proven other wise. you have no reason to believe his bigger government will fix any problems. In fact--history show we have more and more problems, as government gets bigger.

It is tax breaks that will stimulate our production on our home soil--(probably small companies with 200 or less employees), and grow the middle class again--not investments in expensive, and ineffective federal policy (or would it be world policy with Obama?).

The small guy is the only guy who can hire on home land--the big guys are leaving. Obama's plan hurts the small guys coming up---like me.
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Hey, I know someone will call me racist, but the other day my brother in law and I were talking about how popular culture like BET glamorize gangsta crap. I made a comment that I thought too many in that culture must not care or must be afraid to expect better behavior from their friends and brothers. Then my brother in law said Asians had no problem coming here and working for better lives. I said it 's because they demand more out of each other.

I know tons of african americans who work hard and I know tons of white trash losers, so I'm not trying to blame race. It's the culture, for lack of a better term.

Just my ignorant opinion

not a ignorant opinion to me. The multi culty culture pushers are ignorant to believe there will never be racism. We all group people up, no matter what they say or dream. I do think the black population as a whole need to pull their boot straps up, and follow their dreams, but I can't say it is because they are black. They came to this nation in a very poor way. They came here under total opression. I think any race would have a hard time pulling up their boot straps, if they were in the same boots. That is probably the most anti racist statement you guys will ever hear in your life--if you race belching, high educated liberials can recognize it.

I was watching some Bet, just last night for the first time. I think the show was call "south central". It looks like a series. It was life in the hood. A lot like my life in the contry--but a lot more condensed for sure--and more hectic. But--my drunk neighbor would pull a 12 gauge Browning semi auto shot gun on his family every time he got drunk (almost). Nobody got shot, but I can understand the environment. These young kids, growing up in those neighborhoods--are gonna have a real tough time. They are programmed real bad--as a survival means. I am a firmly believe that they don't see enough perspectives, to make a choice of their life path. Welfare makes it worse, as it is encouragement for self slavery today. I liked the show--it had hard hitting good points for those rough neighborhoods. Thats a start---those kids are not stupid, they just need better perspectives so they can make a choice for themselfs IMO.

I don't think Germany had slaves (accept for their people)--they just tried to whipe out several races.
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Hey, I know someone will call me racist, but the other day my brother in law and I were talking about how popular culture like BET glamorize gangsta crap. I made a comment that I thought too many in that culture must not care or must be afraid to expect better behavior from their friends and brothers. Then my brother in law said Asians had no problem coming here and working for better lives. I said it 's because they demand more out of each other.

I know tons of african americans who work hard and I know tons of white trash losers, so I'm not trying to blame race. It's the culture, for lack of a better term.

Just my ignorant opinion

You know, one of the most insulting things you can say to an Asian is that they are the 'model minority' that shows teh darkies how to git et dun.


I saw an interesting documentary that laid quite a bit of the blame at the feet of leftism. Specifically, the counter culture of the 60s and 70s. Blacks were rapidly advancing in the decades prior and things looked great for them. Then along came a culture of rich young white morons that told them to blow off traditional values (many of which were there for a damn good reason, some of which were silly). These hippies settled in the "ghettos" and inner cities, where their parents allowance enabled them to pay rent and still live comfortably. Their impact on the culture was devastating.

This is a Dano type argument. Liberals are teh reason my grass don't grow as good no mo.
Why do African Americans need to make any seperate demands ?
The people make demands, color is irrelevant.

I am still waiting on the russian Americans demands.
This is a Dano type argument. Liberals are teh reason my grass don't grow as good no mo.

Nah. Dano rarely gives any reasons. He just blames all urban problems on libruls.

This is more about the cultural change in black communities/families, that happened during the period, than government anyway. The rejection of ALL traditional values was okay for rich college educated white people. But for blacks that were struggling to improve their condition it was not such a good idea.

Now I am not saying all traditional values should have been preserved. Of course, many were racist and sexist. Those needed to be rejected and overturned. But others were traditions for good reasons, e.g., monogamous and stable families with two parents, avoiding drug abuse, etc.

I am not saying I fully agree with the documentary, but I think it was an interesting perspective that had some merit.
Why do African Americans need to make any seperate demands ?
The people make demands, color is irrelevant.

I am still waiting on the russian Americans demands.

On behalf of Irish Americans, I demand tax credits for drinking Guinness!:clink:
The biggest cultural difference between blacks and whites or other minorities, has little to do with gangster rap.

It's single parent households. Asians have fewer single parent households than whites. Hispanics have a far lower percentage of single family households than blacks. Before the 60s-70s the percentage differences were not that great and I believe blacks might have had lower single parent rates than whites. Blacks were rising rapidly.

Forget about rebuilding the cities we need to figure out how we can rebuild the traditional black family. While gangster rap might continue that it is not where it started.
Racist. :)

I saw an interesting documentary that laid quite a bit of the blame at the feet of leftism. Specifically, the counter culture of the 60s and 70s. Blacks were rapidly advancing in the decades prior and things looked great for them. Then along came a culture of rich young white morons that told them to blow off traditional values (many of which were there for a damn good reason, some of which were silly). These hippies settled in the "ghettos" and inner cities, where their parents allowance enabled them to pay rent and still live comfortably. Their impact on the culture was devastating.

Michell Obama told young people the same thing during their campain. To blow off US philosophies of free market and capatolism. If she is not a capatolist--what is she?

Damn--that was a good question!!
Michell Obama told young people the same thing during their campain. To blow off US philosophies of free market and capatolism. If she is not a capatolist--what is she?

Damn--that was a good question!!

There is a version of capitalism that presses for profits regardless of the costs. They ignore the responsibilities that come with power, and ignore the byproducts of their efforts.

I think that is what Mrs. Obama was talking about.
bac go back to school and get a real degree, try business.
That battle has been fought and lost. Nobody gives a shit about the puke holes you call cities anymore.
Now, THE battle is cheap gas to get educated (corporate blacks & whites) to those cities to work and back out before dark.

All to improve their liberities and live more free. Right on IMO, but it is a preference. Plenty of people can't imagine living outside of the city--They call themselfs environmentalists.
I don't really want to get into it with you. I've been down that road before and it doesn't really get either of us anywhere. I simply offer you the link below detailing Obama's urban policy.

As an initial matter, Obama is the first candidate that I can remember that has actually offered an urban policy. Typically, presidential candidates don't even bother, instead focusing exclusively on rural issues.

The policies Obama is proposing may be less than you would like, but at least he's talking about it.

When Obama comes to the black community all he offers is scorn .. but when he visits ANY other demographic he tells them what he's going to do for them.