Thousands of vets march on DC - demand trump's removal from office....

I don't wish them any harm or hard times but if it comes all I can say is they got what they wanted now we all have to put up with the mess.
its not about wishing anybody anything, its about people who had all the information, all of Trumps very words and history and still they voted for this can anybody then stand up and support these people? The man called you suckers, shitted all over Gold Star families, refused to serve himself, treated a dead man like shit for having been a prisoner of war and you want me to rally for these sorry motherfuckers who still voted for this bitch? Hell to the NO. My allegiance is to this country, not to some wanna be dictator who only kiss men in uniform ass is when he needs a vote...fuck em all!!
You don't like Democracy?
I served 10 years in the United States Navy, went to bootcamp in Orlando Florida and was discharged with Honors. I vote the Democratic ticket since I was old enough to vote, if anybody is proud of this country and loves Democracy, it is I. And to stand with 61% of soldiers who were more than well informed on how unfit Trump was and is and feel sorry for these motherfuckers...not happening now, not happening 2mar and damn show will never happen. They were warned and still made their choice, so damit deal with the shit and stop whining, white vets
And don't forget "suckers" and "losers" too.

MAGATs use our vets as virtue-signaling props. You haul out your flags and find a couple of vets to parade around on Memorial Day, Veterans Day, and other patriotic holidays, then say "fuck 'em" the rest of the time.
Poor Scowlwoman, has your expert husbands financial acumen been letting you down? Is that what has you so cranky?

They were warned.
Oh, so NOW they want to defend the Constitution? Now they want to support this nations democracy and stand up against Trump? Too damn late. Its only when the monster sends for ya, then you want to rally and protest...well everybody in uniform had a chance NOV. 5, 2024
Looks like about 150.
As the summer near, the protesting will increase....but I wish instead protesting against Trump and Elon...2025 should go down in history as the year, every single citizen stood up and rallied for TERM LIMITS IN BOTH HOUSES AND THEY SHOULD DEMAND ACROSS THE COUNTRY, SPECIAL ELECTIONS ON THIS VERY ISSUE. In 2016 after Trump stole our election, women across the country all stood in unison against Trump and within 4 years...ROE V WADE, THE VOTING RIGHTS ACT, AFFIRMATIVE ACTION AND OTHER PROTECTIVE LAWS, ALL WERE DISMANTLED. Protest don't mean shit to a man hell bent on turning this nation into a one man rules all nation. And with Ky. Mitch leading the way, the Tea Party and the GOP became his tools...TERM LIMITS, TERM LIMITS TERM LIMITS ARE A MUST IF WE'RE TO BECOME A SOLID DEMOCRATIC NATION AGAIN.
I served 10 years in the United States Navy, went to bootcamp in Orlando Florida and was discharged with Honors. I vote the Democratic ticket since I was old enough to vote, if anybody is proud of this country and loves Democracy, it is I. And to stand with 61% of soldiers who were more than well informed on how unfit Trump was and is and feel sorry for these motherfuckers...not happening now, not happening 2mar and damn show will never happen. They were warned and still made their choice, so damit deal with the shit and stop whining, white vets
I served 27 years in the USN retiring as a Chief Electrician's Mate (SW) nuclear field, NEC 3384. I rarely vote Democrat. I have always been registered as an independent. I also went to a university and later in my naval career often had more education than the officers I was serving under.

One thing I learned while in college was that the Left--today the Democrat party--is completely insane, fucked up, and stupid beyond reason. I saw it in their inane protests, in their angry, childish, behavior, and in classes where they were present. You could present solid, 100% factual, information that contradicted their beliefs and they'd tell you to your face you were not only wrong, but a choice of profane insults as well. They acted and thought like petulant children.

Trump is far from a great candidate for president, but the alternative in Harris, a completely insane, fucked up, stupid beyond reason Leftist made the choice easy, and she sure as hell wasn't going to be it.

It is YOU that is ill-informed. Voting for the Left is to vote yourself into disastrous slavery. The Left will make you, by force, if necessary, a cog in the government machine. They want to reduce you to a dependent child, just like they are. What the Left truly hates about Trump and Musk is that they are forcing them to grow up and act like adults.
Poor Scowlwoman, has your expert husbands financial acumen been letting you down? Is that what has you so cranky?
I served 27 years in the USN retiring as a Chief Electrician's Mate (SW) nuclear field, NEC 3384. I rarely vote Democrat. I have always been registered as an independent. I also went to a university and later in my naval career often had more education than the officers I was serving under.

One thing I learned while in college was that the Left--today the Democrat party--is completely insane, fucked up, and stupid beyond reason. I saw it in their inane protests, in their angry, childish, behavior, and in classes where they were present. You could present solid, 100% factual, information that contradicted their beliefs and they'd tell you to your face you were not only wrong, but a choice of profane insults as well. They acted and thought like petulant children.

Trump is far from a great candidate for president, but the alternative in Harris, a completely insane, fucked up, stupid beyond reason Leftist made the choice easy, and she sure as hell wasn't going to be it.

It is YOU that is ill-informed. Voting for the Left is to vote yourself into disastrous slavery. The Left will make you, by force, if necessary, a cog in the government machine. They want to reduce you to a dependent child, just like they are. What the Left truly hates about Trump and Musk is that they are forcing them to grow up and act like adults.
I like so many Americans are the beneficiaries of Left wing policies and their concerns for the common man. I challenge you to name at least 2 things the GOP have put forth for the betterment of the American people in the DECADE OF THE 21ST CENTURY...just 2...and I'll wait
I'm a black woman living in AmeriKKKa,
You are probably a male leftist loser who doesn't even know what a woman is. You are a leftist, supporter of the DNC, i.e. the party of slavery, the party of the KKK and of the Jim Crow laws, which is why you make everything about race and gender and nothing about anything of substance.

born in 1959 with no rights
I see that you allowed the DNC to do your thinking for you. You have absolutely no excuse for being a Democrat. Anything that is fuqked-up about your life you did to yourself.

and will die someday in the 2000's with no rights
Well, of course. As long as you allow the DNC to dominate your mind, you will forever be a slave. Again, you did it to yourself.

....struggle means nothing to people of color, we were born to live with adversity and white trauma.
Struggle means nothing to people who allow the DNC to do their thinking for them; they were born to live under tyranny and Marxist trauma.
I served 10 years in the United States Navy, went to bootcamp in Orlando Florida
I accept you as an authority on swabbing the deck.

I vote the Democratic ticket since I was old enough to vote,
... so don't bitch about having to live with the consequences of allowing the party of slavery to do your thinking for you. You fuqked up and allowed a militant Marxist organization to fuqk with your mind. You did it to yourself.

if anybody is proud of this country and loves Democracy, it is I.
This country is not a democracy and has never been one. Only Marxists insist on democracy, which is a euphemism for Marxism. Every political party with "Democracy" or "Democratic" in its name is either Communist or Socialist. Every country with "Democratic" in its name is Socialist. Democrats are forever insisting that the US needs to be less and less of a Constitutional republic and more and more of a democracy, i.e. Marxist Utopian state, which is why Democrats like you are always bitching and whining and complaining about the 1st and 2nd Amendments and clammoring for their repeal/abolition/deletion.

Fuqk you and your mindless Marxist echo chamber.

And to stand with 61% of soldiers who were more than well informed on how unfit Trump was and is and feel sorry for these motherfuckers.
I'm starting to not believe that you are actually a veteran. My presumption now is that you were actually lying. Shame on you. Nay, fuqk you.

They were warned and still made their choice [to make America great again]
Of course. If you had actually been a veteran who had actually fought for the United States, you too would have gone all in on making America great again, not in on making America shittier than ever so as to bring about its collapse via Cacklin' Kamala.

No, it is based on the ad asking for paid protesters in that area that was posted on this site about four days or so ago... I wonder if that was the protest they were hiring for...
I didn't see it. Link or do you recall how much they were being paid to impersonate vets for the Democratic Party?
I didn't see it. Link or do you recall how much they were being paid to impersonate vets for the Democratic Party?
I think Diogenes posted the thread with the ad. I'll see if I can link to the thread for you. I know not everyone can read every thread, in fact I don't think anyone could read every thread here, and some will not read some by certain posters. Though I will never understand the allure of the "ignore feature" as I don't think of it as a "feature" and have no urge to stop listening to any one of y'all.