Thr Govenator just screwed 200,000 workers

The tax freak out is what has given us the current economy.

Say the word taxes and a certain segment gets irrational and irresponable.
LMAO.... when will YOU learn that raising taxes is not always the best solution. It leads the idiots in politics to believe they can keep spending whatever they like because they can just raise taxes to cover their spending.

Taxes hurt the little people too Desh. Even in situations where you attempt to tax "just the rich" to make up for shortfalls. The little people still can get hurt.

I do not know CA's case in particular, but who wants to be there is a ton of wasteful spending in their current budget?

I have never said that taxes is always the best answer.

Its you and your buddies who ALWAYS say they are a disastor.
What should he do? Allow a government shutdown, where the workers get paid nothing?

The workers getting paid is not going to shut the government down. He's doing this for one reason. That is to look at the evil Democrats and the legislature and say "LOOK WHAT THEY'RE FORCING ME TO DO TO THESE POOR WORKERS!" and force them to pass a budget he likes under political pressure.
You have a budget shortfall.

You have services you must provide.

You raise the fucking money to provide the services.

Because that idea involves the word taxes you guys freak the fuck out?

If you have bills and not enough money then you need to make more money or decrease your bills.

If you can not decrease your bills enough then you make more money.

When will you people learn that taxes have to be raised at times.

You obviously don't pay much attention to California politics which is understandable considering you don't live here but you talk like you do. We already have some of the highest taxes in the U.S. Most of our taxes come from the rich as well. We have an extremely progressive tax structure here. The way our districts are structured also give us more extremists on both the left and right. There are very few moderates in the state legislature. Therefore budgets can't get agreed upon. Our state spends like there is no tommorow. During the years when we had huge tax windfalls the politicians spent like drunken sailors, no rainy day fund or anything close to it. Therefore when they know say we need to raise taxes because we don't have enough money, well fuck them.
The workers getting paid is not going to shut the government down. He's doing this for one reason. That is to look at the evil Democrats and the legislature and say "LOOK WHAT THEY'RE FORCING ME TO DO TO THESE POOR WORKERS!" and force them to pass a budget he likes under political pressure.

My Mississippi friend, the way California is structured you need 2/3rds approval to pass a budget. Therefore Republican's votes count. So it is not just the "evil Democrats" at fault here. Republicans are responsible too.
The workers getting paid is not going to shut the government down. He's doing this for one reason. That is to look at the evil Democrats and the legislature and say "LOOK WHAT THEY'RE FORCING ME TO DO TO THESE POOR WORKERS!" and force them to pass a budget he likes under political pressure.

IF the government has no money to pay the workers, then they shut down. It is what happened when Clinton and the Rep congress couldn't reach a budget agreement in the mid 1990's (I think it was 95). Obviously that was on the federal level, but it is a similar situation to what is happening in CA.

It is not an attack on just the Dems in the state legislature... it is a kick in the ass to BOTH parties to get their shit together quickly to get a budget passed before the August 1st deadline.

The only other option they have (according to the AP article) is to take out expensive loans to subsidize the government while the idiots putz around trying to get a budget passed.
And about employees getting paid nothing. At least they are not providing their services for below the contractual agreement they made with their employer. In other words, it's better to get paid nothing to do nothing then get paid next to nothing for doing your job.

At least if there is a government shutdown the employees can seek temporary employment that will pay more than minimum wage. Under Arnies plan, they are forced to accept m inimum wage.
My Mississippi friend, the way California is structured you need 2/3rds approval to pass a budget. Therefore Republican's votes count. So it is not just the "evil Democrats" at fault here. Republicans are responsible too.

LOL that's entirely retarded.

You guys also need 2/3 to pass a redistricting plan, and its done nothing but mean that the entire state is gerrymandered as well as possible.
LOL that's entirely retarded.

You guys also need 2/3 to pass a redistricting plan, and its done nothing but mean that the entire state is gerrymandered as well as possible.

there are very few 'moderates' in our state. We get hard core partisans on both sides.
there are very few 'moderates' in our state. We get hard core partisans on both sides.

Yes, it's because of how your districts are drawn due to the 2/3 requirement. They can't gerrymander to one side but they make sure every district is drawn as extremist as possible to please the other side.
Desh.. Ahead of time.. right now in 2008. I predict that we will have an alt energy boom market within the next few years liken it to the late 90's run. Yes Obama will be president, and yes likely there will be a tax increase (or at least the sunset of the bush cut). So in 2015 I dont wanna here you calling it a result of the 2010 omnibus tax increase. Like what we had in 1993.. Its already gonna happen with or without it ;)

Yeah alt energy will boom, however wages and employment will be difficult at best.
dems have plenty mental midgets like Desh, and USGED. Raise taxes.
Fuck the government is pissing away our way of life by over taxing and has been for a long time.
Well this pay cut was also a tax loss for the state. less pay = less taxes and possibly some can collect food stamps and such now too.

Perhaps Ahnuld shoud have done more research before before he acted ;)
perhaps had you gotten more than a kentucky high school deploma = GED
you'd understand some of it.

Wow that was really bad math.

Cut workers pay from $8.00 to $6.55/hr. That's $1.45 for every worker, every hour.

A lot of these workers are part time workers but for the sake of argument let's say they are full time and let's say there are 1,000 of them.

That's $11.60 a day the state saves on each worker a day (assuming an eight hour work day). That's $11,600 the state would save a day.

Now how much in tax dollars would the state have received from these workers on this extra $11,600? I don't know what the tax rate is for one making minimum wage but I can't imagine it is too high.

So to say the lost tax revenue could somehow be worth more than amount of savings from the lower hourly rate is way beyond being off base.

And if someone in California is trying to survive on $8.00/hr pay they are probably already on some type of government assistance so the lower pay is not going to force large numbers of people into the government help offices.