threads disaprearing after you post in them


Yeah, I do think an apology was necessary, now. You assumed I did something to you, personally and unjustifiably, and that I did it for some nefarious purpose that "silenced" you in some way. That's flat insane.

The reality was I had to change the site because php and mysql updates caused the old site to not be compatible with the server. It wouldn't work at all. When I did it reverted back to the original VBulletin, it didn't have the Today's Posts Tab any more. I understand this made the site work differently for you. However, now that it is there, click on the TODAY'S POSTS TAB. Not a link, a TAB at the top, it says "Today's Posts" on it. The site will then work exactly as you remember it.

Please stop thinking a simple link missing is a conspiracy against you. That's insane.