Tim Scott, A.K.A. Mr. 'Racism Isn't Real,' Says Talk About His Marriage Status Is


Tim Scott, who felt the peculiar need to run as a 2024 GOP presidential candidate, has infamously stated time and time again that America doesn’t see color. “Hear me clearly,” Scott said in 2021. “America is not a racist country.”

He has amplified this sentiment over the years, including after the 2022 Buffalo massacre in which Black folks were explicitly targeted and murdered.

In an interview with The Washington Post, Scott admitted that the reason his single status has come under fire lately is because folks want to unfairly attack a Black man.

Scott says that opposing campaigns are zeroing in on him being unmarried as a strategy to “sow seeds of doubt” and to imply “that guy isn’t one of us.”

This isn’t the only time Scott, who is the first Black Republican from the South elected to the Senate since Reconstruction, has acknowledged how Black people are disenfranchised. When Ron DeSantis insisted slavery was beneficial for Black people, Scott spoke up.

“What slavery was really about was separating families, about mutilating humans and even raping their wives. It was just devastating,” Scott said in July. “So I would hope that every person in our country — and certainly running for president — would appreciate that.”

Scott is well aware of the racist history of this country. Even though we’ve seen numerous cracks in his armor.


He's running for VP so he has to appease the trumptards in both his state and the nation. He's the new Mike Pence - appeaser extraordinaire.
Single politicians get talked about. Ask Lindsay if his lifestyle is questioned. Scott is trying to block what has always been a curious question for unmarried pols. It is not about color, but they think he is gay. That of course matters a lot less in America now because half of us are woke.

It's not just that their lifestyle gets talked about. In order to be elected Senator in South Carolina, you have to live a lie in general. Look how Graham has had to sacrifice any truth to himself and others in order to survive there. Look at all the flip-flops Graham has done. It's pathetic.
WTF are you babbling about? Stay focused and stop making up nonsensical "what if's" to avoid the failures of your party's representatives. I stated in no uncertain terms, "Scott's single status is meaningless compared to his psychotic voicing about America's congenital racism, much less many of his dubious claims about family history, etc."

In other words, I could care less about his sexual proclivities. That only matters if he's ardently advocating to demonize others while he does similar in secret. The other things I previously mentioned are more important. Capice'?

nope.....nothing to "capice".....the OP was fake news and you're just trying to give it legs......
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
WTF are you babbling about? Stay focused and stop making up nonsensical "what if's" to avoid the failures of your party's representatives. I stated in no uncertain terms, "Scott's single status is meaningless compared to his psychotic voicing about America's congenital racism, much less many of his dubious claims about family history, etc."

In other words, I could care less about his sexual proclivities. That only matters if he's ardently advocating to demonize others while he does similar in secret. The other things I previously mentioned are more important. Capice'?

nope.....nothing to "capice".....the OP was fake news and you're just trying to give it legs......

Oh God! Are you really this lame that you're going to ape Cheeto Jeezus infamous whine whenever he's nailed doing/saying something he shouldn't? Why don't you document (valid sources) for the reading audience exactly what is fake about the OP. We'll wait.
Oh God! Are you really this lame that you're going to ape Cheeto Jeezus infamous whine whenever he's nailed doing/saying something he shouldn't? Why don't you document (valid sources) for the reading audience exactly what is fake about the OP. We'll wait.

dude, I pointed out what he ACTUALLY said earlier.......stop wasting your time defending the fake OP.....
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Oh God! Are you really this lame that you're going to ape Cheeto Jeezus infamous whine whenever he's nailed doing/saying something he shouldn't? Why don't you document (valid sources) for the reading audience exactly what is fake about the OP. We'll wait.
dude, I pointed out what he ACTUALLY said earlier.......stop wasting your time defending the fake OP.....

Dude, you're full of it. You were debunked earlier....you just don't accept it. Just like the good little MAGA troll you are. Either provide the link to the post or the valid documentation that proves you right, or just prattle on like the parrot you are.
Dude, you're full of it. You were debunked earlier....you just don't accept it. Just like the good little MAGA troll you are. Either provide the link to the post or the valid documentation that proves you right, or just prattle on like the parrot you are.

why didn't you just read post #13.......and let's face facts......you wouldn't even know how to debunk anything.....
why didn't you just read post #13.......and let's face facts......you wouldn't even know how to debunk anything.....

From the article:

Tim Scott’s girlfriend
The unmarried Republican presidential candidate doesn’t like talking about his new relationship very much. But he is talking about it.

---- The video in question was from a May event organized by the news website Axios, where the interviewer asked the South Carolina senator about the possibility of becoming the first bachelor president since the 19th century. “I probably have more time, more energy and more latitude to do the job,” he replies. And then the senator adds — quickly, as an aside: “My girlfriend wants to see me when I come home.”

--- “He has staked so much on his personal story, character and faith,” said the operative, who spoke to me on the condition of anonymity because, well, that’s how people kick dirt around in this business. “He’s running as America’s pastor, so to speak, as he courts evangelicals in Iowa, and I think a lot of folks may wonder about his lack of a family.”

---- “When I asked Steve Deace, a conservative talk-show host from Iowa, about how Scott’s marital status plays into everything, Deace predicted that Republican voters aren’t going to evaluate the candidate on that factor alone — but that it could work against him if he doesn’t measure up in other ways. In the end, someone who is unmarried, hasn’t been part of a meaningful conservative fight and was on the wrong side of virtually every flash point in the last cycle just won’t pass muster,” he said. “If he were polling in double digits in November, there would be a super PAC running ads in Iowa pointing this stuff out.” (Scott is polling at 9 percent in the state, per an August poll by the respected Iowa pollster J. Ann Selzer.)

So stop all the myopic BS, ya fool. The article makes a valid political point....whether you or I give a damn about the man's dating/spousal status or not. Deal with it.
I already quoted the important part.......you're just here to bounce.........so bounce.....

The bluff of yours was so lame it's almost tragic.

For the reading audience: https://www.justplainpolitics.com/s...-His-Marriage-Status-Is&p=5795141#post5795141

The Post Modern Fool is just flexing his MAGA troll muscles via his keyboard. He's got nothing but gain saying retorts and repeated rhetoric. He's done here, and I'll let him have the last predictable words.