Time for a reminder


Villified User
"I think for us to get american military personnel involved in a civil war inside Iraq would literally be a quagmire. Once we got to Baghdad, what would we do ?... I do not think the United States wants to have U.S. military forces accept casualties and accept responsibility of trying to govern Iraq. It makes no sense at all"

Said by Dick Cheny (SOD) in 1991 after gulf war.
"I think for us to get american military personnel involved in a civil war inside Iraq would literally be a quagmire. Once we got to Baghdad, what would we do ?... I do not think the United States wants to have U.S. military forces accept casualties and accept responsibility of trying to govern Iraq. It makes no sense at all"

Said by Dick Cheny (SOD) in 1991 after gulf war.

you should put Gore's quote right after that
you remember that one

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JE48XHKG64"]YouTube - Gore criticizes Bush for ignoring Iraq's ties to terrorism[/ame]
or how about this one

Every nation has to either be with us, or against us. Those who harbor terrorists, or who finance them, are going to pay a price."

Senator Hillary Clinton (Democrat, New York)
During an interview on CBS Evening News with Dan Rather
September 13, 2001



[ame="http://youtube.com/watch?v=DbYGYiGjpUs"]YouTube - Hillary Clinton: Every Nation Must Be With Us Or Against Us[/ame]
or this one

My position is very clear: The time has come for decisive action to eliminate the threat posed by Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction. I'm a co-sponsor of the bipartisan Resolution that's presently under consideration in the Senate. Saddam Hussein's regime is a grave threat to America and our allies. We know that he has chemical and biological weapons today, that he's used them in the past, and that he's doing everything he can to build more. Every day he gets closer to his long-term goal of nuclear capability.

Democracy will not spring up by itself overnight in a multi-ethnic, complicated society that's suffered under one repressive regime after another for generations. The Iraqi people deserve and need our help to rebuild their lives and to create a prosperous, thriving, open society. All Iraqis, including Sunnis, Shia and Kurds, deserve to be represented. This is not just a moral imperative. It's a security imperative. It is in America's national interest to help build an Iraq at peace with itself and its neighbors, because a democratic, tolerant and accountable Iraq will be a peaceful regional partner, and such an Iraq could serve as a model for the entire Arab world."

Senator John Edwards (Democrat, North Carolina)
Speech at the Center for Strategic and International Studies
October 7, 2002


[ame="http://youtube.com/watch?v=U2JfndMusfc"]YouTube - John Edwards '08 - Right on Iraq since 2002[/ame]

You do need to keep in mind who controled the intell at the time though.

good god...they were spiting this stuff just as much if not more all throughout the 90's and up until or a lil after the 2003 invasion
the blame for this whole big mess isnt just one person's or partys fault, this is the resualt of our whole goverment failing.
so who controlls the intel desh.... some mastermind republicin ???

atleast try to be realilistic

Heres reality, we were told the intell said Sdam was about to bomb us with nukes. In reality there were no WMDs or AQ ties evidence ever.

If you dont think you were lied to then you can see.
the blame for this whole big mess isnt just one person's or partys fault, this is the resualt of our whole goverment failing.

Riiiight. That's how you wash your hands of a million dead people, no WMD, and no ties to al qaeda.

It's EVERBODY'S fault!
Heres reality, we were told the intell said Sdam was about to bomb us with nukes. In reality there were no WMDs or AQ ties evidence ever.

If you dont think you were lied to then you can see.
Here is the reality, Senators and Congressmen have access to their own intel reports. In fact they are cleared for anything with a need to know without background checks. They were allowed to come into our areas as cleared and speak directly to us and ask questions.

There is no "Bush told us so" excuse for people with their access and they use Americans' ignorance of the process to pretend that they have one for people who want to find one for them.
Does anybody beside me, remember in april 2003 when Saddam's statue was falling, that Bush voters were spiking the ball in the end zone and proclaiming that Democrats were on the wrong side of history?
80% of america was afraid of being called anti american or traitors. How quickly we forget what it was like here after 9-11....
I was called both, but I was correct.
Does anybody beside me, remember in april 2003 when Saddam's statue was falling, that Bush voters were spiking the ball in the end zone and proclaiming that Democrats were on the wrong side of history?
Yeah, I remember. I was still wondering if we would ever find any "WMD" and telling as many people as would "listen" about the fact that the WMD might be Weapons but that there "Mass" part was really missing even if he had them.