Time for VP speculation....

LMAO... so again... The Dem Led Senate has provided no budget. Thanks.

No. For FY2010 and FY2011, the Dem lead Senate produced a budget. For FY2012 and FY2013, the parties reached an agreement on the top line budget authority obviating the need for passage of budgets for those years. The spending levels have already been agreed to. The work that needs to be done is on appropriations bills.
Why would you pick her?

She is a successful business woman with a background in math, science and economics (undergrad) and and MBA. Overall she is a moderate so I am not seeing to much controversy in the pick. Her economic background and success in business would be a huge plus given the Obama team has little to offer in comparison... especially from Biden. Jobs and the economy should remain the top issues concerning swing voters. I think she can help slap Mitt around a bit to get the guy on the right message. Personally I would prefer her over Romney for Pres, but that is obviously not going to happen.
IF Romney wins the nomination, I think it will be Marco Rubio. However, if Santorum manages to pull off the upset, I think he picks Mitt, ala Reagan/Bush. I think either one is a winning ticket against Obama.

Um... dear ditzie... Santorum has dropped out of the race.
She is a successful business woman with a background in math, science and economics (undergrad) and and MBA. Overall she is a moderate so I am not seeing to much controversy in the pick. Her economic background and success in business would be a huge plus given the Obama team has little to offer in comparison... especially from Biden. Jobs and the economy should remain the top issues concerning swing voters. I think she can help slap Mitt around a bit to get the guy on the right message. Personally I would prefer her over Romney for Pres, but that is obviously not going to happen.

Just my observation after having watch her run for Governor and getting to see her speak in person; she is a very smart and successful women no doubt. But as a political candidate she was awful. She has even less charisma and personality than Romney if that's possible. The two of them would look and sound stiff as boards together on the campaign trail. And how would the issue of a person never having held an elective office being VP play out? I'm not saying that should disqualify a person but it is obviously something that would be brought up. In theory I think she would be a great pick and watching her Governor's run I think she would be awful.
She is a successful business woman with a background in math, science and economics (undergrad) and and MBA. Overall she is a moderate so I am not seeing to much controversy in the pick. Her economic background and success in business would be a huge plus given the Obama team has little to offer in comparison... especially from Biden. Jobs and the economy should remain the top issues concerning swing voters. I think she can help slap Mitt around a bit to get the guy on the right message. Personally I would prefer her over Romney for Pres, but that is obviously not going to happen.

She has the same background as Romney and doesn't really do much to fill out the ticket. Of course, Romney will need all the help he can get with woman voters so maybe that helps a bit, but I doubt it.
Just my observation after having watch her run for Governor and getting to see her speak in person; she is a very smart and successful women no doubt. But as a political candidate she was awful. She has even less charisma and personality than Romney if that's possible. The two of them would look and sound stiff as boards together on the campaign trail. And how would the issue of a person never having held an elective office being VP play out? I'm not saying that should disqualify a person but it is obviously something that would be brought up. In theory I think she would be a great pick and watching her Governor's run I think she would be awful.

Which is why she won't get the nod... because this country puts more behind who can read the best from a teleprompter than it does behind the substance of the background of a person.

As far as her not having been elected before... way too much is put on that just as it is on speaking eloquence. She is a proven leader who gets results. That should be the focus... though it won't be.
Whoever Romney picks HAS to be from the south. Marco Rubio is the obvious choice. A lot of people in the south believe Mormonism is a cult and either won't vote or will vote independent.
especially with the do nothing Democrats in the Senate.

"...unprecedented" is apt description for almost every boulder in the stone wall of Republican obstructionism Barack Obama has faced from the moment he took the oath of office. From the GOP's record-setting use of the filibuster and its united front against Obama's legislative agenda to blocking judicial nominees and its admitted hostage-taking of the U.S. debt ceiling, the Republican Party has broken new ground in its perpetual quest to ensure that Barack Obama will be a one-term president.

Even before Barack Obama took the oath office, Republicans leaders, conservative think-tanks and right-wing pundits were calling for total obstruction of the new president's agenda..."

What planet do you live on? Republicons have held this country hostage for 3 yrs because there's a black man in the White House.
I've thought for awhile that Luis Fortuño (Governor of PR) would be new and interesting. However, unemployment in PR is very high (as it's always been), and that would certainly be played against him during the campaign. Rubio is probably the best choice.