Time to Arm our Teachers, let them defend themselves

The difficulty is that you are not allowed to read or think.

Actually Goober the difficulty is you’re only allowed to read Marx, Lennon and the Commie Manifesto, thereby indoctrinating your pathetic pea-brain mind.

Do working people control those countries, child? Don't be sillier that your God made you.

That’s the part y’all fucking moron lefties haven’t figured out yet. The commies promise you a working class in control and when y’all fucking idiot’s pea-brains are indoctrinated and allowing the commie take over it soon becomes perfectly evident you’ve been had!!! If you don’t tow the commie line they’ll put your sorry asses in a Gulag and work and starve your stupid asses to death.

When did you last have an idea, you abusive fool?

I was having liberty loving ideas before your idiot pea-brain ran down your daddy’s leg Commie!!!!!

You clowns, as you know, kill people (more than any country with pretensions to civilization) to help the gunmerchants sell guns, as you lick their arses.

The gun merchants are the providers of the better means of SELF-DEFENSE, idiot!!!!!

I can see that, in your condition, it is easier to curse and swear than to think,

What do you know about “thinking” commie? You wouldn’t know a rational thought if you fell over it.

you are such yellow-bellied cowards you can't even begin to run a country decently. You kill VAST numbers of people, you ignorant brain washed fool!

Yeah! And guess who y’all fucking pussy European bastards run to for help when you start another of your murderous wars. Why it’s the good ole US of A, huh? You know them gun toting knuckle dragging bastards that know how to shoot and covet the keeping of the means to shoot and have even written it into their Bill Of Rights.
Actually, I'm not 'imagining' anything. Although, in your fantasy world, your comment above would be considered valid?


Kansas passed its school-gun law in April, and it took effect there just last week. Already, EMC Insurance Companies, the liability insurance provider for roughly 90 percent of Kansas school districts, “has sent a letter to its agents saying that schools permitting employees to carry concealed handguns would be declined coverage.”

Is EMC the national dictator of school insurance coverage?

For your information, hundreds of schools in America already have armed security and have had it awhile. How come there's no national news about them losing their insurance coverage?
NRA blood on thousands of murders by redneck family members
Jesus cried
Your mangling if the expression in the first sentence is really funny. By the way, you may want to do some research as to what "murder" is defined as. Pay particular attention to what Jesus would have understood it to mean.