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America is in the chaotic state it is now in, because the current 25th Amendment is a "dead letter."

The fundamental problem with the present 25th Amendment is that it assumes the Vice President, the members of cabinet and ultimately the members of Congress ( the House and Senate) are qualified medical experts. The 25th assumes they are all capable of accurately diagnosing and assessing medical conditions.

Of course, they are not. They are politicians not physicians. I mean, If I was feeling really ill, I wouldn't consult Kamala Harris - or AOC or Nancy Pelosi - for medical advice. Would you ? Nor would I consult any member of cabinet - even though there is - (as it happens) - a Doctor currently serving on Biden's cabinet, namely, Assistant Health Secretary, Admiral, Dr Rachel Levine. (Dr Rachel is kinda "spooky" to say the very least, and there's no way I'd allow him/ her to give me a physical examination, in particular, something like a prostate examination).

The 25th Amendment is a constitutional instrument that provides a means for the removal of a US President from office if s/he has become too PHYSICALLY or MENTALLY disabled to continue carrying out the duties and responsibilities of President, Head of State and Commander-in-Chief. Here is an example of why the 25th Amendment as it currently exists is a waste of space....

Joe Biden was mentally unfit to take up the office of 46th President of the United States on the day (20th January, 2021) that he was inaugurated. He was already displaying clear and pronounced symptoms of dementia. Biden's dementia stems from a ruptured brain aneurysm he suffered in 1988 and the surgery he underwent ton clip this ruptured aneurysm and clip a second cerebral aneurysm that was at risk of rupturing. A person who suffers a brain bleed from a ruptured aneurysm is subsequently at 80% risk for developing (Vascular) dementia the long-tern Dementia is a progressive, neurodegenerative medical disease that steadily diminishes cognitive functioning in the person who acquires it (COGNITIVE FUNCTIONS include: working memory and long-term recall), the ability to reason/think rationally/logically, problem-solving ability, ability to analyse, the capacity for prudent judgement, ability to communicate effectively (verbally for example), the capacity for self-regulation/self-control, and such like) OBVIOUSLY, A PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES MUST HAVE EXCELLENT COGNITIVE FUNCTIONING - AT THE VERY LEAST - BECAUSE BEING POTUS IS THE MOST COMPLEX, DEMANDING, DIFFICULT AND IMPORTANT JOB IN THE WORLD. THE SLIGHTEST SIGN IN A PERSON OF ANY DEFICIENCIES IN COGNITIVE FUNCTIONING CONSISTENT WITH A NEURODEGENERATIVE CONDITION A CONDITION LIKE DEMENTIA- SHOULD IMMEDIATELY RULE HIM/HER OUT AS A PROSPECTIVE CANDIDATE FOR THE US PRESIDENCY.

To their eternal shame, the Democratic Party/DNC knew full-well that Joe Biden had dementia when he was anointed the official Democrat nominee for the 2020 Presidential election. As the campaign period got underway for the November Presidential election, Joe Biden made a number of embarrassing gaffes in public and was then kept out of sight by his minders in the Democrat Party (or, forced to campaign "from a basement" as some put it. Biden's gaffes and other odd behaviours were written off as harmless, funny, moments from "good ol' Grandpa Joe", likewise his physical absence on the campaign trail, with the help of a complicit liberal MSM. The liberal media (like CNN, MSNBC and the rest) would either "spin" any criticisms of Biden, or simply not cover issues like his refusal to hold live Press conferences, etc. And it worked. Most of the American electorate swallowed the image of "good 'ol Grandaddy Joe from Scranton" who was a likeable "old coot" and a sensible, moderate Democrat ( not a dangerous, wild-eyed, radical like that orange-haired, firebrand Donald Trump).

From the very start of his Presidency, Biden's symptoms of Dementia were hidden from the public by his minders and the liberal MSM ("Fake News") who turned a blind eye to his deteriorating mental condition and the series seismic-scale policy disasters that his globalist, extreme- left/progressive "puppet-masters" had used him to implement. To put it bluntly there were lots of people in the Biden administration who could see for themselves that his cognitive functioning was far too impaired for him to be the POTUS

While Biden's worsening dementia symptoms were carefully and assiduously hidden from the American public, there were also many in the "Washington Swamp" who MUST have known the reality of his condition. People like White House staffers, members of his cabinet and other government officials who had regular contact with him in person. To get to the point, right from the get-go there were persons in Biden's administration who KNEW - because they'd "seen it with their own eyes" he was mentally unfit for the Presidency, AND, who had the power to trigger the 25th Amendment through Section (4) of the later) . Section (4) requires the Vice President and a majority of the Biden-appointed cabinet to make a declaration in writing that the President ( Joe Biden) is unfit (mentally, in this case) to remain in office. OK, so let's just stop right here. What would you say are the chances of Kamala Harris (the VP) doing this? I'll tell you...a big fat ZERO.

One reason that the 25th Amendment could not been used to force Biden to stand down as President is that although he has pronounced, cognitive impairment (due to vascular dementia) such that he is wholly unfit to discharge the duties of a US President - and even cackling dildo like diversity-hire VP Kamala must have realised this (actually EVERYONE now KNOWS this for a fact because President Biden totally failed a valid, 90- minute, cognitive test , namely, THE FIRST PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE - LIVE in front of countless millions of shocked Americans a week or so ago) Even if Kamala had hadthe moral integrity and intestinal fortitude to do the right thing by her country and act to remove Joe Biden from office by using the 25th, the Democrat Machine would have shredded her into tiny bits of "skin and fur." Because as it stands the 25th Amendment relies solely on political judgement in the decision as to whether or not a President is fit to remain in office. Section (4) specifies WHO is to decide whether a US President is disabled - i.e. the VICE PRESIDENT and A MAJORITY of the MEMBERS of CABINET OR OF SUCH OTHER BODY AS CONGRESS MAY BY LAW PROVIDE, BUT NO EXPLICIT MANDATE IS GIVEN TO OBTAIN THE MEDICAL FACTS THAT ARE NEEDED TO MAKE AN INFORMED, OBJECTIVE DECISION. THIS IS THE FATAL FLAW IN THE 25th AMENDMENT - THE LACK OF ANY PROVISION FOR THE MANDATORY INPUT - INTO THE SECTION (4) PROCESS - OF QUALIFIED, EXPERT MEDICAL OPINION. BUT THIS CAN BE CORRECTED !


Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
America is in the chaotic state it is now in, because the current 25th Amendment is a "dead letter."

The fundamental problem with the present 25th Amendment is that it assumes the Vice President, the members of cabinet and ultimately the members of Congress ( the House and Senate) are qualified medical experts. The 25th assumes they are all capable of accurately diagnosing and assessing medical conditions.

Of course, they are not. They are politicians not physicians. I mean, If I was feeling really ill, I wouldn't consult Kamala Harris - or AOC or Nancy Pelosi - for medical advice. Would you ? Nor would I consult any member of cabinet - even though there is - (as it happens) - a Doctor currently serving on Biden's cabinet, namely, Assistant Health Secretary, Admiral, Dr Rachel Levine. (Dr Rachel is kinda "spooky" to say the very least, and there's no way I'd allow him/ her to give me a physical examination, in particular, something like a prostate examination).

The 25th Amendment is a constitutional instrument that provides a means for the removal of a US President from office if s/he has become too PHYSICALLY or MENTALLY disabled to continue carrying out the duties and responsibilities of President, Head of State and Commander-in-Chief. Here is an example of why the 25th Amendment as it currently exists is a waste of space....

Joe Biden was mentally unfit to take up the office of 46th President of the United States on the day (20th January, 2021) that he was inaugurated. He was already displaying clear and pronounced symptoms of dementia. Biden's dementia stems from a ruptured brain aneurysm he suffered in 1988 and the surgery he underwent ton clip this ruptured aneurysm and clip a second cerebral aneurysm that was at risk of rupturing. A person who suffers a brain bleed from a ruptured aneurysm is subsequently at 80% risk for developing (Vascular) dementia the long-tern Dementia is a progressive, neurodegenerative medical disease that steadily diminishes cognitive functioning in the person who acquires it (COGNITIVE FUNCTIONS include: working memory and long-term recall), the ability to reason/think rationally/logically, problem-solving ability, ability to analyse, the capacity for prudent judgement, ability to communicate effectively (verbally for example), the capacity for self-regulation/self-control, and such like) OBVIOUSLY, A PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES MUST HAVE EXCELLENT COGNITIVE FUNCTIONING - AT THE VERY LEAST - BECAUSE BEING POTUS IS THE MOST COMPLEX, DEMANDING, DIFFICULT AND IMPORTANT JOB IN THE WORLD. THE SLIGHTEST SIGN IN A PERSON OF ANY DEFICIENCIES IN COGNITIVE FUNCTIONING CONSISTENT WITH A NEURODEGENERATIVE CONDITION A CONDITION LIKE DEMENTIA- SHOULD IMMEDIATELY RULE HIM/HER OUT AS A PROSPECTIVE CANDIDATE FOR THE US PRESIDENCY.

To their eternal shame, the Democratic Party/DNC knew full-well that Joe Biden had dementia when he was anointed the official Democrat nominee for the 2020 Presidential election. As the campaign period got underway for the November Presidential election, Joe Biden made a number of embarrassing gaffes in public and was then kept out of sight by his minders in the Democrat Party (or, forced to campaign "from a basement" as some put it. Biden's gaffes and other odd behaviours were written off as harmless, funny, moments from "good ol' Grandpa Joe", likewise his physical absence on the campaign trail, with the help of a complicit liberal MSM. The liberal media (like CNN, MSNBC and the rest) would either "spin" any criticisms of Biden, or simply not cover issues like his refusal to hold live Press conferences, etc. And it worked. Most of the American electorate swallowed the image of "good 'ol Grandaddy Joe from Scranton" who was a likeable "old coot" and a sensible, moderate Democrat ( not a dangerous, wild-eyed, radical like that orange-haired, firebrand Donald Trump).

From the very start of his Presidency, Biden's symptoms of Dementia were hidden from the public by his minders and the liberal MSM ("Fake News") who turned a blind eye to his deteriorating mental condition and the series seismic-scale policy disasters that his globalist, extreme- left/progressive "puppet-masters" had used him to implement. To put it bluntly there were lots of people in the Biden administration who could see for themselves that his cognitive functioning was far too impaired for him to be the POTUS

While Biden's worsening dementia symptoms were carefully and assiduously hidden from the American public, there were also many in the "Washington Swamp" who MUST have known the reality of his condition. People like White House staffers, members of his cabinet and other government officials who had regular contact with him in person. To get to the point, right from the get-go there were persons in Biden's administration who KNEW - because they'd "seen it with their own eyes" he was mentally unfit for the Presidency, AND, who had the power to trigger the 25th Amendment through Section (4) of the later) . Section (4) requires the Vice President and a majority of the Biden-appointed cabinet to make a declaration in writing that the President ( Joe Biden) is unfit (mentally, in this case) to remain in office. OK, so let's just stop right here. What would you say are the chances of Kamala Harris (the VP) doing this? I'll tell you...a big fat ZERO.

One reason that the 25th Amendment could not been used to force Biden to stand down as President is that although he has pronounced, cognitive impairment (due to vascular dementia) such that he is wholly unfit to discharge the duties of a US President - and even cackling dildo like diversity-hire VP Kamala must have realised this (actually EVERYONE now KNOWS this for a fact because President Biden totally failed a valid, 90- minute, cognitive test , namely, THE FIRST PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE - LIVE in front of countless millions of shocked Americans a week or so ago) Even if Kamala had hadthe moral integrity and intestinal fortitude to do the right thing by her country and act to remove Joe Biden from office by using the 25th, the Democrat Machine would have shredded her into tiny bits of "skin and fur." Because as it stands the 25th Amendment relies solely on political judgement in the decision as to whether or not a President is fit to remain in office. Section (4) specifies WHO is to decide whether a US President is disabled - i.e. the VICE PRESIDENT and A MAJORITY of the MEMBERS of CABINET OR OF SUCH OTHER BODY AS CONGRESS MAY BY LAW PROVIDE, BUT NO EXPLICIT MANDATE IS GIVEN TO OBTAIN THE MEDICAL FACTS THAT ARE NEEDED TO MAKE AN INFORMED, OBJECTIVE DECISION. THIS IS THE FATAL FLAW IN THE 25th AMENDMENT - THE LACK OF ANY PROVISION FOR THE MANDATORY INPUT - INTO THE SECTION (4) PROCESS - OF QUALIFIED, EXPERT MEDICAL OPINION. BUT THIS CAN BE CORRECTED !


Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
I have been saying he has vascular dementia for more than the past two years. It has reached a topping point now.
Some sort of election reform, Bill could break up the stronghold the parties have on the process, and we would get a wider variety of candidates as the founders intended
What a fucking entitled elitist, is there something wrong with receptionists?
No, all work is inspirational but not aspirational.

Phones are ringing, get to work.

Perhaps you should aspire to become a paralegal.

Moving on up…
America is in the chaotic state it is now in, because the current 25th Amendment is a "dead letter."

The fundamental problem with the present 25th Amendment is that it assumes the Vice President, the members of cabinet and ultimately the members of Congress ( the House and Senate) are qualified medical experts. The 25th assumes they are all capable of accurately diagnosing and assessing medical conditions.

Of course, they are not. They are politicians not physicians. I mean, If I was feeling really ill, I wouldn't consult Kamala Harris - or AOC or Nancy Pelosi - for medical advice. Would you ? Nor would I consult any member of cabinet - even though there is - (as it happens) - a Doctor currently serving on Biden's cabinet, namely, Assistant Health Secretary, Admiral, Dr Rachel Levine. (Dr Rachel is kinda "spooky" to say the very least, and there's no way I'd allow him/ her to give me a physical examination, in particular, something like a prostate examination).

The 25th Amendment is a constitutional instrument that provides a means for the removal of a US President from office if s/he has become too PHYSICALLY or MENTALLY disabled to continue carrying out the duties and responsibilities of President, Head of State and Commander-in-Chief. Here is an example of why the 25th Amendment as it currently exists is a waste of space....

Joe Biden was mentally unfit to take up the office of 46th President of the United States on the day (20th January, 2021) that he was inaugurated. He was already displaying clear and pronounced symptoms of dementia. Biden's dementia stems from a ruptured brain aneurysm he suffered in 1988 and the surgery he underwent ton clip this ruptured aneurysm and clip a second cerebral aneurysm that was at risk of rupturing. A person who suffers a brain bleed from a ruptured aneurysm is subsequently at 80% risk for developing (Vascular) dementia the long-tern Dementia is a progressive, neurodegenerative medical disease that steadily diminishes cognitive functioning in the person who acquires it (COGNITIVE FUNCTIONS include: working memory and long-term recall), the ability to reason/think rationally/logically, problem-solving ability, ability to analyse, the capacity for prudent judgement, ability to communicate effectively (verbally for example), the capacity for self-regulation/self-control, and such like) OBVIOUSLY, A PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES MUST HAVE EXCELLENT COGNITIVE FUNCTIONING - AT THE VERY LEAST - BECAUSE BEING POTUS IS THE MOST COMPLEX, DEMANDING, DIFFICULT AND IMPORTANT JOB IN THE WORLD. THE SLIGHTEST SIGN IN A PERSON OF ANY DEFICIENCIES IN COGNITIVE FUNCTIONING CONSISTENT WITH A NEURODEGENERATIVE CONDITION A CONDITION LIKE DEMENTIA- SHOULD IMMEDIATELY RULE HIM/HER OUT AS A PROSPECTIVE CANDIDATE FOR THE US PRESIDENCY.

To their eternal shame, the Democratic Party/DNC knew full-well that Joe Biden had dementia when he was anointed the official Democrat nominee for the 2020 Presidential election. As the campaign period got underway for the November Presidential election, Joe Biden made a number of embarrassing gaffes in public and was then kept out of sight by his minders in the Democrat Party (or, forced to campaign "from a basement" as some put it. Biden's gaffes and other odd behaviours were written off as harmless, funny, moments from "good ol' Grandpa Joe", likewise his physical absence on the campaign trail, with the help of a complicit liberal MSM. The liberal media (like CNN, MSNBC and the rest) would either "spin" any criticisms of Biden, or simply not cover issues like his refusal to hold live Press conferences, etc. And it worked. Most of the American electorate swallowed the image of "good 'ol Grandaddy Joe from Scranton" who was a likeable "old coot" and a sensible, moderate Democrat ( not a dangerous, wild-eyed, radical like that orange-haired, firebrand Donald Trump).

From the very start of his Presidency, Biden's symptoms of Dementia were hidden from the public by his minders and the liberal MSM ("Fake News") who turned a blind eye to his deteriorating mental condition and the series seismic-scale policy disasters that his globalist, extreme- left/progressive "puppet-masters" had used him to implement. To put it bluntly there were lots of people in the Biden administration who could see for themselves that his cognitive functioning was far too impaired for him to be the POTUS

While Biden's worsening dementia symptoms were carefully and assiduously hidden from the American public, there were also many in the "Washington Swamp" who MUST have known the reality of his condition. People like White House staffers, members of his cabinet and other government officials who had regular contact with him in person. To get to the point, right from the get-go there were persons in Biden's administration who KNEW - because they'd "seen it with their own eyes" he was mentally unfit for the Presidency, AND, who had the power to trigger the 25th Amendment through Section (4) of the later) . Section (4) requires the Vice President and a majority of the Biden-appointed cabinet to make a declaration in writing that the President ( Joe Biden) is unfit (mentally, in this case) to remain in office. OK, so let's just stop right here. What would you say are the chances of Kamala Harris (the VP) doing this? I'll tell you...a big fat ZERO.

One reason that the 25th Amendment could not been used to force Biden to stand down as President is that although he has pronounced, cognitive impairment (due to vascular dementia) such that he is wholly unfit to discharge the duties of a US President - and even cackling dildo like diversity-hire VP Kamala must have realised this (actually EVERYONE now KNOWS this for a fact because President Biden totally failed a valid, 90- minute, cognitive test , namely, THE FIRST PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE - LIVE in front of countless millions of shocked Americans a week or so ago) Even if Kamala had hadthe moral integrity and intestinal fortitude to do the right thing by her country and act to remove Joe Biden from office by using the 25th, the Democrat Machine would have shredded her into tiny bits of "skin and fur." Because as it stands the 25th Amendment relies solely on political judgement in the decision as to whether or not a President is fit to remain in office. Section (4) specifies WHO is to decide whether a US President is disabled - i.e. the VICE PRESIDENT and A MAJORITY of the MEMBERS of CABINET OR OF SUCH OTHER BODY AS CONGRESS MAY BY LAW PROVIDE, BUT NO EXPLICIT MANDATE IS GIVEN TO OBTAIN THE MEDICAL FACTS THAT ARE NEEDED TO MAKE AN INFORMED, OBJECTIVE DECISION. THIS IS THE FATAL FLAW IN THE 25th AMENDMENT - THE LACK OF ANY PROVISION FOR THE MANDATORY INPUT - INTO THE SECTION (4) PROCESS - OF QUALIFIED, EXPERT MEDICAL OPINION. BUT THIS CAN BE CORRECTED !


Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
Where is your medical degree from again? ROTFLMFAO!!! You claim the cabinet can't assess the President's medical state.... BUT YOU CAN? What a fucking tool you are.
I don't think the 25th amendment is necessarily the issue. The issue is that there's a fear of taking the step to actually remove a president from office. Congress is more than able to get the opinion of medical professionals, if needed.

Of course, almost all of this could be resolved if voters stopped nominating people who have exceeded the left expectancy for their gender.
Where is your medical degree from again? ROTFLMFAO!!! You claim the cabinet can't assess the President's medical state.... BUT YOU CAN? What a fucking tool you are.
Concart you're a loser - you're the fool. The Dems are going to be crushed like a cockroach under a boot in November.But you just don't geddit, do you - you tragic little FUCK.