Concart you're a loser - you're the fool. The Dems are going to be crushed like a cockroach under a boot in November.But you just don't geddit, do you - you tragic little FUCK.
So, where was your medical degree from? You don't seem to be able to answer. Oh, wait, I know why. You are too fucking stupid to have graduated from high school, much less college. You seem upset. Maybe you should try getting laid once in a while. Maybe you can save up for a blow job.
Why don't we compare annual physical results for both Biden and trump? Biden's physical doesn't say anything about blood flow to the brain being blocked.

Biden's 2024 Health Summary

Then why is he on blood thinners? Serious ones, Eliquis? That is to reduce the likely recurrence of stroke. Look, I'm just a Logistician, not an MD - but even I know Eliquis isn't prescribed unless there are serious health issues.
Where is your medical degree from again? ROTFLMFAO!!! You claim the cabinet can't assess the President's medical state.... BUT YOU CAN? What a fucking tool you are.

I don't have a medical degree - but at least I'm a doctor - which puts me well ahead of you.
No, all work is inspirational but not aspirational.

Phones are ringing, get to work.

Perhaps you should aspire to become a paralegal.

Moving on up…
So why would pretending someone is a receptionist be an insult?