“Tip of the iceberg”

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
Legal experts say Jack Smith has “a lot more evidence” than indictment shows

Special Counsel Jack Smith, who charged former President Donald Trump for his efforts to remain in power after he lost the 2020 presidential election, could have more evidence to offer on Trump's state of mind that could be introduced at trial, according to legal experts.


Legal experts say Jack Smith has “a lot more evidence” than indictment shows

Special Counsel Jack Smith, who charged former President Donald Trump for his efforts to remain in power after he lost the 2020 presidential election, could have more evidence to offer on Trump's state of mind that could be introduced at trial, according to legal experts.


Smith will add bogus indictments as needed to shift focus away from criminal activity by the Biden Cartel.
Legal experts say Jack Smith has “a lot more evidence” than indictment shows

Special Counsel Jack Smith, who charged former President Donald Trump for his efforts to remain in power after he lost the 2020 presidential election, could have more evidence to offer on Trump's state of mind that could be introduced at trial, according to legal experts.

Exactly. He's charging for crimes that are easy for a jury to comprehend. He has testimony from numerous co conspirators, as well as staff who witnessed trump's actions the entire time.

Including his acknowledging that he lost to Biden.

Exactly. He's charging for crimes that are easy for a jury to comprehend. He has testimony from numerous co conspirators, as well as staff who witnessed trump's actions the entire time.

Including his acknowledging that he lost to Biden.


Except of course that they aren't crimes.


Oh, but that's different because Uber Alles democrat
Legal experts say Jack Smith has “a lot more evidence” than indictment shows

Special Counsel Jack Smith, who charged former President Donald Trump for his efforts to remain in power after he lost the 2020 presidential election, could have more evidence to offer on Trump's state of mind that could be introduced at trial, according to legal experts.



This trial should have precedent over all the rest of Trump's pending cases/trials?!! Trump will not get a change of venue to West Virginia either?!! Lock Him Up!

Weep terrorist - weep.

{[FONT=&quot]Trump led Biden, 46%-42%, while 12% were undecided. The online survey, taken July 21-24 among 922 registered voters, had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.2%. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]For Democrats, the poll represents a frustrating reality about Trump’s support — regardless of the chaos, judicial jeopardy and general noise level surrounding his candidacy, his share of the vote remains stable. Over the last three Messenger polls, Trump’s vote share has remained around 45%. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Trump has 88% support of Republicans, while Biden has the support of 84% of Democrats. Independents backed Trump, 42%-34%, while 24% said they didn’t know who they’d support. }

Trump Edges Ahead of Biden in New Poll (Exclusive) - The Messenger

The more bogus indictments Biden brings against his opponent - the more America knows that the fascist democrats must be stopped at any cost.[/FONT]
This trial should have precedent over all the rest of Trump's pending cases/trials?!! Trump will not get a change of venue to West Virginia either?!! Lock Him Up!
It might take precedent by default. This judge isn't interested in supporting trump's stalling tactics.

Which might also be why Smith kept the charges fairly succinct.
Legal experts say Jack Smith has “a lot more evidence” than indictment shows

Special Counsel Jack Smith, who charged former President Donald Trump for his efforts to remain in power after he lost the 2020 presidential election, could have more evidence to offer on Trump's state of mind that could be introduced at trial, according to legal experts.


Discussion on Twitter, Kushner and Meadows have flipped. Hmmmmm
This time Trump won't have a judge who is trying to sabotage the DOJ.

I saw Tim Parlatore, who i think was the best Lawyer Trump has had so far, before leaving due to interference from derps like Boris Epshteyn, saying he thought Trumps new team made a big mistake in the Florida Trial.

He said exactly what i have been saying for days now on this forum.

He said that it was a mistake to ask for that case to be delayed to behind the election. That they should have accepted a tighter time frame, and then simply filed motions for delays as each court date appeared. He said that is very normal and can extend cases easily out 2 years or more on a case like this.

Instead by Trump and his new Lawyer Derps pushing for so far out and Judge Cannon trying to give Trump mostly what he wanted with the May 2024 date they have now opened the door to this Washington case to sneak in and the Judge to push a speedy pace citing that the Florida case as the reason for speed. He said they could have foreclosed any case being squeezed in by keeping Florida trial tight and then just doing motion after motion pushing it back in 3 month and 6 month increments.

So once again we should be thankful for bad Trump lawyering.
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they need to think this, otherwise they would have to think that the charges are complete nonsense

There were like 86 fake electors

Most of them told the FBI the truth because they were scared shitless of what they would be charged with

Trump is totally fucked

One of his ex lawyers said this exact line when asked for comment “he’s toast”