To all our Christian Friends.... Happy Easter


Staff member
Merry Easter...

Semiramis (later called Ishtar) was married to the Grandson of Noah, Cush. And this is where the pagan roots of this celebration ultimately begin.

Semiramis and Cush had a kid, which they name Nimrod...

Semiramis pretty much created a religion around herself and family. She began with her own birth story, which is quite convoluted, she was "miraculously conceived" and also she is from an egg delivered to her mother from the moon... (Ishtar, as Semiramis later became known, is a fertility goddess and as a fertility goddess, Ishtar loved rabbits and made them a central theme of her worship).

Most of it begins when Cush dies and Nimrod marries his mother and becomes a "great king" and nearly worshiped as a semi-god/man, later Nimrod is killed by an enemy, cut up and his parts are scattered, Semiramis tries to gather the parts up, but couldn't find that most important reproductive bit and because of that Nimrod could not be resurrected, thus he ascends to heaven and now is called Baal, the sun god..., Sometime around about this time Semiramis began to call herself Ishtar (remember this word is pronounced Easter) then she has a child that is "miraculously conceived" by the rays of the sun (Baal) which she names Tammuz...

Tammuz, the supposed miraculously conceived son of Baal (Nimrod) was killed by a wild pig and "went up to his father"... Ishtar (Now worshiped as "Mother of God and Queen of Heaven") decreed that every year there would be a 40 day period of mourning until the day of his death/resurrection/ascendance to heaven, during that time no meat would be eaten, but on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Spring Equinox, they would celebrate her son's death, resurrection and consequent delivery to the heavens with his father by eating pig, the animal that killed him... She taught that upon his death his blood fell onto an evergreen sapling causing it to grow to a full-grown tree overnight, this caused the evergreen tree to be sacred to this new burgeoning religion (not important to Easter, but important to another ritual at a different time of the year)...

Ishtar's Sunday was celebrated with stories of rabbits and eggs (colored by the blood of Tammuz), and those who worshiped Baal/Tammuz (represented by burning candles/fires as "Father, Son, and Spirit", the two were with the worshipers in 'spirit'..) ate what we would now call "hot cross buns" with the sacred "t" upon them and while contemplating that Baal and Tammuz were with them in spirit they would make a "t" over their hearts....

Happy Ishtar's Sunday!
Stop being such a douche and Christian basher.

It isn't bashing Christianity. It simply gives some insight into the origins of some of the Traditions. Catholics tended to take parts of the pagan religions and incorporate them into their religion thus making conversion easier for the pagans.
It isn't bashing Christianity. It simply gives some insight into the origins of some of the Traditions. Catholics tended to take parts of the pagan religions and incorporate them into their religion thus making conversion easier for the pagans.
I understand that, and I also understand that the tone of your OP was clearly bashing us for that.

Go right ahead though, as it's a free speech.
I understand that, and I also understand that the tone of your OP was clearly bashing us for that.

Go right ahead though, as it's a free speech.

"Us"... You're Catholic and feel that it is somehow bashing them to point out the origins of those Traditions? Somebody is a bit too "sensitive"...
Ah, I see... Again, just a bit too sensitive. Whiney too. I'm sorry you took my post in that way, but not sorry I posted it.

Did you color eggs this year?

So don't own up to your mistake, refuse personal responsibility, claim that the problem is mine, then add insult to injury. Is that what Buddha taught you?
So don't own up to your mistake, refuse personal responsibility, claim that the problem is mine, then add insult to injury. Is that what Buddha taught you?

Buddha taught me to relish knowledge. I will continue to do so, even if you take simple knowledge to mean insult.

How are you celebrating Easter this year?
Buddha taught me to relish knowledge. I will continue to do so, even if you take simple knowledge to mean insult.

How are you celebrating Easter this year?

I'm not against knowledge. Catholics claim to have invented the scientific method.

I went to Friday mass in Boone for the first time in a long time. They recited the Passion and then our Mexican contingent hauled a cross in. Apparently they had hauled it by hand from across town. Then we all completed the mass together.

Last night my wife, adult daughter and her BF colored eggs while my son and I acid-dipped an old carburetor that I'm restoring.

This morning we went to Sunday mass ay 7:45 to avoid the crowds from all the part-timers.
Merry Easter...

Semiramis (later called Ishtar) was married to the Grandson of Noah, Cush. And this is where the pagan roots of this celebration ultimately begin.

Semiramis and Cush had a kid, which they name Nimrod...

Semiramis pretty much created a religion around herself and family. She began with her own birth story, which is quite convoluted, she was "miraculously conceived" and also she is from an egg delivered to her mother from the moon... (Ishtar, as Semiramis later became known, is a fertility goddess and as a fertility goddess, Ishtar loved rabbits and made them a central theme of her worship).

Most of it begins when Cush dies and Nimrod marries his mother and becomes a "great king" and nearly worshiped as a semi-god/man, later Nimrod is killed by an enemy, cut up and his parts are scattered, Semiramis tries to gather the parts up, but couldn't find that most important reproductive bit and because of that Nimrod could not be resurrected, thus he ascends to heaven and now is called Baal, the sun god..., Sometime around about this time Semiramis began to call herself Ishtar (remember this word is pronounced Easter) then she has a child that is "miraculously conceived" by the rays of the sun (Baal) which she names Tammuz...

Tammuz, the supposed miraculously conceived son of Baal (Nimrod) was killed by a wild pig and "went up to his father"... Ishtar (Now worshiped as "Mother of God and Queen of Heaven") decreed that every year there would be a 40 day period of mourning until the day of his death/resurrection/ascendance to heaven, during that time no meat would be eaten, but on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Spring Equinox, they would celebrate her son's death, resurrection and consequent delivery to the heavens with his father by eating pig, the animal that killed him... She taught that upon his death his blood fell onto an evergreen sapling causing it to grow to a full-grown tree overnight, this caused the evergreen tree to be sacred to this new burgeoning religion (not important to Easter, but important to another ritual at a different time of the year)...

Ishtar's Sunday was celebrated with stories of rabbits and eggs (colored by the blood of Tammuz), and those who worshiped Baal/Tammuz (represented by burning candles/fires as "Father, Son, and Spirit", the two were with the worshipers in 'spirit'..) ate what we would now call "hot cross buns" with the sacred "t" upon them and while contemplating that Baal and Tammuz were with them in spirit they would make a "t" over their hearts....

Happy Ishtar's Sunday!

The blending of different religions has always fascinated me. I think it shows a willingness to explore cross-cultural awareness.
The blending of different religions has always fascinated me. I think it shows a willingness to explore cross-cultural awareness.

I think it was a brilliant way to allow them to keep traditions while converting. The early church made some amazingly good choices that helped the church grow. Had they been all stodgy, I doubt the religion would have grown much at all.
I'm not against knowledge. Catholics claim to have invented the scientific method.

I went to Friday mass in Boone for the first time in a long time. They recited the Passion and then our Mexican contingent hauled a cross in. Apparently they had hauled it by hand from across town. Then we all completed the mass together.

Last night my wife, adult daughter and her BF colored eggs while my son and I acid-dipped an old carburetor that I'm restoring.

This morning we went to Sunday mass ay 7:45 to avoid the crowds from all the part-timers.

I never knew you were Catholic, I always thought you were protestant for some reason. I'm sorry again that you felt I was trying to bash your religion, it was never my intent to do so.

thanks for the little history lesson and thanks for the easter wishes, however they were packaged. I appreciated them.
Stop being such a douche and Christian basher.


I understand that, and I also understand that the tone of your OP was clearly bashing us for that.

Go right ahead though, as it's a free speech.

; _ ;


"Us"... You're Catholic and feel that it is somehow bashing them to point out the origins of those Traditions? Somebody is a bit too "sensitive"...

christians hate being reminded that their bullshit was bullshit before they took it for their own. I didn't even find your post offensive at all, just seemed like a nice history lesson. But DAMMMMN some really don't like being reminded that 40 days and no meat and everything else came waaaay before jesus.

I hope you don't ever talk about saturnalia or sol invictus

No Damo it's the tone: "Happy Ishtar's Sunday!"


DamnYankee's response to this was hilarious and so indicative of SSs as a whole. We hate being criticized - hate the possibility of our beliefs being wrong - hate having to defend ourselves against reason - hate that, while our beliefs deal in absolutes, the world doesn't - and some of us just can't handle being in that position.