To all our Christian Friends.... Happy Easter

I'm not against knowledge. Catholics claim to have invented the scientific method.

I went to Friday mass in Boone for the first time in a long time. They recited the Passion and then our Mexican contingent hauled a cross in. Apparently they had hauled it by hand from across town. Then we all completed the mass together.

Last night my wife, adult daughter and her BF colored eggs while my son and I dropped acid... an old carburetor that I'm restoring.

This morning we went to Sunday mass ay 7:45 to avoid the crowds from all the part-timers.

DamnYankee's response to this was hilarious and so indicative of SSs as a whole. We hate being criticized - hate the possibility of our beliefs being wrong - hate having to defend ourselves against reason - hate that, while our beliefs deal in absolutes, the world doesn't - and some of us just can't handle being in that position.

Hate? Clearly you misunderstood.

Go right ahead though, as it's a free speech.