To the pro-lifers


I dare you to stop us GL
Why do most of you accept abortion in the case of rape? It's still killing the baby. It's still a baby. How does rape magically change that?

And when the mother's life is in danger. Notice how everyone says "when the mother's life is in danger" and not "when both the mother and unborn's lives are in danger"? The mother is choosing to save her own life and kill the baby. It's still killing the baby! Doesn't sound very pro-life like to me.
Why do most of you accept abortion in the case of rape? It's still killing the baby. It's still a baby. How does rape magically change that?

And when the mother's life is in danger. Notice how everyone says "when the mother's life is in danger" and not "when both the mother and unborn's lives are in danger"? The mother is choosing to save her own life and kill the baby. It's still killing the baby! Doesn't sound very pro-life like to me.
To the first question, I do not know why some pro life advocates make exceptions for babies conceived in rape. As far as I am concerned, aborting is giving the child a death sentence for the sin of the father.

To the second question, if a criminal becomes a significant threat to my life, I have the right to kill them in self defense. Though an unborn child is not at fault, some pregnancies are impossible to bring to term without killing the mother. They threaten the mother's life. She also has the right to kill in self defense. But the threat would have to be significant and not based on some "what if this happens" type of excuse. Just as I would have to show that my life was truly in immediate danger from the criminal, and not based on what I thought he might do to me sometime in the future.
To the second question, if a criminal becomes a significant threat to my life, I have the right to kill them in self defense. Though an unborn child is not at fault, some pregnancies are impossible to bring to term without killing the mother. They threaten the mother's life. She also has the right to kill in self defense. But the threat would have to be significant and not based on some "what if this happens" type of excuse. Just as I would have to show that my life was truly in immediate danger from the criminal, and not based on what I thought he might do to me sometime in the future.

I really think America has a right to kill you in self-defense from idiocy.
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men discussing a process that can only happen to women do not have a right to weigh in on a what woman should or should not do with their body or its contents with regard to pregnancy
men discussing a process that can only happen to women do not have a right to weigh in on a what woman should or should not do with their body or its contents with regard to pregnancy
That is all well and good if we were talking ONLY about one body. What you - and every other "pro-choice" advocate ignores is the pro-life advocates are NOT talking about the woman's body. We are talking about the LIFE of a human child. Acting like there is only one human life involved is the perpetual lie of abortionists.
That is all well and good if we were talking ONLY about one body. What you - and every other "pro-choice" advocate ignores is the pro-life advocates are NOT talking about the woman's body. We are talking about the LIFE of a human child. Acting like there is only one human life involved is the perpetual lie of abortionists.


without the woman there would be no baby - i still say that men do not get a say

when you can have children then you are entitled to weigh in
Why do most of you accept abortion in the case of rape? It's still killing the baby. It's still a baby. How does rape magically change that?

And when the mother's life is in danger. Notice how everyone says "when the mother's life is in danger" and not "when both the mother and unborn's lives are in danger"? The mother is choosing to save her own life and kill the baby. It's still killing the baby! Doesn't sound very pro-life like to me.

Because rape is a crime perpetrated on an innocent victim, who had no choice in whether or not they became impregnated, and were violated by a criminal. I believe in a woman's right to choose, although I don't believe in unlimited choice. They should be able to choose to engage in sexual activity which causes pregnancy. Once that decision is made, they shouldn't be allowed another choice to terminate the life resulting from the first choice.

Life of the Mother, again, it comes down to a woman's right to choose. In this case, she should be allowed to choose whether or not to risk her life to save another. Incidentally, many women make this very sacrifice every year, and up until the last century, it was quite common for a mother to die as a result of child birth.

Neither of these positions "magically change" a living fetus to anything other than what it is, a living human being. Nothing can "magically change" this, because it is biology. At point of conception, an independent living human organism results, and what it is, a human being, never changes.

Exceptions to allow the termination of human life, are made every day. We have exceptions for executions, self-defense, line of duty for police, justifiable homicide, and in some cases like Terri Schiavo, euthanasia. So, we have societal justifications for terminating human life, but these are exceptional circumstances, and the moral argument has to prevail when rationalizing these exceptions. Just as Ethnic Cleansing is not an appropriate justification for ending life, neither is Birth Control.
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men discussing a process that can only happen to women do not have a right to weigh in on a what woman should or should not do with their body or its contents with regard to pregnancy

Yeah, its like Northern Capitalists talking about the property of Southern Planters. Why don't they mind their own damn business?!?
To the second question, if a criminal becomes a significant threat to my life, I have the right to kill them in self defense. Though an unborn child is not at fault, some pregnancies are impossible to bring to term without killing the mother. They threaten the mother's life. She also has the right to kill in self defense. But the threat would have to be significant and not based on some "what if this happens" type of excuse. Just as I would have to show that my life was truly in immediate danger from the criminal, and not based on what I thought he might do to me sometime in the future.

First you compare pro-choicers to pro-slavery people, now you're comparing killing a baby to killing a criminal! Whatever!!!!! So it's everyone for themselves? It's either me or you! I can defend myself by having an abortion but you can't defend yourself at all so I win and you die. That is the most harsh, cruel, unpro-life thing I have ever heard! The woman is choosing to kill her child so she can save her own neck! I take it back. It is for her! Most pro-lifers are super religious so why interfere with God's plan? He wants the kid to live and you to die so why defy him?

Because rape is a crime perpetrated on an innocent victim, who had no choice in whether or not they became impregnated, and were violated by a criminal. I believe in a woman's right to choose, although I don't believe in unlimited choice. They should be able to choose to engage in sexual activity which causes pregnancy. Once that decision is made, they shouldn't be allowed another choice to terminate the life resulting from the first choice.

So let me get this straight Dixie. It's not killing the baby itself that determines whether or not abortion is ok, but instead the mother having consentual sex or not? Rape doesn't make the baby evil so when you have an abortion, you are killing an innocent baby! Why does rape magically change that? Because of unwanted sex? That's just an excuse! Just like "the condom or pill failed me" or "we will go into poverty". What's the thing you tell the pro-choicers who make those arguments? "Don't have sex if you don't want to get pregnant" Well Dixie, don't put yourself in a situation to get raped if you don't want to get pregnant!

Neither of these positions "magically change" a living fetus to anything other than what it is, a living human being. Nothing can "magically change" this, because it is biology. At point of conception, an independent living human organism results, and what it is, a human being, never changes.


Exceptions to allow the termination of human life, are made every day. We have exceptions for executions, self-defense, line of duty for police, justifiable homicide, and in some cases like Terri Schiavo, euthanasia. So, we have societal justifications for terminating human life, but these are exceptional circumstances, and the moral argument has to prevail when rationalizing these exceptions. Just as Ethnic Cleansing is not an appropriate justification for ending life, neither is Birth Control.

But those criminals we execute are monsters! babies aren't. Birth control is a bad reason for having an abortion but rape isn't? You make no sense! In both cases, the mom isn't trying to get pregnant but she does anyway. In both cases the unborn is still an innocent baby. But rape means it's ok to kill it and the pill isn't. Complete hypocrisy!

without the woman there would be no baby - i still say that men do not get a say

when you can have children then you are entitled to weigh in
You can say what you want. I will continue to fight for the lives of the unborn. One does not need a uterus to care about the lives of children.

To the second question, if a criminal becomes a significant threat to my life, I have the right to kill them in self defense. Though an unborn child is not at fault, some pregnancies are impossible to bring to term without killing the mother. They threaten the mother's life. She also has the right to kill in self defense. But the threat would have to be significant and not based on some "what if this happens" type of excuse. Just as I would have to show that my life was truly in immediate danger from the criminal, and not based on what I thought he might do to me sometime in the future.

First you compare pro-choicers to pro-slavery people, now you're comparing killing a baby to killing a criminal! Whatever!!!!! So it's everyone for themselves? It's either me or you! I can defend myself by having an abortion but you can't defend yourself at all so I win and you die. That is the most harsh, cruel, unpro-life thing I have ever heard! The woman is choosing to kill her child so she can save her own neck! I take it back. It is for her! Most pro-lifers are super religious so why interfere with God's plan? He wants the kid to live and you to die so why defy him?

Because rape is a crime perpetrated on an innocent victim, who had no choice in whether or not they became impregnated, and were violated by a criminal. I believe in a woman's right to choose, although I don't believe in unlimited choice. They should be able to choose to engage in sexual activity which causes pregnancy. Once that decision is made, they shouldn't be allowed another choice to terminate the life resulting from the first choice.

So let me get this straight Dixie. It's not killing the baby itself that determines whether or not abortion is ok, but instead the mother having consentual sex or not? Rape doesn't make the baby evil so when you have an abortion, you are killing an innocent baby! Why does rape magically change that? Because of unwanted sex? That's just an excuse! Just like "the condom or pill failed me" or "we will go into poverty". What's the thing you tell the pro-choicers who make those arguments? "Don't have sex if you don't want to get pregnant" Well Dixie, don't put yourself in a situation to get raped if you don't want to get pregnant!

Neither of these positions "magically change" a living fetus to anything other than what it is, a living human being. Nothing can "magically change" this, because it is biology. At point of conception, an independent living human organism results, and what it is, a human being, never changes.


Exceptions to allow the termination of human life, are made every day. We have exceptions for executions, self-defense, line of duty for police, justifiable homicide, and in some cases like Terri Schiavo, euthanasia. So, we have societal justifications for terminating human life, but these are exceptional circumstances, and the moral argument has to prevail when rationalizing these exceptions. Just as Ethnic Cleansing is not an appropriate justification for ending life, neither is Birth Control.

But those criminals we execute are monsters! babies aren't. Birth control is a bad reason for having an abortion but rape isn't? You make no sense! In both cases, the mom isn't trying to get pregnant but she does anyway. In both cases the unborn is still an innocent baby. But rape means it's ok to kill it and the pill isn't. Complete hypocrisy!

do I get the impression you are a gay rapist?are you serving time somewhere?
You can say what you want. I will continue to fight for the lives of the unborn. One does not need a uterus to care about the lives of children.

Even though we are polar opposites on abortion, I agree with you on that GL. That guy is just trying to avoid the subject by his "You don't know personally" bs.
Not hardly!

You got me.

you got yourself and your backdoor weirdos,me i love real macho men,like those hetro hotties serving our beloved country,try it sometime 'stud wannabee' muffin! real girls don't want to be hit in the wrong place!thats nasty!
To the second question, if a criminal becomes a significant threat to my life, I have the right to kill them in self defense. Though an unborn child is not at fault, some pregnancies are impossible to bring to term without killing the mother. They threaten the mother's life. She also has the right to kill in self defense. But the threat would have to be significant and not based on some "what if this happens" type of excuse. Just as I would have to show that my life was truly in immediate danger from the criminal, and not based on what I thought he might do to me sometime in the future.

First you compare pro-choicers to pro-slavery people, now you're comparing killing a baby to killing a criminal! Whatever!!!!! So it's everyone for themselves? It's either me or you! I can defend myself by having an abortion but you can't defend yourself at all so I win and you die. That is the most harsh, cruel, unpro-life thing I have ever heard! The woman is choosing to kill her child so she can save her own neck! I take it back. It is for her! Most pro-lifers are super religious so why interfere with God's plan? He wants the kid to live and you to die so why defy him?
A person has the right to defend themselves by killing another person IF and only IF the other person poses a significant and provable threat to the lives of other people. If you want to call that "harsh, unpro-life" then go ahead and lie to yourself some more. After all, it is only through lies and deceit that abortion was legalized.

And damned right I compare pro-abortion to pro-slavery. The comparison is valid because they use the same process. Blacks were dehumanized to justify enslaving them. NAs were dehumanized in order to justify our wholesales slaughter and stealing our land. And now unborn children are dehumanized to justify killing them. The excuses to defend each uses the exact same process: dehumanize a select group of living humans in order to justify how you treat them.

No, that is the stance of the so-called "pro-choice" faction.

"They aren't human enough".
"It's the woman's body."
"They might grow up poor, so they're better off dead." (boy is THAT a sick one!)

Any and every excuse will do. And you call us "hypocrits"? Look in the mirror if you want to see a real hypocrit.
A person has the right to defend themselves by killing another person IF and only IF the other person poses a significant and provable threat to the lives of other people. If you want to call that "harsh, unpro-life" then go ahead and lie to yourself some more. After all, it is only through lies and deceit that abortion was legalized.

I'm not lying to myself at all. It is harsh, cruel and unpro-life to kill a child for any reason. And keep saying what you want but abortion is legal so kiss my ass.

And damned right I compare pro-abortion to pro-slavery. The comparison is valid because they use the same process. Blacks were dehumanized to justify enslaving them. NAs were dehumanized in order to justify our wholesales slaughter and stealing our land. And now unborn children are dehumanized to justify killing them. The excuses to defend each uses the exact same process: dehumanize a select group of living humans in order to justify how you treat them.

Blah, blah blah troll. Go back in your crawl space and listen to Rush Limbaugh. I offered you to tell that to other non-olbermann liberals and you ignored it so keep spewing out that neo-con hate on a site where only I would argue against but have now grown tired of due to you not listening.

No, that is the stance of the so-called "pro-choice" faction.

Dixie was making excuses for abortion so I called her out on it.

"They aren't human enough".
"It's the woman's body."
"They might grow up poor, so they're better off dead." (boy is THAT a sick one!)

"It's either me or you so I'm going to kill you even though you can't defend yourself." (boy is THAT a sick one!)

Any and every excuse will do. And you call us "hypocrits"? Look in the mirror if you want to see a real hypocrit.

Look back at this thread if you want to see a hypocrit.