To the pro-lifers

A person has the right to defend themselves by killing another person IF and only IF the other person poses a significant and provable threat to the lives of other people. If you want to call that "harsh, unpro-life" then go ahead and lie to yourself some more. After all, it is only through lies and deceit that abortion was legalized.

I'm not lying to myself at all. It is harsh, cruel and unpro-life to kill a child for any reason.
You clearly see that, yet at the same time defend legal abortion.
More hypocrisy from the pro-choice crowd.

But your comparison is not valid because in cases where the mother would die before bringing the child to term, the baby dies with the mother. It's not a matter of either or, it's a matter of one lives, or none lives. One is better than none.

And keep saying what you want but abortion is legal so kiss my ass.
Yes, it is still legal. And you people should be proud of yourselves. Your death toll beats Hitler, Stalin, PolPot, and a whole lot of others combined. Congratulations.

But I ain't kissing anyone's ass. I'll fight legal abortion until the day I die, as will everyone in my family, and a whole lot more of us. Like slavery and anti-semetism, someday the world will realize the inhumanity of abortion and treat it for the despicable subhuman shit that it is.

And damned right I compare pro-abortion to pro-slavery. The comparison is valid because they use the same process. Blacks were dehumanized to justify enslaving them. NAs were dehumanized in order to justify our wholesales slaughter and stealing our land. And now unborn children are dehumanized to justify killing them. The excuses to defend each uses the exact same process: dehumanize a select group of living humans in order to justify how you treat them.

Blah, blah blah troll. Go back in your crawl space and listen to Rush Limbaugh. I offered you to tell that to other non-olbermann liberals and you ignored it so keep spewing out that neo-con hate on a site where only I would argue against but have now grown tired of due to you not listening.
Not accepting an invitation to join a different discussion board does not refute nor negate the argument. The fact that you claim so just reinforces the obvious fact that you cannot factually refute the statements.

No, that is the stance of the so-called "pro-choice" faction.
Dixie was making excuses for abortion so I called her out on it.
Which is pure hypocrisy coming from you considering you support ALL legalized abortion, not just in special cases.

"They aren't human enough".
"It's the woman's body."
"They might grow up poor, so they're better off dead." (boy is THAT a sick one!)

"It's either me or you so I'm going to kill you even though you can't defend yourself." (boy is THAT a sick one!)
Actually, allowing abortion where the pregnancy will kill the mother before bringing the child to term it is a case of either one dies or both die. In both cases the child dies. May as well save ONE life as opposed to none.

Your entire diatribe is based on the false assumption that the child would somehow survive the mother's death. Only time that happens is when it is a complication in delivery, not a complication in the pregnancy. With the exception of hydroencephalisis those kinds of complications are impossible to accurately predict, so predetermined threat to the mother's life does not come into play.

Any and every excuse will do. And you call us "hypocrits"? Look in the mirror if you want to see a real hypocrit.
Look back at this thread if you want to see a hypocrit.
Yes, I see your hypocrisy in everything I read from you in this thread.
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Just a random thought but has anyone ever persuaded someone to change their stance on abortion thorough discussion on an internet message board?

I know this may be extremely presumptive but i'm going for "no" and that is not likely to change now is it?

In can all beat your heads against a brick wall for a few hours or you can accept you don't agree and, in the case of America, let it be decided by the vagaries of Presidential appointments.
Just a random thought but has anyone ever persuaded someone to change their stance on abortion thorough discussion on an internet message board?

I know this may be extremely presumptive but i'm going for "no" and that is not likely to change now is it?

In can all beat your heads against a brick wall for a few hours or you can accept you don't agree and, in the case of America, let it be decided by the vagaries of Presidential appointments.

aw ch, now why are injecting reason into an unreasonable dialog :clink:

people on this issue are not likely to change their minds (if at all) as they are dug in and too much invested in their 'reason'
There was a time when open racism was under the same circumstances we see today with the unborn. Using dehumanizing excuses, racism was supported by law (jim crow, "equal but separate" etc.) Those laws were supported by many, and opposed by what STARTED as a minority, but eventually grew as people came to realize the injustice of those laws. The issue was discussed (though not through the impersonal medium we have here) and very few - at first - were willing to change their minds.

We have made significant progress since those days of civil rights marches. Though we have some significant problems with the issue of racism, the injustice of racism has been recognized, and the process of rooting out its evils is still making advances.

Today we have a similar situation with the unborn. The unborn have been deliberately and systematically dehumanized to justify the free and open killing of them. The laws that allow it are supported by many, and (currently) opposed by a significant minority who see and understand the injustice of dehumanizing any group of humans for the purpose of treating them with less humanity than we insist we treat livestock used for food. The issue is discussed, and few are willing to change their minds, especially those who support the "right" to kill unborn children. To change one's mind from supporting this disgusting practice would require one to admit what it is they actually support.

But, I have confidence that like the issue of racism, justice will eventually win out over ignorance and selfishness, and the unborn will be welcomed (back) into the circle of humanity. It will take some time (Look how long it took us to go from slavery to equal rights - we're still on that journey.) but it will happen.

And a hundred or so years from now, historians will look on our practice of killing our unborn, and, lumping us with other despotic examples like Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia, sadly shake their heads in disbelief that any social group who call themselves "civilized" would accept such a barbaric practice.
Why do most of you accept abortion in the case of rape? It's still killing the baby. It's still a baby. How does rape magically change that?

I, for one, don't support allowing abortion in the case of rape.

And when the mother's life is in danger. Notice how everyone says "when the mother's life is in danger" and not "when both the mother and unborn's lives are in danger"? The mother is choosing to save her own life and kill the baby. It's still killing the baby! Doesn't sound very pro-life like to me.

If it is determined by three medical professionals that an abortion is necessary for maternal health, it should be permitted. However, it should be done in a humane manner. Burning the baby in acid, or tearing him/her apart limb by limb, is not acceptable behavior. We're supposed to be a "civilized" country.
For some reason my account is blocked and I can't login under Dixie.

DIXIE: Because rape is a crime perpetrated on an innocent victim, who had no choice in whether or not they became impregnated, and were violated by a criminal. I believe in a woman's right to choose, although I don't believe in unlimited choice. They should be able to choose to engage in sexual activity which causes pregnancy. Once that decision is made, they shouldn't be allowed another choice to terminate the life resulting from the first choice.

So let me get this straight Dixie. It's not killing the baby itself that determines whether or not abortion is ok, but instead the mother having consentual sex or not? Rape doesn't make the baby evil so when you have an abortion, you are killing an innocent baby! Why does rape magically change that? Because of unwanted sex? That's just an excuse! Just like "the condom or pill failed me" or "we will go into poverty". What's the thing you tell the pro-choicers who make those arguments? "Don't have sex if you don't want to get pregnant" Well Dixie, don't put yourself in a situation to get raped if you don't want to get pregnant!

...But those criminals we execute are monsters! babies aren't. Birth control is a bad reason for having an abortion but rape isn't? You make no sense! In both cases, the mom isn't trying to get pregnant but she does anyway. In both cases the unborn is still an innocent baby. But rape means it's ok to kill it and the pill isn't. Complete hypocrisy!

Consensual sex results in pregnancy sometimes, and women who have sex should know and understand this. Men who have sex with women should also know and understand this. The result of consensual sex without contraception is often pregnancy and the creation of a human life. This is a big deal, because you suddenly become responsible for the consequences of an action you chose to take. Society sets the rules, not me. I am on record as favoring public stoning for adultery and abortion, so thank your God I am not in charge of the rules. Society has decided that it is okay for us to kill innocent little babies, even as they exit the womb, for the sake of vanity, shucking responsibility, or whatever... it's the woman's right to do this, you see? The Supreme Court decided in Row v. Wade, and this is now the standard in the society we live in. It has nothing to do with what I personally condone or support, or what my personal religious or moral beliefs are.

I am staunchly pro-life, but I realize we all have to get along in society, and my personal moral values may not be suitable for all, so I am willing to be open-minded and objective within the boundaries of human decency. From this perspective, I can understand an argument for a victim of rape or a person facing most certain death, having the option to abort or terminate a pregnancy. I realize a human life is lost, but in those dire circumstances, I can defer the morality decision to the people involved, I am responsible for choices I make.

Neither of these positions "magically change" a living fetus to anything other than what it is, a living human being. Nothing can "magically change" this, because it is biology. At point of conception, an independent living human organism results, and what it is, a human being, never changes.


Again, I didn't vote to pass Roe v. Wade, and I do not personally agree with it. I have given no excuses, I presented an explanation for two possible exceptions to an all-out ban on abortion procedures. The statement meant exactly what it said, and if any further meaning could be gained, it would be the fact that calling the unborn human names like zygote, and clump of cells, doesn't biologically change what it is. What it will always be until it dies.

Morality is an individual attribute, but basic human decency should be universal. I do not seek to inflict my personal morality on the world, but I do stand on the side of human decency. I'm trying to figure out which side you stand on, your thread seems to be attacking pro-lifer's, sooooo.... ?
"For some reason my account is blocked and I can't login under Dixie. "

That was me. I had phone sex with Grind providing he agreed to block you. Two more times and he's going to block your IP.

Grind, call me!
What's the thing you tell the pro-choicers who make those arguments? "Don't have sex if you don't want to get pregnant" Well Dixie, don't put yourself in a situation to get raped if you don't want to get pregnant!

If rape were something people could make the choice to avoid, I would agree with you, and I wouldn't favor abortion in the case of rape. But like robbery or mugging, rape is a crime perpetrated on an innocent victim. No woman makes the choice to be raped, if they do, it is by definition, no longer "rape" and not subject to the exception granted.

Let me add, my personal convictions have nothing to do with this. If I were a woman who was raped and became pregnant, I would have to have the baby, there would be no other option for me personally. Unlike you, I don't want to force my morality (in your case, immorality) on the rest of society. I realize we live in a big melting pot and every person has his or her personal morals and ethics. That said, there is a line between morality and human decency, and it seems we should be able to find a solution on the side of human decency without imposing personal morality.
And a hundred or so years from now, historians will look on our practice of killing our unborn, and, lumping us with other despotic examples like Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia, sadly shake their heads in disbelief that any social group who call themselves "civilized" would accept such a barbaric practice.

Or we will more than likely live in a world like the movie Logan's Run, where everyone is executed at age 21. I know it sounds absurd, but it's exactly where the slippery slope ends.
You clearly see that, yet at the same time defend legal abortion.
More hypocrisy from the pro-choice crowd.

I admit I'm not pro-life. I'm for abortion and the death penalty. I don't see fetuses as valuable life. I never said that at all. I'm just using your logic to show you your hypocrisy on certain situations dumbass.

But your comparison is not valid because in cases where the mother would die before bringing the child to term, the baby dies with the mother. It's not a matter of either or, it's a matter of one lives, or none lives. One is better than none.

That's not in most cases. If it were then it would say "When both the mother and unborn's lives are in danger". I'm talking about where only the moms life is in danger. Besides, the doctors could just perform surgery and get the baby out.

Yes, it is still legal. And you people should be proud of yourselves. Your death toll beats Hitler, Stalin, PolPot, and a whole lot of others combined. Congratulations.

Yep, I'm worse than Hitler. Hell, I'm just as bad as a kkk member. Why don't I go hang some niggers while I'm at it! This is why people like you are rejected by society, liberal and conservative. You are no worse than Coulter and Falwell!

But I ain't kissing anyone's ass. I'll fight legal abortion until the day I die, as will everyone in my family, and a whole lot more of us. Like slavery and anti-semetism, someday the world will realize the inhumanity of abortion and treat it for the despicable subhuman shit that it is.

Too bad loser, we win and you lose. Na na na na naaa na!Na na na na naaa na!Na na na na naaa na! Obama will win the election and Abortion will remain legal for years to come. Thanks to radicals like Bush, you're views will forever be linked to his pathetic reign. And to think, someone like you ruined it for your cause....AHAHAHAHAHHAHA! Thanks Good Luck, you really made it easy for us KKK members....wait....Obama's black! Maybe Hillary will win...oh wait....she's a woman.....But we all share the same views and yet we are racist bigots.....hmmmm.........

Not accepting an invitation to join a different discussion board does not refute nor negate the argument. The fact that you claim so just reinforces the obvious fact that you cannot factually refute the statements.

No, I already made you look like an ass....wait, you made yourself look like an ass with your kkk comarison and babies are like criminals comparison. I'm the only one actually debating with you here and it's all the same old shit. Nothing changes so it's just us making the same points for days and days. Why not debate with other dems? You are scared of more people looking at you like they would Pat Robertson. It's ok, I still tell them about you so they still end up looking at you that way.

Which is pure hypocrisy coming from you considering you support ALL legalized abortion, not just in special cases.

Hey dumbass, I was using her own logic against her!

Actually, allowing abortion where the pregnancy will kill the mother before bringing the child to term it is a case of either one dies or both die. In both cases the child dies. May as well save ONE life as opposed to none.

Your entire diatribe is based on the false assumption that the child would somehow survive the mother's death. Only time that happens is when it is a complication in delivery, not a complication in the pregnancy. With the exception of hydroencephalisis those kinds of complications are impossible to accurately predict, so predetermined threat to the mother's life does not come into play.

Complete BS! In most cases the mother is the only one in danger, not the baby. Keep it up with your right-wing propaganda. it only makes me look good. Idiot.

Yes, I see your hypocrisy in everything I read from you in this thread.

I could say the exact same thing dumbass.
If rape were something people could make the choice to avoid, I would agree with you, and I wouldn't favor abortion in the case of rape. But like robbery or mugging, rape is a crime perpetrated on an innocent victim. No woman makes the choice to be raped, if they do, it is by definition, no longer "rape" and not subject to the exception granted.

But rape is something you can avoid. Don't you ever listen to O'Reilly? If you don't want to get raped then don't put yourself in situations where you are more likely to get raped.

Let me add, my personal convictions have nothing to do with this. If I were a woman who was raped and became pregnant, I would have to have the baby, there would be no other option for me personally. Unlike you, I don't want to force my morality (in your case, immorality) on the rest of society. I realize we live in a big melting pot and every person has his or her personal morals and ethics. That said, there is a line between morality and human decency, and it seems we should be able to find a solution on the side of human decency without imposing personal morality.

Let me see if I'm getting this right. I'M trying to shove my beliefs down everyone's throats by giving you the right to choose to have an abortion! But YOU AREN'T when you want to make the right to choose banned because of your beliefs!
You clearly see that, yet at the same time defend legal abortion.
More hypocrisy from the pro-choice crowd.

I admit I'm not pro-life. I'm for abortion and the death penalty. I don't see fetuses as valuable life. I never said that at all. I'm just using your logic to show you your hypocrisy on certain situations dumbass.

But your comparison is not valid because in cases where the mother would die before bringing the child to term, the baby dies with the mother. It's not a matter of either or, it's a matter of one lives, or none lives. One is better than none.

That's not in most cases. If it were then it would say "When both the mother and unborn's lives are in danger". I'm talking about where only the moms life is in danger. Besides, the doctors could just perform surgery and get the baby out.

Yes, it is still legal. And you people should be proud of yourselves. Your death toll beats Hitler, Stalin, PolPot, and a whole lot of others combined. Congratulations.

Yep, I'm worse than Hitler. Hell, I'm just as bad as a kkk member. Why don't I go hang some niggers while I'm at it! This is why people like you are rejected by society, liberal and conservative. You are no worse than Coulter and Falwell!

But I ain't kissing anyone's ass. I'll fight legal abortion until the day I die, as will everyone in my family, and a whole lot more of us. Like slavery and anti-semetism, someday the world will realize the inhumanity of abortion and treat it for the despicable subhuman shit that it is.

Too bad loser, we win and you lose. Na na na na naaa na!Na na na na naaa na!Na na na na naaa na! Obama will win the election and Abortion will remain legal for years to come. Thanks to radicals like Bush, you're views will forever be linked to his pathetic reign. And to think, someone like you ruined it for your cause....AHAHAHAHAHHAHA! Thanks Good Luck, you really made it easy for us KKK members....wait....Obama's black! Maybe Hillary will win...oh wait....she's a woman.....But we all share the same views and yet we are racist bigots.....hmmmm.........

Not accepting an invitation to join a different discussion board does not refute nor negate the argument. The fact that you claim so just reinforces the obvious fact that you cannot factually refute the statements.

No, I already made you look like an ass....wait, you made yourself look like an ass with your kkk comarison and babies are like criminals comparison. I'm the only one actually debating with you here and it's all the same old shit. Nothing changes so it's just us making the same points for days and days. Why not debate with other dems? You are scared of more people looking at you like they would Pat Robertson. It's ok, I still tell them about you so they still end up looking at you that way.

Which is pure hypocrisy coming from you considering you support ALL legalized abortion, not just in special cases.

Hey dumbass, I was using her own logic against her!

Actually, allowing abortion where the pregnancy will kill the mother before bringing the child to term it is a case of either one dies or both die. In both cases the child dies. May as well save ONE life as opposed to none.

Your entire diatribe is based on the false assumption that the child would somehow survive the mother's death. Only time that happens is when it is a complication in delivery, not a complication in the pregnancy. With the exception of hydroencephalisis those kinds of complications are impossible to accurately predict, so predetermined threat to the mother's life does not come into play.

Complete BS! In most cases the mother is the only one in danger, not the baby. Keep it up with your right-wing propaganda. it only makes me look good. Idiot.

Yes, I see your hypocrisy in everything I read from you in this thread.

I could say the exact same thing dumbass.
Your entire diatribe simply proves what a braindead useless lump of putrid shit you are. You are completely ignorant of medicine, completely ignorant of the basics of biology, and are claiming to be literally proud of the ability to kill innocent children. And then you wonder why you are lumped in with Hitler and PolPot.

Not once have you used facts or even logic to refute what I say. I say dehumanization is the same regardless of the excuse, and all you can do is stomp your feet in a childish tantrum saying "you bad bad man for saying such awful things!"

When one is reduced to saying "Na na na na naaa na!" then it is obvious their arguments have been reduced to zero validity. Seems to me a more accurate phrase for your post would be "wa wa wa wa waaa wa!"
Your entire diatribe simply proves what a braindead useless lump of putrid shit you are. You are completely ignorant of medicine, completely ignorant of the basics of biology, and are claiming to be literally proud of the ability to kill innocent children. And then you wonder why you are lumped in with Hitler and PolPot.

Not once have you used facts or even logic to refute what I say. I say dehumanization is the same regardless of the excuse, and all you can do is stomp your feet in a childish tantrum saying "you bad bad man for saying such awful things!"

When one is reduced to saying "Na na na na naaa na!" then it is obvious their arguments have been reduced to zero validity. Seems to me a more accurate phrase for your post would be "wa wa wa wa waaa wa!"

What a baby whiner. Someone call the WWHHHAAAMBULANCE! Not even one rational word comes out of this child cowards mouth, just insults, which proves he knows he's wrong.
I, for one, don't support allowing abortion in the case of rape.

If it is determined by three medical professionals that an abortion is necessary for maternal health, it should be permitted. However, it should be done in a humane manner. Burning the baby in acid, or tearing him/her apart limb by limb, is not acceptable behavior. We're supposed to be a "civilized" country.

1. It is not a baby.

2. It can't feel pain. Therefore, it should be done in the way that's safest possible for the mother.
If rape were something people could make the choice to avoid, I would agree with you, and I wouldn't favor abortion in the case of rape. But like robbery or mugging, rape is a crime perpetrated on an innocent victim. No woman makes the choice to be raped, if they do, it is by definition, no longer "rape" and not subject to the exception granted.

But rape is something you can avoid. Don't you ever listen to O'Reilly? If you don't want to get raped then don't put yourself in situations where you are more likely to get raped.

Let me add, my personal convictions have nothing to do with this. If I were a woman who was raped and became pregnant, I would have to have the baby, there would be no other option for me personally. Unlike you, I don't want to force my morality (in your case, immorality) on the rest of society. I realize we live in a big melting pot and every person has his or her personal morals and ethics. That said, there is a line between morality and human decency, and it seems we should be able to find a solution on the side of human decency without imposing personal morality.

Let me see if I'm getting this right. I'M trying to shove my beliefs down everyone's throats by giving you the right to choose to have an abortion! But YOU AREN'T when you want to make the right to choose banned because of your beliefs!

Rape is a crime perpetrated on an innocent victim, I would venture to say, not a single instance of rape has ever been voluntary. You keep spewing this idiocy about "avoiding" rape, and I don't understand how that is done. If you have some way of every woman to always "avoid" being attacked and personally assaulted, please let me know what it is, let society know for God's sake, what kind of monster are you? Rapes happen, sometimes they happen for no particular reason other than the rapist picks someone randomly to rape. Victims have no "choice" in the matter. Of course, you already know this, you are just being a smart ass. Thing is, it's not very smart at all, which means you are looking like a complete dumb ass.

You are trying to shove your stupid beliefs down societies throat by continuing to deny biological facts and claim a human being is something else. You've presented NO scientific evidence to support this insane belief, it is simply your lack of human decency and complete bigoted ignorance. We don't give people the "right to choose" when to kill people who inconvenience them! We have no right to give that right! This is what you morons can't seem to comprehend here, it's a matter of human decency, and abortion, for the most part, exceeds any semblance of it.
Rape is a crime perpetrated on an innocent victim, I would venture to say, not a single instance of rape has ever been voluntary.

And a woman who uses birth control is not voluntarily trying to get pregnant.

You keep spewing this idiocy about "avoiding" rape, and I don't understand how that is done.

Don't hang out with "fishy" people. Don't get drunk at parties. Don't go in dangerous parts of town. It's just as dumb of an argument as "well, don't have sex at all." Yeah like that's going to happen derrrr.

Thing is, it's not very smart at all, which means you are looking like a complete dumb ass.

Exactly! I'm using the pro-life arguments against you. Of Course they sound like something an immature 6th grader would say! For God sakes, Good Luck is comparing pro-choicers to Hitler and the KKK!

You are trying to shove your stupid beliefs down societies throat by continuing to deny biological facts and claim a human being is something else.

And you are trying to shove your stupid beliefs down societies throat by forcing women to ruin their lives and go into poverty and other children as well.

You've presented NO scientific evidence to support this insane belief, it is simply your lack of human decency and complete bigoted ignorance.

I'm the bigot for allowing a woman to choose whether or not to be miserable for the rest of her life but you aren't for trying to ban her from doing that? Yeah ok darsh! millions of children still need to be adopted and they probably never will. 127,000 in the US alone. AIDS, extreme poverty, overpopulation, bad economy, child abuse, child drug abuse etc are perfect reasons to support my nutjob views. What's your reason? A fetus is technically a human. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO oh no you Did-ant!

What a baby whiner. Someone call the WWHHHAAAMBULANCE! Not even one rational word comes out of this child cowards mouth, just insults, which proves he knows he's wrong.

Boy I really hope you weren't talking about me.

When one is reduced to saying "Na na na na naaa na!" then it is obvious their arguments have been reduced to zero validity.

But comparing me to Hitler isn't? Look pussy, I can pretty much compare just about any view with Hitler and the KKK. there's people who would love to debate with you but you are too much of a coward to go there.
Your entire diatribe simply proves what a braindead useless lump of putrid shit you are. You are completely ignorant of medicine, completely ignorant of the basics of biology, and are claiming to be literally proud of the ability to kill innocent children. And then you wonder why you are lumped in with Hitler and PolPot.

Not once have you used facts or even logic to refute what I say. I say dehumanization is the same regardless of the excuse, and all you can do is stomp your feet in a childish tantrum saying "you bad bad man for saying such awful things!"

When one is reduced to saying "Na na na na naaa na!" then it is obvious their arguments have been reduced to zero validity. Seems to me a more accurate phrase for your post would be "wa wa wa wa waaa wa!"

Yeah, calling me a lump of putrid shit and telling me I'm worse than Hitler doesn't reduce your arguments to zero validity at all.....You did it first so Now you have to deal with a master troll. I began debating you in a civilized manner but you decided to act like Ann Coulter so you woke up a sleeping giant. Not even one rational word comes out of your childish, coward mouth. Just insults, which proves you know you're wrong. And if WaterMark is taking your side then he's an idiot. He doesn't have to take my side at all but defending a troll like you would be complete hypocrisy.
Yeah, calling me a lump of putrid shit and telling me I'm worse than Hitler doesn't reduce your arguments to zero validity at all.....You did it first so Now you have to deal with a master troll. I began debating you in a civilized manner but you decided to act like Ann Coulter so you woke up a sleeping giant. Not even one rational word comes out of your childish, coward mouth. Just insults, which proves you know you're wrong. And if WaterMark is taking your side then he's an idiot. He doesn't have to take my side at all but defending a troll like you would be complete hypocrisy.
You SAY you debate in a civilized manner? What a fucking laugh. From the start you have deliberately misrepresented everything I have stated. If that is your normal debate style, how is it different from the "awakened giant"? I stated my position very clearly more than once: that the pro-choice faction uses dehumanization to justify legal abortion. That is a truth you cannot refute. By your own words, the unborn are scientifically living humans, but IN YOUR OPINION are not "human enough" to be assigned human rights. You use opinion to dehumanize unborn children, and admit it.

I also point out that society has judged all prior uses of dehumanization of groups of living humans as unjust. That is also a fact you cannot refute. I gave examples of other times dehumanization was used as ustification to subjugate groups of humans. Yes, those examples include enslavement of blacks in America, and the mass killing of Jews in Nazi Germany. Those are also facts.

YOU are the one who decided to go off half cocked and equate those basic statements to some kind of personal attack. You did NOT choose to continue debate. You decided you were insulted, and your debate style dropped to the level of the average 3 year old.

And when someone goes off the deep end with "na na na naaa na" about where the law currently stands on an issue like abortion, then yes, I will describe them as lumps of putrid shit.
I was wondering where you went. I thought you were bombing an abortion clinic due to us being nazis...

And when someone goes off the deep end with "na na na naaa na" about where the law currently stands on an issue like abortion, then yes, I will describe them as lumps of putrid shit.

And when someone says I'm worse than Hitler, I'm going to troll the shit out of them.