Tomorrow Wyoming will be Ignored...


Staff member
As all of the candidates rush on to NH, tomorrow another state chooses who they think should run for their party. Yet we hear nothing about them.
As all of the candidates rush on to NH, tomorrow another state chooses who they think should run for their party. Yet we hear nothing about them.

That is a trip when you think about it. But who cares what gun toting individualists think anyway....
I think it is so weak to think Iowa has any more importance to the world than Wyoming for gawd's sakes...
Nobody lives in Wyoming Damo.

There's more sheep than people. I don't think they have enough delegates for people to campaign there, especially since south carolina and NH are on deck.
Nobody lives in Wyoming Damo.

There's more sheep than people. I don't think they have enough delegates for people to campaign there, especially since south carolina and NH are on deck.
As I said, ignore them. Iowa has a powerful 7 electoral votes... Yeah, that's the important one....

It's ignored because the eastern newsies don't like to travel far.
Most of the news sources aren't even reporting that they exist at all, let alone that they'll be voting in Primaries tomorrow. That the candidates don't go there makes sense but totally ignoring even reporting on this? Sad.
Most of the news sources aren't even reporting that they exist at all, let alone that they'll be voting in Primaries tomorrow. That the candidates don't go there makes sense but totally ignoring even reporting on this? Sad.

I don't think the media report much on the primaries and caucuses in Delaware, DC, or Rhode Island either. Its a function of population size, and overall impact on the primary elections.
I don't think the media report much on the primaries and caucuses in Delaware, DC, or Rhode Island either. Its a function of population size, and overall impact on the primary elections.
It's a function of laziness. It doesn't take much to get the reported results over the phone and read them. Your excuses are lame.
It's a function of laziness. It doesn't take much to get the reported results over the phone and read them. Your excuses are lame.


My theory is that the beloved "free market" is operating here. Supply and demand. No one cares about the Wyoming caucuses, and therefore the media will spend little time and money covering it. I thought you guys loved the free market? :)
I'll bet that until I posted this that most here didn't even know that there would be a Primary in Wyoming tomorrow.
And this is the politically aware crowd. Hence my assertion that it is at least a tiny bit underreported.
Wyoming has a voter base which is unlike the majority of the country.

Iowa is more indicitive of what other states will vote . Wyoming is indicitive of ...well... how Wyoming votes.
Wyoming has a voter base which is unlike the majority of the country.

Iowa is more indicitive of what other states will vote . Wyoming is indicitive of ...well... how Wyoming votes.
Iowa is not all that indicative of how the US will vote.
Wyoming is cool.........

Nevada is cool,Montana is cool...but hey we don't count cause we prefer horses to horses asses...carry on Liberals...the Donkey fits your personna!