Tony Snow, Jerry Falwell, Ronald Reagan, Jessie Helms


New member
Suddenly now that they are dead.... the posters on here on remember the "good" things about them and get false outraged if you make fun of the dead or point out all the "bad" things about them....

How come we hero worship the dead that we dont do the living.... Cause people like Beefy and Epic get all self righteous to defend "The Dead"...

Wow..... its so bad to make fun of dead people....Booyah

Anyways I'm glad all these conservatives puppets are dead, i hope they all burn in hell....

And I hope Satan takes these neolibertarian geeks on here too...Please die all...


I'd hardly put Tony Snow in with Jesse Helms or Jerry Falwell. And Reagan had some good points along with his bad.

You know, most civilized people try and either say something decent about the dead or they just shut the fuck up. If someone was truly evil, ok take a few potshots. But I'd hardly put Tony Snow in the evil category. He was offered the job as press secretary. That means it was his job to try and put a good spin on things done by Bush & Co.

Posting celebratory comments about the death of someone is simply low class and rude. But I can only expect such comments from CK. When you have a room temperature IQ, the social prospects of a cockroach, and no redeeming features, you take whatever shots you can at your betters.
I'd hardly put Tony Snow in with Jesse Helms or Jerry Falwell. And Reagan had some good points along with his bad.

You know, most civilized people try and either say something decent about the dead or they just shut the fuck up. If someone was truly evil, ok take a few potshots. But I'd hardly put Tony Snow in the evil category. He was offered the job as press secretary. That means it was his job to try and put a good spin on things done by Bush & Co.

Posting celebratory comments about the death of someone is simply low class and rude. But I can only expect such comments from CK. When you have a room temperature IQ, the social prospects of a cockroach, and no redeeming features, you take whatever shots you can at your betters.

Did you say something Conservative concern troll?

Awww, whats the matter Kid? Can't come up with anything better than to call me a conservative troll?

I mean, just because I have argued in favor of many liberal ideas, don't let that interfere with your blindness.

If thats the best you can do, its not much fun harrassing you anyway.

But I think the "troll" label is far better on your forehead than aimed at my posts. After all, you just spew garbage trying to get a reaction. Which fits the definition better.
I always try to say nice things about the recently deceased, but Reagan has been long dead and Jerry Falwell has been dead long enough.

Tony Snow had his good points, he was a devoted family man. Tony is beyond caring, but his family is the one who is left behind.
Hey CanadianFuk, what part of Canada do you live in?

I'm guessing either Newfoundland, or south-eastern Ontario.
I'd hardly put Tony Snow in with Jesse Helms or Jerry Falwell. And Reagan had some good points along with his bad.

You know, most civilized people try and either say something decent about the dead or they just shut the fuck up. If someone was truly evil, ok take a few potshots. But I'd hardly put Tony Snow in the evil category. He was offered the job as press secretary. That means it was his job to try and put a good spin on things done by Bush & Co.

Posting celebratory comments about the death of someone is simply low class and rude. But I can only expect such comments from CK. When you have a room temperature IQ, the social prospects of a cockroach, and no redeeming features, you take whatever shots you can at your betters.

CK is a troll Sol.
CanadianChild, many years from now when you are of bar age, you and Grind should meet at a pub, because you both have a unique outlook on death.

Granted, he probably considers you beneith him, but you can at least make the offer...

Anyway, I have to go off myself per your request...
They are dead, they can do no more harm. Let them be dead. And I agree Snow does not fit into the same catagory as Helms or Farwell, neither does Regan.

To lump those together cheapens the evil done by Helms and Farwell.
The only good neocon is a dead neocon.
Nuke em all and let God sort em out.
I would rather fight em in Washington than here at home.
Umm I was being sarcastic. Well a bit sarcastic anyway.

I do feel more sorrow over the thousands of service people killed and maimed in Iraq than over any of the ones mentioned in this thread dying though.
Umm I was being sarcastic. Well a bit sarcastic anyway.

I do feel more sorrow over the thousands of service people killed and maimed in Iraq than over any of the ones mentioned in this thread dying though.

Come on USC... no equivacating.... Go big or go home!

Besides I have no fear of offending. I think I have pissed of nearly everyone on here a few times.
I don't fit into anyones pigeonhole.
I said what I think.
If you have a problem with sarcasm , that is your issue.

I got no problem. Thats why I agreed with ya!

I just dont like how you backed down due to the peer pressure from the board...

Anyways I'll excuse you being a pussy this time.... I still cant believe you got pussybrowbeaten by a bunch of neolibertarian geeks...
