"Torture King" ran animal abuse group online, faces 5 years in prison

55k a year is rare..LOL

Reasons for Abortions after 15 Weeks

Research shows that abortions after 15 weeks are most frequently performed for the same reasons as earlier abortions.

Fetuses at 15 weeks are not "babies".

They don't know who, what or where they are or have any concept of self or a larger world.

If there is any consciousness at all, it's on the level of an insect at best.

For you to try to compare a medical procedure done for legitimate medical purposes, to horribly abusing and inflicting cruel, agonizing pain on live, adult animals just to satisfy some sick, twisted urge, proves how far down in the sewer the average right-wing redneck hillbilly mind dwells.

Fetuses at 15 weeks are not "babies".

They don't know who, what or where they are or have any concept of self or a larger world.

If there is any consciousness at all, it's on the level of an insect at best.

For you to try to compare a medical procedure done for legitimate medical purposes, to horribly abusing and inflicting cruel, agonizing pain on live, adult animals just to satisfy some sick, twisted urge, proves how far down in the sewer the average right-wing redneck hillbilly mind dwells.


after 15 weeks...did u get that part? guess not
after 15 weeks...did u get that part? guess not

A 15 week fetus has no consciousness or awareness of itself or its surroundings.

Has no ideas or perception about anything.

IOW, about the same mental capacity as an average right-wing Trumper.
A 15 week fetus has no consciousness or awareness of itself or its surroundings.

Nether does a 7 day old baby at home has no ideas or perception about anything. , so its OK to kill it...self-awareness does not happen till 15 months of age
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Nether does a 7 day old baby at home has no ideas or perception about anything. , so its OK to kill it...self-awareness does not happen till 15 months of age

Bullshit. A newborn baby does too have a rudimentary level of awareness of itself and its surroundings.

...the thalamo-cortical complex that provides consciousness with its highly elaborate content, begins to be in place between the 24th and 28th week of gestation. Roughly two months later synchrony of the electroencephalographic (EEG) rhythm across both cortical hemispheres signals the onset of global neuronal integration. Thus, many of the circuit elements necessary for consciousness are in place by the third trimester.


A 15 or 20 week old fetus has not reached the stage where it has any such awareness.

Once the fetus reaches a certain stage of development, the law considers it a viable human being.

Prior to that, in states that aren't run by Bible-thumper idiots or Trumper a-holes who pander to them, they are not.

An animal/mammal that is alive and breathing outside the womb has self awareness.

Subjecting them to the most cruel, agonizing pain and death imaginable, for no other reason than the entertainment of some sick-minded feces, is not even in the same universe as a medical termination of pregnancy.

I think it's interesting that you are so adamant in your defense of these cruel, sick pieces of shit.

I wonder why.

Are you part of that group?

If so, I hope the authorities show up at your door soon.

Although a newborn lacks self-awareness

If as you say, a newborn baby has zero self awareness then a fetus is even less self aware.

If that's true, then why do you right-wingers get your panties in such a bunch over abortion?

If they have no self awareness, they're just a lump of flesh and bones wrapped up in a bag made of skin.

With no mind or consciousness, they're nothing more than any other object.

And also, why are you trying so hard to defend animal torturers?