Totalitarianism on the the left in America


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It’s easy enough, some sixty-five years after the fact, to cluck our tongues at the cowardice and stupidity of those who went along with McCarthyism (He was right about the DEMOCRATS and Communism, as we later learned).

It’s especially easy for liberals and academics to say that had they been alive back then, they would certainly have had the courage to stand up for discourse and to stand up for those being blacklisted. That’s partly because universities like to present themselves as bastions of free thought and discourse, where students, faculty, and guests discuss the most important issues of the day. Liberal academics especially like to present themselves as encouraging of these discussions.


A new McCarthyism—complete with blacklisting—has overtaken universities, and discourse in general, and far from opposing it, liberal academics are its most active and ardent perpetrators, demanding a hegemony of thought and discourse that rivals the original.

For the past decade and half, deplatforming—the disinvitation of a speaker at the insistence of a special interest group—"cancel culture", and blacklisting have been, to use the word of an organization that tracks the erosion of academic freedom through the increased use of deplatforming, “exploding.” And the targets of the liberals and leftists are not confined to the right (although they do certainly target right-wingers as well).

Pulitzer Prize winner Chris Hedges was deplatformed because he speaks out against prostitution as exploitative of women.

Writer and activist Gail Dines was deplatformed because she speaks out against pornography.

An anarchist organization called “Civil Liberties Defense Center” lent its efforts to attempts to deplatform writer and activist Lierre Keith from the University of Oregon because she’s a radical feminist.

The irony of an organization with “civil liberties” in its title attempting to deplatform someone because her ideology doesn’t fit its own doesn’t escape me, and probably won’t escape anyone outside of anarchist/liberal/leftist circles.

A female genital mutilation survivor, child bride survivor, and feminist activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali was disinvited from receiving an honorary degree at Brandeis because she writes, from unspeakably painful experience, about how millions of women are treated under Islam.

McCarthy used the rhetoric of “communism” to blacklist. The modern-day McCarthys use the rhetoric of “oppression” and “trauma.”

Things have gotten bad enough that Jerry Seinfeld, Chris Rock, and other talented comedians have said they can’t or won’t play colleges any more.

As Bill Maher commented, “When Chris Rock and Jerry Seinfeld say you have a stick up your ass, you don’t have to wait for the X-rays to come back. That’s right, a black, and a Jew walk onto a college campus and they all can’t wait to leave.”

Things have gotten bad enough that as far back as 2015, The Onion put out a satirical piece titled, “College Encourages Lively Exchange of Idea: Students, Faculty, Invited to Freely Express Single Viewpoint.”

The article concluded with fictitious college President Kevin Abrams stating, “‘Whether it’s a discussion of a national political issue or a concern here on campus, an open forum in which one argument is uniformly reinforced is crucial for maintaining the exceptional learning environment we have cultivated here.’ Abrams told reporters that counseling resources were available for any student made uncomfortable by the viewpoint.”
Brown University held a debate about sexual assault on campus.

In response to the very existence of this debate—and this time it’s not The Onion reporting, but the failing New York Times—the university set up a “safe space” where those who might be made uncomfortable, or to use the politically correct parlance, “triggered,” by the debate could run in order to relax with “cookies, coloring books, bubbles, Play-Doh, calming music, pillows, blankets and a video of frolicking puppies, as well as students and staff members trained to deal with trauma.”

One student gave her reason for using the safe space: “I was feeling bombarded by a lot of viewpoints that really go against my beliefs.”

Silly you. You thought being challenged was the point of attending college?
An interesting argument. Yes, colleges and universities are trying to quash anything least the 'humanities' departments do.

Science is facing it too, but not as badly. About the only thing that gets pushed there is nonsense like the Church of Global Warming, the Church of Green, and the Church of the Ozone Hole. Fortunately, there are a fair number of students that reject these religions.

Engineering is doing better. There's not much you can do to 'liberalize' aircraft design or maintenance, for example. There's not much you can do to 'liberalize' the techniques of bridge design.

Philosophy courses, if they are taught at all (most schools don't teach philosophy...they teach a smattering of phenomenology and paradoxes and call that 'philosophy'), question everything, including liberalism.

Medical schools are part engineering and part science. They tend to suffer from the same problems that science classes do, but they do learn enough to be useful doctors and nurses.

Humanities is where the problem lies. It is the core of the problem in today's colleges. It's a big reason why humanities degrees have become so worthless.
An interesting argument. Yes, colleges and universities are trying to quash anything least the 'humanities' departments do.

Science is facing it too, but not as badly. About the only thing that gets pushed there is nonsense like the Church of Global Warming, the Church of Green, and the Church of the Ozone Hole. Fortunately, there are a fair number of students that reject these religions.

Engineering is doing better. There's not much you can do to 'liberalize' aircraft design or maintenance, for example. There's not much you can do to 'liberalize' the techniques of bridge design.

Philosophy courses, if they are taught at all (most schools don't teach philosophy...they teach a smattering of phenomenology and paradoxes and call that 'philosophy'), question everything, including liberalism.

Medical schools are part engineering and part science. They tend to suffer from the same problems that science classes do, but they do learn enough to be useful doctors and nurses.

Humanities is where the problem lies. It is the core of the problem in today's colleges. It's a big reason why humanities degrees have become so worthless.


but you don't seem to recognize it on your side. the censorship? the deplatforming? be honest.

Can you give me some examples of this alleged censorship?

As for deplatforming, that's not totalitarian. What actually would be totalitarian would be the government forcing people to give a platform to anyone who wants it.
Can you give me some examples of this alleged censorship?

As for deplatforming, that's not totalitarian. What actually would be totalitarian would be the government forcing people to give a platform to anyone who wants it.

corporations can practice censorship too. wordgamer. stop your bullshit.
If you mean that private companies can control what their employees say, then yes, that's true. Would you rather the government ban companies from being able to do so?

oh yeah, I guess what I said can be read opposite of what I meant.

companies shouldn't be allowed to censor, and yes it would be nice if governments prohibited them from censoring, especially if their service is a publicly accessible expression platform.
forget about government versus corporation. a totalitarian is a totalitarian is a totalitarian. I guess I am for despotic defense of the bill of rights.

What you essentially want is nationalization of corporations. That can easily lead to real Totalitarianism, not the fake kind that you're talking about here.
What you're saying is that a person should be forced to give a platform to anyone who wants it in their own private property, thus eliminating private property. Much like Marxism seeks to eliminate private property.
What you essentially want is nationalization of corporations. That can easily lead to real Totalitarianism, not the fake kind that you're talking about here.
What you're saying is that a person should be forced to give a platform to anyone who wants it in their own private property, thus eliminating private property. Much like Marxism seeks to eliminate private property.

no I dont. just regulations about censorship. don't strawman. workplace safety rules is also not nationalizing corporations.

you sound like a right wing corporate polesnacker.