Tracing the origins of the Serpent Cult


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Tracing the origins of the Serpent Cult

In mythology, the serpent symbolises fertility and procreation, wisdom, death, and resurrection (due to the shedding of its skin, which is not akin to rebirth), and in the earliest schools of mysticism, the symbol of ‘The Word’ was the serpent.

The ‘light’ that appeared was metaphorically defined as a serpent called ‘Kundalini’, coiled at the base of the spine to remain dormant in an unawakened person. Divinity or awakening one’s Godhood and latent abilities came with the rituals and teachings brought by the serpent people.

To understand them, we must look at the original ‘serpents’. In China, it was a male and female pair with human heads and serpent bodies named Fu Xi and Nu Wa who created humans. In Sumer, it was the Annunaki Nin-Khursag and her husband Enki who were given the task of creating workers.

Enki is known to us as the serpent in Genesis—the one who gave us the ability to think and reason and so was cursed by his brother Enlil for it. To the Hindus, it was the cosmic serpent Ananta who created us. So, if, at the dawn of man’s creation we have a pair of serpent-like beings who created us, then those of the serpent cult must have been their direct descendants, either by blood or by spirit.

The next serpent was Enki’s son Ningizzidda, known to the Sumerians, Egyptians and Tibetans. According to Zecharia Sitchin, he dwelt in Magan, or what is known to us as Egypt, leading theorists to believe he was Thoth who formed a mystery school propagating ideas of self-improvement and enlightenment, furthering his father’s deeds and philosophy. If Enki and Ningizzidda ruled over Magan as is claimed, then that school would have been a beacon attracting all who wished to gain knowledge, backed by the power and might of Magan.

Is there any other proof to that theory?

It was claimed at the Council of Nicea that ‘the powers of gods came from Egypt’. There was a Great White Brotherhood (named for their raiment), a prominent mystery school in Karnak. A branch of it became the Egyptian Therapeutate who in Judea were known as the Essenes. Jesus, being an Essene, most likely was initiated in Egypt at this mystery school, rising up the levels until he became a ‘Master’.

Interesting. Here the first people have a serpent-like mythical figure called either Water Panther or Great Serpent (Mishibizhiw), who lives out in Kichi-Gami (Lake Superior). He will pull ppl to their deaths if the proper offerings are not made before going out on the water. When you hear thunder, that is Nimikii (Thunder Bird) coming to throw lightning at Mishibizhiw, to keep him in check. Otherwise he will use water to destroy everything. Nimikii keeps the balance.
Interesting. Here the first people have a serpent-like mythical figure called either Water Panther or Great Serpent (Mishibizhiw), who lives out in Kichi-Gami (Lake Superior). He will pull ppl to their deaths if the proper offerings are not made before going out on the water. When you hear thunder, that is Nimikii (Thunder Bird) coming to throw lightning at Mishibizhiw, to keep him in check. Otherwise he will use water to destroy everything. Nimikii keeps the balance.

Is the proper offering pouring in the first beer out of the cooler?
Interesting. Here the first people have a serpent-like mythical figure called either Water Panther or Great Serpent (Mishibizhiw), who lives out in Kichi-Gami (Lake Superior). He will pull ppl to their deaths if the proper offerings are not made before going out on the water. When you hear thunder, that is Nimikii (Thunder Bird) coming to throw lightning at Mishibizhiw, to keep him in check. Otherwise he will use water to destroy everything. Nimikii keeps the balance.

Fascinating... I didn't know anything about that..

When you read up on these myths one thing is certain.. Snake cults existed long before Genesis and existed in Egypt, the Levant, Mesopotamia, the Arabian peninsula and the Indus Valley..
Fascinating... I didn't know anything about that..

When you read up on these myths one thing is certain.. Snake cults existed long before Genesis and existed in Egypt, the Levant, Mesopotamia, the Arabian peninsula and the Indus Valley..

Love learning about this stuff. I still haven't picked my minor yet; was leaning towards biology since I have a slew of credits already in that discipline. But more and more anthropology is beckoning.
Love learning about this stuff. I still haven't picked my minor yet; was leaning towards biology since I have a slew of credits already in that discipline. But more and more anthropology is beckoning.

You're a student? I thought you were much older.. You have a remarkable curiosity..
A burnt offering might be offensive to a water creature, people need to plan ahead for these things.

Ahsema (tobacco) is traditionally used as an offering. Hunters and foragers also place some in the forest before heading out. Heh, one of my instructors told us about the time she took her scuba diving certification test. She had a panic attack once she got underwater because she realized that she had forgotten to give an offering ahead of time. Thankfully he was busy elsewhere and she made it out okay. And passed too!
You're a student? I thought you were much older.. You have a remarkable curiosity..

Why thanks. I am much older; I'm attending NMU for a BS in Native American Studies. I'm a retired nurse. My husband is also going to start classes this fall; he is going to major in physics and minor in math. That was his first love. However, he went into engineering because he figured (probably correctly) that other than govt. jobs there wasn't a huge job market for physics majors back then, unless you got a PhD. He may do that eventually! He has a BS in engineering and a Masters in economics/finance, worked his entire career in IT.
Why thanks. I am much older; I'm attending NMU for a BS in Native American Studies. I'm a retired nurse. My husband is also going to start classes this fall; he is going to major in physics and minor in math. That was his first love. However, he went into engineering because he figured (probably correctly) that other than govt. jobs there wasn't a huge job market for physics majors back then, unless you got a PhD. He may do that eventually! He has a BS in engineering and a Masters in economics/finance, worked his entire career in IT.

I'm impressed.. Good for you and your husband.
Ahsema (tobacco) is traditionally used as an offering. Hunters and foragers also place some in the forest before heading out. Heh, one of my instructors told us about the time she took her scuba diving certification test. She had a panic attack once she got underwater because she realized that she had forgotten to give an offering ahead of time. Thankfully he was busy elsewhere and she made it out okay. And passed too!

Hummmm not sure I would want to make a burnt offering to a forest I was about to enter. Never know when those winds might kick up and spread an ember or two.
Why thanks. I am much older; I'm attending NMU for a BS in Native American Studies. I'm a retired nurse. My husband is also going to start classes this fall; he is going to major in physics and minor in math. That was his first love. However, he went into engineering because he figured (probably correctly) that other than govt. jobs there wasn't a huge job market for physics majors back then, unless you got a PhD. He may do that eventually! He has a BS in engineering and a Masters in economics/finance, worked his entire career in IT.

My two cents: Is there anything more rewarding than the adventure and pursuit of knowledge? Keep up the good work!

If any high school kid ever wants my opinion, it is to do what you like, study what interests you, pursue your dreams, and don't worry about the job market.

If there really is a thing like reincarnation, I already have my next six professional careers mapped out: historian, oceanographer, philosopher, astronomer, archeologist, and art historian.
What has interested me is the prevalence of preexisting snake cults all over the ME, North Africa and the Indus Valley .. and along come the Hebrews and they cast Satan as a snake.. Its like dueling religions.


American religious nutjobs handling their snakes in church.