Tracking Poll, Rasmussen

Leave it to Lorax to ignore the fact that Tiana's article also stated that Obama asked for a delay in negotiations.

Leave it your tool @$$ to ignore the fact that the foreign minister agreed that the next administration won't be bound to any of of Bush's policies. B/c you know.....they've worked out so well for us over the last 8 years.
Leave it your tool @$$ to ignore the fact that the foreign minister agreed that the next administration won't be bound to any of of Bush's policies. B/c you know.....they've worked out so well for us over the last 8 years.

I am not ignoring it.... but if you aren't going to be held to long term things like bases etc... then why delay the current negotiations that could bring some troops home NOW????

Face it... Obama does not want to be hearing stories of troop reductions between now and the election.
I am not ignoring it.... but if you aren't going to be held to long term things like bases etc... then why delay the current negotiations that could bring some troops home NOW????

Face it... Obama does not want to be hearing stories of troop reductions between now and the election.

They aren't delaying them you fool. Thanks to the brilliance that is "The One" the new admin has explicit permissions to revisit any negotiations that Bush will have made. Let's get back to what your bag of lies you call an article says in its opening line:

"Sen. Barack Obama has tried in private to persuade Iraqi leaders to delay an agreement on a draw-down of the American military presence. " When he has clearly stated he wants them out ASAP and even said so in the negotiations.

Secondly, I'd like to actually see transcripts of what went down and base any assumptions on this right winged editorial you posted.
They aren't delaying them you fool. Thanks to the brilliance that is "The One" the new admin has explicit permissions to revisit any negotiations that Bush will have made. Let's get back to what your bag of lies you call an article says in its opening line:

"Sen. Barack Obama has tried in private to persuade Iraqi leaders to delay an agreement on a draw-down of the American military presence. " When he has clearly stated he wants them out ASAP and even said so in the negotiations.

Secondly, I'd like to actually see transcripts of what went down and base any assumptions on this right winged editorial you posted.

actually when the troop drawdowns are a part of the status of forces agreement currently being negotiated, then YES, stating that the negotiations should be delayed until the new admin gets in IS delaying the withdrawal of troops.

As you stated, he will be able to re-negotiate LT bases etc... if/when he gets in. So WHY suggest delaying negotiations for six months?
actually when the troop drawdowns are a part of the status of forces agreement currently being negotiated, then YES, stating that the negotiations should be delayed until the new admin gets in IS delaying the withdrawal of troops.

As you stated, he will be able to re-negotiate LT bases etc... if/when he gets in. So WHY suggest delaying negotiations for six months?

Hey asshole, show me where in the statues of forces agreement being negotiated with the Iraqis in June and July of 2008 it includes troop drawdowns as part of the agreement.

If you took the time to look back to that long time ago you would see that the status of forces agreement being negotiated at that time provided for 58 permanent US bases, and no timeline for troop withdrawals whatsoever.

That was the deal that Obama wanted to put off.

Hey asshole, show me where in the statues of forces agreement being negotiated with the Iraqis in June and July of 2008 it includes troop drawdowns as part of the agreement.

If you took the time to look back to that long time ago you would see that the status of forces agreement being negotiated at that time provided for 58 permanent US bases, and no timeline for troop withdrawals whatsoever.

That was the deal that Obama wanted to put off.


Man.......its like Cypress is back spanking SF's a$$ again.
I think he likes it. There’s no other explanation for his continuing to return here, after the constant, day-in and day-out, skewerings he takes.

LOL, I know. I almost feel sorry for him. Apparently he thought he struck gold with that opinion piece. I saw him post it in a couple of threads today. Poor schmuck. Faced daily.
Hey asshole, show me where in the statues of forces agreement being negotiated with the Iraqis in June and July of 2008 it includes troop drawdowns as part of the agreement.

If you took the time to look back to that long time ago you would see that the status of forces agreement being negotiated at that time provided for 58 permanent US bases, and no timeline for troop withdrawals whatsoever.

That was the deal that Obama wanted to put off.


Hey emoboy... provide me a copy of all the negotiations from back then and then add to them everything they have discussed since then.

Obama is an idiot for attempting to delay negotiations for almost a year (which is what it would have been from July of last year until the next administration at the earliest would be able to get it done) Those negotiations are going to include when our troops leave. We are going to pull out as we can, based on what the military commanders and the Iraqi government thinks are viable. We are not just going to up and leave without negotiating that with the Iraqis. You are naive to think that isn't part of the discussion.

Hence the recent announcement of 8k troop reduction. It is a friggin part of the negotiations. How many troops stay behind, how many bases, when do the other troops depart, what do the Iraqi troops need prior to said departure... etc... that will all have to be worked into the negotiations.
LOL, I know. I almost feel sorry for him. Apparently he thought he struck gold with that opinion piece. I saw him post it in a couple of threads today. Poor schmuck. Faced daily.

You two really do have that routine down.

goofball one: 'oh he got schooled'

goofball two: 'oh he most certainly did'

goofball one: 'we are like Soooooooo cool'

goofball two: 'oh like, for sure, the coolest like in... forever'

yada yada yada
Yeah, I'm sure you'll lose so much sleep tonight knowing that Chimps policies won't be binding ot the next admin.

Fauxragers are so annoying
Hey emoboy... provide me a copy of all the negotiations from back then and then add to them everything they have discussed since then.

Obama is an idiot for attempting to delay negotiations for almost a year (which is what it would have been from July of last year until the next administration at the earliest would be able to get it done) Those negotiations are going to include when our troops leave. We are going to pull out as we can, based on what the military commanders and the Iraqi government thinks are viable. We are not just going to up and leave without negotiating that with the Iraqis. You are naive to think that isn't part of the discussion.

Hence the recent announcement of 8k troop reduction. It is a friggin part of the negotiations. How many troops stay behind, how many bases, when do the other troops depart, what do the Iraqi troops need prior to said departure... etc... that will all have to be worked into the negotiations.

First of all, who says it would delay it for a year? You? Some lying sack of shit in the NY Post? Negative.

Second, the status of forces agreement only now includes when our troops leave because of Obama's visit to Iraq and Maliki's insistence on a timetable along the lines Obama was proposing. Before that, the deal was 58 permanent bases.

Third, there is already a status of forces agreement in operation. It is one of several that have been entered into. None of them have provided for withdrawal of US forces. It is only part of the discussion now because Maliki insisted on a provision for withdrawal of US forces and Bush grudgingly agreed.

God damn you are an ignorant shit.
First of all, who says it would delay it for a year? You? Some lying sack of shit in the NY Post? Negative.

Second, the status of forces agreement only now includes when our troops leave because of Obama's visit to Iraq and Maliki's insistence on a timetable along the lines Obama was proposing. Before that, the deal was 58 permanent bases.

Third, there is already a status of forces agreement in operation. It is one of several that have been entered into. None of them have provided for withdrawal of US forces. It is only part of the discussion now because Maliki insisted on a provision for withdrawal of US forces and Bush grudgingly agreed.

God damn you are an ignorant shit.

Timeline from his July meetings would pretty much dictate that. He would not take office until late January. Right there is six months. Then he has to get his administration set up. Then he has to appoint a new negotiating team. Then he has to wait while they negotiate the details.... at a time the Iraqi government will be entering THEIR election cycle.

If you want to pretend that he could get it done day one (which I know is an exageration of what you mean) it would still be at a minimum a delay of six months.

Yes, it is a part of current negotiations. Thank you for finally agreeing to that. That is what happens when you negotiate.... as circumstances changes, new requests are made from both sides and attempts to find mutually beneficial solutions result.

Would that have been occuring had the Maliki government decided to abide by Obamas wishes to wait until after the election to start these negotiations??????????????????????
Looks like the post convetion bump is over. It's now Obama 47% and McCain 45%.

I think the long and the short of the Palin selection is that it's solidified the base for both parties. Now she's a non-issue as most Veeps are.
It shows McCain 48, Obama 47 which poll are you reading?