

Not So Junior Member
It's been 8 years and my memory may be faulty, but I don't remember Bill Clinton hosting a presidential luncheon for the new president-elect. I've searched for something with the transition, all I find are the stories on missing 'W's' and such. I doubt and hope those were made up.

I wonder if all those that wish Obama much luck, have noticed the graciousness since the election? I've seen the stories posted about not being able to get into Blair House before the norm, yet even AP acknowledged that the norm is 5 days, and it was available on the 15th, which is when Obama's will move from Hay-Adams to Blair House.
Dixie's been gracious since the election. He has graciously and generously heaped loads of idiocy upon us, proving once and for all that he is clinically deranged.
It's been 8 years and my memory may be faulty, but I don't remember Bill Clinton hosting a presidential luncheon for the new president-elect. I've searched for something with the transition, all I find are the stories on missing 'W's' and such. I doubt and hope those were made up.

I wonder if all those that wish Obama much luck, have noticed the graciousness since the election? I've seen the stories posted about not being able to get into Blair House before the norm, yet even AP acknowledged that the norm is 5 days, and it was available on the 15th, which is when Obama's will move from Hay-Adams to Blair House.

I've thought that several times. Republicans have been very gracious since the election. It is a welcome change from the often out of control and at times violent tenor of their campaign against Obama. It is nice to see at least a modicum of decorum involved.
I've thought that several times. Republicans have been very gracious since the election. It is a welcome change from the often out of control and at times violent tenor of their campaign against Obama. It is nice to see at least a modicum of decorum involved.

Agreed. One must keep in mind the things said by Obama and his surrogates during the election, can't be easy. Yet Bush had his daughters take the Obama girls around the West Wing and show them the ins and outs. Laura did the same for Michelle.

Really if the Clinton's did the same, I think they deserve credit, I search and couldn't find such.
This is so pathetic. And to think that epic has been "sitting around thinking about this'. Jesus no wonder we are in the situation we are in.

"'Bill, I'm getting ready to meet with the new president and I remember how gracious you were to me. And I hope I can be as gracious to president-elect Obama as you were to me,'" Bush told CNN today in a description of the phone call.,21985,24640680-5018232,00.html

CNN has learned that President-elect Barack Obama and President Bush have privately agreed to try and come together again in January for a second post-election meeting at the White House, but this time they're inviting the three living former presidents as well.

Two sources familiar with the plans tell CNN that at their first post-election meeting in the Oval Office on Nov. 10, Obama proposed that the two men get together again before the inaugural along with former presidents Jimmy Carter, George Herbert Walker Bush and Bill Clinton.
The guy smiled for a few pictures, turned down a very reasonable request for Obama to stay at the Blair House (and tony blair is not staying there annie), and all of a sudden you guys are orgasmic over his "graciousness".

Get real, this fucker has nearly destroyed this country. I seriously wonder what is wrong with you people sometimes. Get off the drugs.
Crazy huh?

Bush has the Ex Austrailian MP staying there instead.

When they booked this asshole in dont you think they KNEW Obama would need the place for his kids to start school?

Sure they did.
This is so pathetic. And to think that epic has been "sitting around thinking about this'. Jesus no wonder we are in the situation we are in.

Ha wow. What did I say? Was it my innocuous mention that the Republicans had toned down their vitriol that disturbed you so? I'm sorry.