Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission: Raise Gas tax 40cents

we should just tax the shit out of people driving gas guzzling V8's SUV's when they dont live in snow areas. ;)
we should just tax the shit out of people driving gas guzzling V8's SUV's when they dont live in snow areas. ;)

sounds good to me ;)

the same logic applies as with taxing bigger trucks higher because of road damage. the heavier the vehicle the more road damage.
it's not going to happen the backlash would be incredible, dems are not that stupid.

Umm the stupid people in the USA will balme the next president for all the bush mess anyway. It will be a one term presidency.
so whats to lose ?
I'm sure a lot of them are your friends.
The next dem pres will be a two termer because any changes to get us out of Iraq and the rest of the Bush cluster flubs will look great in comparison. The economy will bounce back once Obama is elected and everything will be peachy.
we should just tax the shit out of people driving gas guzzling V8's SUV's when they dont live in snow areas. ;)
It snows 7" a year here. :clink:

Found On Raod Dead.

Yeah I have replaced a few plastic anti sway bars on ford SUV's. Imagine plastic for a suspension part.
I think you miss the point Chap. It's not that they think you can afford it. It's that they think most can't afford the gas tax increase and still drive at current levels. So the tax increase will serve to discourage driving on already congested roads. The increase in revenue is apparently designed to fix roadways that are in poor condition.

Actually, all it will do is punish the marginally poor. The only way this slows consumption is by making fuel unaffordable to the unlucky few. Way to go!!!
the 500, don't know anything about it. but fords were the first plastic anti sway bars I had seen on anything.
I guess that would make them "innovative".

Which vehicle? My guess is a small one. Was it a traditional tourque rod?

My '72 full size had a nylon timing chain. I ran that vehicle hard for 185,000 miles and am still kicking myself that I didn't pull the motor out to use in some hot rod. That plastic part was designed well.
Ford exploders.
with the rollover option. I have to wonder how many of those were caused by the plastic bar breaking ? They are squirrely when one breaks, kinda like losing a shock on one front side.