Trouble in China Is Good News for American Toy Manufacturers


Villified User
Trouble in China Is Good News for American Toy Manufacturers

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Published: August 15, 2007

Whittle Shortline Railroad, a company in Louisiana, Mo., that makes wooden trains and trucks, posted a banner on its Web site several weeks ago: “100 percent kid-safe,” it read, “with lead-free paints.” Mike Whitworth, the company’s owner, said the recent recalls of Chinese-made toys found to contain lead in their paint has been good for his business. Very good.

“We are little bitty, but we are taking some leaps and bounds here,” said Mr. Whitworth, who sells his toys over the Internet and in neighborhood toy and train stores. “Actually, we have seen about a 40 percent jump since late June.”

With about 80 percent of the toys sold in the United States manufactured in China, the relatively few manufacturers of American-made toys who remain have relied to some extent on snob appeal and survived mostly by emphasizing the quality of their products — even if they cost more money.

But some are now pointing to another competitive advantage: you can count on them to be lead free.

After struggling for years to compete against cheaper Chinese imports, several manufacturers of American-made toys said they had been inundated with calls in recent weeks from retail chains and customers inquiring about their products.
yes if congress would just pass the country of origon law so we could know where something we are buying comes from.
I think most items are labelled except for food. I think only seafood is the only food that is required to be labelled now.
I feel another Buy American push coming in this country.

It's happening now -- as more and more products made in China are found to be tainted, unsafe, etc., more tests are being conducted, yielding yet more shortcomings, and finally more people are mistrustful of these products and simply won't buy them.
Right Thorn but why does thos who are for supply and demand refuse to let consumers make informed buying decisions by refusing to pass country of origin lable leglislation ?
Right Thorn but why does thos who are for supply and demand refuse to let consumers make informed buying decisions by refusing to pass country of origin lable leglislation ?

I don't know -- unless they have mega-shares in those companies that are going to be affected, perhaps? :rolleyes:

Mattell is in for some hard times, I think.
I don't know -- unless they have mega-shares in those companies that are going to be affected, perhaps? :rolleyes:

Mattell is in for some hard times, I think.

Kinda hard to find any retail companies not involved in China now-a-days.
I wonder if Mattel still make M16 stocks anymore ?
It's happening now -- as more and more products made in China are found to be tainted, unsafe, etc., more tests are being conducted, yielding yet more shortcomings, and finally more people are mistrustful of these products and simply won't buy them.
That's the free market for ya.
All I can say is...

I truly hope this goes somewhere...foreign cheap products really suck...I avoid them all I can...Most if not all vehicle replacement parts are produced in Mexico and are inferior ..'returns' are really high! Rarely can you get a replacement part made in Mexico that works the first time out...same with Chinese inferior products...they both import US produce ,dairy,grain and meat products which are superior and raise our home costs significantly...enough is enough!
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Umm not just replacement parts, but oem parts in the new US branded vehicles. And how many US branded vehicles are made in mexico ?
almost everyone Damo but you seemed to jump over it and still are ?
Jump all over what? I haven't made any comment on legislation that would tell you the nation of origin because you have it covered just fine. Seriously, find a post where I was against such legislation. I'd love to see it. I'll give you a hint. I haven't.
Jump all over what? I haven't made any comment on legislation that would tell you the nation of origin because you have it covered just fine. Seriously, find a post where I was against such legislation. I'd love to see it. I'll give you a hint. I haven't.

Country of orgin is already labeled on most things anyway. It certainly is labeled on toys. It isn't labeled on food because ink doesn't taste good.
Everyone once in a while people will here a report of someone dying over in Asia somewhere, have a panic attack, and never buy from that country again. It's just a fear tactic.

Meanwhile, they keep on eating that Twinkie, which is actually going to kill them.
Jump all over what? I haven't made any comment on legislation that would tell you the nation of origin because you have it covered just fine. Seriously, find a post where I was against such legislation. I'd love to see it. I'll give you a hint. I haven't.

LOL, but still have not stated either for or against it.
You would be a great salesman Damo.
Not true...

Country of orgin is already labeled on most things anyway. It certainly is labeled on toys. It isn't labeled on food because ink doesn't taste good.

Supermarkets receive produce pre-packaged...the country of origin is printed on the packaging...when produce is placed on the display shelfs all one needs to do is ask the produce manager where the produce came from...!
LOL, but still have not stated either for or against it.
You would be a great salesman Damo.
And that is "jumping all over it"? Come on now. It isn't even controversial. Knowing where your food comes from seems basic. I have no objection to such.
Supermarkets receive produce pre-packaged...the country of origin is printed on the packaging...when produce is placed on the display shelfs all one needs to do is ask the produce manager where the produce came from...!

Produce and fish yes but other food items do not have to have country of origin.

And there was the scandal of Chinese fish being labeled wrong and being talapia and sold as grouper in something over half of restaruants in FL.
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