I just read a long post by Nifty without any name calling at all.

At the end of my post, I'm going to accuse you of not being able to read. Let's boil Nifty's whining down:

NiftyNiblick's Raving Paraphrased: One thing I notice about conservatives ... blah, blah, blah ... [condescending] [belittling] ... blah, blah, blah ... [self important] [egotistical] ... blah, blah, blah ... [actually total failures] [totally naive] [unhealthy] [paralyzed] [prevent us from being a 21st century country]. Americans ... blah, blah, blah ... [don't panic sufficiently] [self deluded] [cowering in obedience] [unable to apply critical reasoning] [socially regressive] [impede correction]

I HATE CHANGE, and I blame Americans, especially conservatives, for things changing over time, immediately after I just blasted them for impeding all change.

I am NiftyNiblick and I approve this message.
Maybe you don't approve of my referring to his name-calling as "name-calling," and for that, you are going to declare that I cannot read. I think, perhaps, you should learn to read for comprehension.
Trumpys are blind to Trump. They accept whatever crazy things he says. Trump said Hezbollah is very smart. He said Putin is a genius. He says Xi is very smart and a great leader. He says Kim is a great leader and very smart. All the normal leaders of democratic countries are 3rd rate and stupid. Everyone who questions what he is doing is an idiot, a loser and working for a failing organization or lying. This makes sense to Trumpys. Trump's leanings are very clear. He is a terrible person and a crappy leader. The problem is Trumpys who are not able to see it.
Forbes did not include Trump in the 400 richest list. Trump cried about it calling them a 3rd rate publication. He is so low-grade and so predictable.
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One thing I notice about conservatives
[and moderates to be honest]
here on JPP is something that I find quite disturbing.

They describe America exactly the same way that an elementary school teacher
describes it to very young children in a classroom.

America is the gold standard to which all people in the world aspire.
It's Constitution [perhaps combined with the Bible] is the user's manual for life.

Our failure to rank highly in global assessments of workers rights, education,
health care, standard of living, public transportation
---one important thing after another---
is irrelevant in arriving at this assessment.

This naivety is not healthy.
It contributes to paralysis when America has to change
in order to be a 21st century nation.

I've described it many times:
Americans believe that moderate solutions exist for highly immoderate problems.
They have to believe that.
They cannot contradict,
or even question,
what they were taught in elementary school.

Political sophistication is regarded as blasphemy by conservative Americans.
Any examination of ourselves is valid
as long as it arrives at the predetermined conclusions.
Otherwise, it's subversive.

America is socially regressive for its economic potential--very much so---
and while that would take true patriotism to correct,
we instead have nationalist chauvinism to impede any corrections.

I'm an elderly man and I hate much of the change that I've witnessed in my life.

I don't hate the alleviation of social and economic injustices, however.

Instead, I hate the hypocrisy of declaring values
while making every effort to prevent their actual manifestation.

I've noticed since the Vietnam War that Reichwingers have decided that any criticism of America, no matter how slight, means that the speaker is some sort of pinko fascist commie Nazi traitor who should move to some other country. They are adamant in denying that this country, just like the average human, is not perfect and doesn't need "fixing." Probably they were this way even before VN.

As for corporations/the wealthy, they only want education available to train workers. They do not want students to learn critical thinking skills or to ask too many questions. Which is why they use the power of their wealth to purchase congresscritters who will ensure that that will not be taxed at a more equitable rate in order to help fund better education.
I've noticed since the Vietnam War that Reichwingers have decided that any criticism of America, no matter how slight, means that the speaker is some sort of pinko fascist commie Nazi traitor who should move to some other country. They are adamant in denying that this country, just like the average human, is not perfect and doesn't need "fixing." Probably they were this way even before VN.

As for corporations/the wealthy, they only want education available to train workers. They do not want students to learn critical thinking skills or to ask too many questions. Which is why they use the power of their wealth to purchase congresscritters who will ensure that that will not be taxed at a more equitable rate in order to help fund better education.

there's enough money. that's not the issue.

the teachers union and other powers that be are controlled by the ccp, that 's the problem.

butt plug use and trans idiocy should never be on a public school curriculum.
there's enough money. that's not the issue.

the teachers union and other powers that be are controlled by the ccp, that 's the problem.

butt plug use and trans idiocy should never be on a public school curriculum.

I’d say if one was looking for the true nature of the “conservative” posters here this offering above ^ just a lot puts it into focus,
That's what you would say, yes. His post, and yours, describes leftists, not conservatives. Conservatives merely respond to the incessant and exclusively personal attacks by leftists. Leftists never rationally discuss solutions to problems because they are the ones causing them, specifically for the purpose of blaming conservatives for the problems they caused. Leftists only want to cause problems (and launch personal attacks) and never want to solve any of them.

And I note “conservative” since few of any of them here are actual conservatives, rather just complainers,
You are now describing NiftyNiblick and his ilk, children of the leftist media, too gullible and undereducated to ever call booooolsch't when lied to. Leftists reduce themselves to the level of attack dogs who HATE (and snarl) on command. They long for the ease and convenience of a thought collective because thinking requires far too much work.

children of the right wing media
There is no right-wing media. There is only left-wing disinformation. You are spewing some of it right now.
Trumpys are blind to Trump. They accept whatever crazy things he says. Trump said Hezbollah is very smart. He said Putin is a genius. He says Xi is very smart and a great leader. He says Kim is a great leader and very smart. All the normal leaders of democratic countries are 3rd rate and stupid. Everyone who questions what he is doing is an idiot, a loser and working for a failing organization or lying. This makes sense to Trumpys. Trump's leanings are very clear. He is a terrible person and a crappy leader. The problem is Trumpys who are not able to see it.
Forbes did not include Trump in the 400 richest list. Trump cried about it calling them a 3rd rate publication. He is so low-grade and so predictable.

Forbes IS a 3rd rate publication. They're just another propaganda arm for the Democrats.
There are currently no democracies in the world.
Trump is a successful real estate developer.
I've noticed since the Vietnam War that Reichwingers have decided that any criticism of America, no matter how slight, means that the speaker is some sort of pinko fascist commie Nazi traitor who should move to some other country. They are adamant in denying that this country, just like the average human, is not perfect and doesn't need "fixing." Probably they were this way even before VN.

As for corporations/the wealthy, they only want education available to train workers. They do not want students to learn critical thinking skills or to ask too many questions. Which is why they use the power of their wealth to purchase congresscritters who will ensure that that will not be taxed at a more equitable rate in order to help fund better education.

The NEA is unconstitutional and doesn't educate anybody, pinko fascist.
The wealthy have always treated the masses like children who should know their places. They are very condescending and paternal. " Let them eat cake", is symbolic of the gap between how the people and the wealthy live. They do not know how the people live and do not care. Trump is just a bad example of how they use people.

With Republicans, It more about them "Letting them EAT SHIT" and "Breath Shit" and "Drink Shit" and "Smell Shit" and "Work for Shit" and "Listening to their Shit"!

We aren't talking about dessert or treats here- or anything that resembles cake!!
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Nordberg, Nordberg, Nordberg ... (sigh) ... would it come as any surprise to learn that you are being stupid again?

Trumpys are blind to Trump.
I think everybody can see Trump just fine. What are you talking about?

They accept whatever crazy things he says.
Nope. They accept only the logical and the rational. Trump says many very logical and rational things.

By the way, would it come as any surprise to learn that nobody believes you are a mind-reader?

Trump said Hezbollah is very smart.
Hezbollah is very smart; they have to be. They would have been wiped long ago if they were more like you.

He said Putin is a genius.
Putin is a genius. He managed to rise to power in Russia and stay there. How far do you imagine that you would get in the Russian political structure, and how long would you be able to hold on to it, Nordberg?

He says Xi is very smart and a great leader.
Xi is very smart. He rose to power in China and is looking to make himself the permanent dictator. Are you under the belief that just any stupid JPP leftist could do that? I notice that you haven't done so.

I believe you are misquoting Trump regarding Xi's leadership.

He says Kim is a great leader and very smart.
Trump was the chief diplomat. All diplomats speak that way of the Head of State they are visiting or trying to forge a treaty. Ask me how I know that you've never been a diplomat.

All the normal leaders of democratic countries are 3rd rate and stupid.
Trump never said this. Conservatives don't say this. All we have is your assertion that amounts to assigning a bogus position to many people for the purposes of demonizing those with whom you disagree.

Everyone who questions what he is doing is an idiot, a loser and working for a failing organization or lying.
Most of Trump's detractors are lying leftist idiots who are losers and who deceive just as naturally as they drink a glass of water.

Trump's leanings are very clear.
Yes. He supports making America great again. This is diametrically opposed to everything leftists stand for.

He is a terrible person and a crappy leader.
This is the opinion of Nordberg, the forever dishonest Marxist who reigns supreme as the stupidest poster on the internet.

The problem is Trumpys who are not able to see it.
You are the problem, Nordberg ... you and all the dishonest leftists causing all the problems.
