Trump: 34 felony counts, no misdeamors

Falsifying business records, conspiracy. Obviously Bragg has the goods.
Conspiracy is going to nail him.

There are recordings with Cohen and others conspiring to cover up the hush money payments to both Daniels, and Pecker.
I think Donald Trump is now at a point, where he is going to have to take this case seriously, because of all the things at stake.

And one thing he has overlooked, in all of his lies, deceptions, and deflections, is the status of his marriage.

Up until now, Donald Trump has been telling everyone, including his wife, that this is a witch hunt, and that he never had sexual encounters with either Stormy Daniels or Karen McDougal.

Now, both Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal has been listed as witnesses, that will be used in the trial.

And you can bet your ass, they will both be asked to explain their relationships with Donald Trump, and if they were sexual in nature.

And this will give Melania something to think about now, and that may have been what she has been waiting to hear all along, as well!

Sorry, but this is just the way it works- ASK BILL AND HILLARY CLINTON- AND JOHN EDWARDS!
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You know who isn't laughing? Your hero. There is no way Bragg skips the misdemeanors unless he has the goods. Your track record remains intact, Stoney. You've been wrong about virtually everything.
You know who isn't laughing? Your hero. There is no way Bragg skips the misdemeanors unless he has the goods. Your track record remains intact, Stoney. You've been wrong about virtually everything.

Why are people dumb enuff to think that even if they are successful at removing the leader of a movement it means the movement will die? The Romans and the Pharisees thought that once a long time ago too and were proven to be horribly incorrect. ;) On top of all that,.....this movement didnt begin with Trump by a long shot, as it has been in the making for decades. Trump was/is the HAMMER we used to beat the left over the head with,....and he was good at it. Thus the reason the left hates him so. With or without Trump the movement will go on.
When Kennedy was shot and killed in Dallas did the D party shrivel up and die? What about when MLK was killed? Lincoln? On and on and on. This has NEVER been about ONE man, NEVER is. Without the millions of people involved in the movement the leader means nothing. Get Trump all you want to,......wont change a thing.
Why are people dumb enuff to think that even if they are successful at removing the leader of a movement it means the movement will die? The Romans and the Pharisees thought that once a long time ago too and were proven to be horribly incorrect. ;) On top of all that,.....this movement didnt begin with Trump by a long shot, as it has been in the making for decades. Trump was/is the HAMMER we used to beat the left over the head with,....and he was good at it. Thus the reason the left hates him so. With or without Trump the movement will go on.

The facts aren't on your side. Trump-ISM lost handily in the most recent election. Most candidates who espoused his lying drivel lost.

The GOP is looking for a new direction. There is no movement - it's just a cult.
Why are people dumb enuff to think that even if they are successful at removing the leader of a movement it means the movement will die? The Romans and the Pharisees thought that once a long time ago too and were proven to be horribly incorrect. ;) On top of all that,.....this movement didnt begin with Trump by a long shot, as it has been in the making for decades. Trump was/is the HAMMER we used to beat the left over the head with,....and he was good at it. Thus the reason the left hates him so. With or without Trump the movement will go on.

What makes you think we give a fuck about your little 'movement'. Save that for the shitter. I want the criminal ex-President to be held to account. I couldn't care less about a bunch of lunatic keyboard warriors that worship a con man. Knock yourself out. He's caused your party to be destroyed in the last three elections. And he's going to do it for a fourth time. What exactly is the mission statement of your movement, Stoney. To make sure gays feel shitty about themselves? To make sure rape victims carry their pregnancy to full term? To make sure that little white children are protected from learning about slavery? You don't seem to have any actual positions as far as I can tell. If you did, you probably wouldn't just come here to troll. So I won't hold my breath waiting for you to articulate the goals of your movement.
The facts aren't on your side. Trump-ISM lost handily in the most recent election. Most candidates who espoused his lying drivel lost.

The GOP is looking for a new direction. There is no movement - it's just a cult.

In some ways you're right but in the ways that are important you aren't. The real problem is all too many republicans have become leftists lite. Theyd rather be popular than do the right thing. There needs to be a showdown and it's coming.
Falsifying business records, conspiracy. Obviously Bragg has the goods.

I would say, Bragg has little or nothing. That's not to defend Trump, but 34 of the exact same charge over bookkeeping entries, and Bragg's primary witness in this is Cohen? That's not a good combo for a prosecution. Cohen is a convicted perjurer. That's going to be a huge liability using him as a witness. Then you are trying to read into bookkeeping entries stuff that isn't there.

On the whole, I'd say it looks a lot weaker than the case against Fife Symington (an AZ governor some decades ago). The jury there threw out 90% of the charges--and they were varied, not all the same.

Here, you have 34 of the exact same change. One fails, it's likely that all 34 fail. It looks to me like an all-or-nothing case and that doesn't bode well for Bragg either.

Then when you throw in Bragg's public statements about getting Trump, etc., he's got issues where it will be argued that this is a malicious prosecution for political reasons rather than a dispassionate execution of the law.

On the whole, I wouldn't be betting on Bragg to win this one. Again, that has nothing to do with Trump, and everything to do with the prosecutor and charges brought.
I would say, Bragg has little or nothing. That's not to defend Trump, but 34 of the exact same charge over bookkeeping entries, and Bragg's primary witness in this is Cohen? That's not a good combo for a prosecution. Cohen is a convicted perjurer. That's going to be a huge liability using him as a witness. Then you are trying to read into bookkeeping entries stuff that isn't there.

On the whole, I'd say it looks a lot weaker than the case against Fife Symington (an AZ governor some decades ago). The jury there threw out 90% of the charges--and they were varied, not all the same.

Here, you have 34 of the exact same change. One fails, it's likely that all 34 fail. It looks to me like an all-or-nothing case and that doesn't bode well for Bragg either.

Then when you throw in Bragg's public statements about getting Trump, etc., he's got issues where it will be argued that this is a malicious prosecution for political reasons rather than a dispassionate execution of the law.

On the whole, I wouldn't be betting on Bragg to win this one. Again, that has nothing to do with Trump, and everything to do with the prosecutor and charges brought.

Oh boy. Another, 'I don't defend' Trump post.
Oh boy. Another, 'I don't defend' Trump post.

I'm discussing Bragg's case, not the defendant. But of course, you can see past your insane hatred of Trump and instead castigate anyone who isn't 150% behind Trump being guilty of everything and anything simply because he's Trump.