Trump: 34 felony counts, no misdeamors

of course you do.
Lie. I do not support fascism.
it's state capture and you call it "free trade".
Buzzword fallacy. Fascism is not free trade.
you're pro-monopoly,
Lie. Monopolies are self destructive.
Lie. I do not support corruption.
Lie. I do not support fascism.
and "free trade" fascism jargon.
Free trade is not fascism. Neither is 'jargon'.
are banker bailouts free markets in action?
RQAA. Stop mindlessly asking this question. It has already been answered.
I would say, Bragg has little or nothing. That's not to defend Trump, but 34 of the exact same charge over bookkeeping entries, and Bragg's primary witness in this is Cohen? That's not a good combo for a prosecution. Cohen is a convicted perjurer. That's going to be a huge liability using him as a witness. Then you are trying to read into bookkeeping entries stuff that isn't there.

On the whole, I'd say it looks a lot weaker than the case against Fife Symington (an AZ governor some decades ago). The jury there threw out 90% of the charges--and they were varied, not all the same.

Here, you have 34 of the exact same change. One fails, it's likely that all 34 fail. It looks to me like an all-or-nothing case and that doesn't bode well for Bragg either.

Then when you throw in Bragg's public statements about getting Trump, etc., he's got issues where it will be argued that this is a malicious prosecution for political reasons rather than a dispassionate execution of the law.

On the whole, I wouldn't be betting on Bragg to win this one. Again, that has nothing to do with Trump, and everything to do with the prosecutor and charges brought.

We will soon see!