Trump: 34 felony counts, no misdeamors

Redefinition fallacy.

A banker bailout IS government manipulation markets, and fascism.
The so-called 'military industrial complex' is not fascism. It's a buzzword.

so is a minimum wage, but thats not fascism.

fascism has a more specific meaning.

you're just a fascist apologist.

destroying the word wont work fuckface.

face the odiousness of your beliefs and seek change, fascist apologist.
Falsifying business records, conspiracy. Obviously Bragg has the goods.

so is a minimum wage, but thats not fascism.
Minimum wage laws are fascism, dumbass. It is government manipulation of the labor market.
fascism has a more specific meaning.
Fascism is government manipulation of markets.
you're just a fascist apologist.
I do not support fascism.
destroying the word wont work fuckface.
I am not destroying any word. I can't.
face the odiousness of your beliefs and seek change, fascist apologist.
I do not support fascism.
Minimum wage laws are fascism, dumbass. It is government manipulation of the labor market.

Fascism is government manipulation of markets.

I do not support fascism.

I am not destroying any word. I can't.

I do not support fascism.

no fascism is the union of state and corporate power.

think of it as "state capture" if you want.

the military industrial complex, where arms vendors dictate war policy, and the pharmaceutical industrial complex, where big pharma dictates health policy through corrupt unelected burearcrats are both examples. also the wef.

fascism and your ilk who deny it are the problem right now in our world.

do better.
no fascism is the union of state and corporate power.

think of it as "state capture" if you want.

the military industrial complex, where arms vendors dictate war policy, and the pharmaceutical industrial complex, where big pharma dictates health policy through corrupt unelected burearcrats is another example.

fascism and your ilk who deny it are the problem right now in our world.

do better.

Redefinition fallacy. You are again ignoring philology. A corporation is not government. Government is not any type of business.