Trump Again Favored to Beat Kamala Harris: Election Forecast

And just like that, Polls dont mean anything again to democrats!

Im telling you,...what a bunch of imbeciles. First they do,...then no they dont,....then back to yes they do, back to OH N O THEY DONT ! Democrats= ALWAYS good for a laugh!

And just like that, Polls dont mean anything again to democrats!

Im telling you,...what a bunch of imbeciles. First they do,...then no they dont,....then back to yes they do, back to OH N O THEY DONT ! Democrats= ALWAYS good for a laugh!

It was the right wingers that keep flip flopping on if polls are true or not. when Trump was up they were great and since Trump is losing they aren't any good.
and besides when did Nate Silvers become a poll?
have a nice day
President Donald Trump is favored to beat Vice President Kamala Harris for the first time since August 3 in Nate Silver's forecast of the 2024 presidential election.

At the moment Silver's site shows Harris leading by an average of 3.4 percent across more than a dozen polls. The Emerson poll referenced in your link is the only outlier. Her lead is about the same it has been consistently since the convention.

That is the absolute truth...(wait until you see this Taped, Edited interview...)
I saw the first question - where Dana BAsh tried so hard to help her

paraphrasing - but JFC - "did you change all your positions because of how much you learned as vice president?"

I'm not shitting - that was how she asked one of the questions
you hate the truth

No, I just hate the fact that you guys respond to anything with the most counter-reality point imaginable. You know Trump doesn't have a huge lead of Kamala. He hasn't managed to have a significant lead in this race...ever. His best shot was when he was up against Biden and even then his "lead" was never more than a couple points.

if every single voter was reminded that Kamala supported reparation's and removing police from our kids school in 2019, she would be done

I think it's sad you are so scared of reparations. You HAVE to know that these will NEVER be passed as legislation. I mean c'mon...we can't even fix our healthcare system and that benefits EVERYONE. So reparations aren't a real concern.

As for removing police from schools I don't know what that one was, because the ONLY sources of information on that claim are right wing sites. I don't know about you but I never had a policeman in the schools I went to. Never even thought about it. Maybe the best fix is to address the reasons why we have police in schools now rather than just loading up the schools with police. Didn't seem to really help in Uvalde.

she is an idiot - as are you

You wouldn't know. Seriously. There's zero percent chance you have any of the skills or abilities she has, so I'm curious why you think you can decree her an "idiot".
I'll wait until about a week or so after the debate to start thinking about taking the polls seriously.

Kam-Kam is ducking out of the debate, Her handlers are scared SHITLESS of her being humiliated by Trump.

Maybe if she does debate you Commies will be so broken that you beg Quid Pro to be the nominee again...

Now THAT would be funny....
Trump loses ground with each passing week.

America is tired of his act. He'll get the MAGA vote, but that is nowhere near the #'s that he needs.