Trump compares himself to Mother Teresa as jury weighs fate

Uh oh the inbred dolt is offended.

My method,

Right after jurors began weighing the former president’s fate, Trump railed against the proceedings and compared himself to a saint, saying in the hallway: “Mother Teresa could not beat these charges. The charges are rigged. The whole thing is rigged.”
He most certainly did not compare himself to Mother Theresa; do you ever not lie>?
Not a prediction because the ignorance of the American people is massive but I suspect that the American citizens are about to figure out that the Constitution is over.

Two scenarios for the Trump verdict:- If he’s acquitted, the country will see the damage done to our country by corrupt prosecutors.- If he’s found guilty, they’ll see that a man is being sentenced for a crime that no one can actually name.Either way, the real verdict is in November.


The Swamp is not going to proclaim Trump the winner of an election, but this Soviet Style show trial is a no win situation for the Regime which did it....they are at the end of the day not very bright....they are simply thugs.
Maybe I am just getting forgetful, but I do not remember Mother Teresa ever paying a porn star hush money.