Trump crys like a baby calling for help that isn't coming

With any luck Trump will become so pissed off at republicans that he drops out and starts his own MAGA party and runs on that ticket. "I'll show those fuckin republicans what happens when they don't come to my rescue!":good4u:

That would not surprise me. If Trump drops out or doesn't get the nomination, both of which I think will happen due to his funds drying up*, then I think he'll mount a Third Party candidacy which will end up hurting the Republican nominee just like Perot hurt GHW Bush in 1992.

*Only fucking morons believe Trump pays for all of this. He profits from it.
When it comes to MAGA gun barrel-strokers the chasm between their keyboard bravado and their actual actions is as wide as the Grand Canyon.

Over 90%, I agree. Still, I have no doubt they'll prompt a few Lone Wolf terrorist attacks. How can anyone here really know if there's not another Payton S. Gendron or Cesar Sayoc pounding out hatred on their keyboards complaining how Lefties are traitors and the US would be better off if all of them were locked up?

This is where the same intelligence software the US used to analyze Jihadist data (with very good results) can be applied to public forums.

When the news reports that FBI or WH officials say there's more "chatter" in the Internet, then that's what they are talking about. What it does is focus attention on certain people and then apply the "Six degrees of Separation" rule out to 2 or 3. Another algorithm would flag if there appeared to be a link between haters and wannabe terrorists, militants, mad bombers, etc.

I'm not law enforcement or active with our government. That means I can say, rebuke, irritate or say whatever I like, and it's not considered entrapment if one of Trump's dummies say something really fucking most of the terrorists in recent years have done.
It’s the liberals that want to put all conservatives and Christians in reeducation camps

Link, Tink? Or just blowing off steam?

Can we agree that anyone who strips another American of their unalienable rights is anti-American?
So you are wishing for violence?

No, predicting it based on the increasingly violent rhetoric of the Trumpers since 2015.

Do you really think that if the attackers on 1/6 had been black, the number of deaths that day would have been the same? Next time, if there is one, will be different.

This is why I believe the smarter Trumper militia will switch tactics just like the smart Jihadists did after being decimated by the United States military and CIA for over 15 years; seek to incite Lone Wolf attacks from violent nutjobs rather than a coordinated mass assault on democracy.

Tink, would it really surprise you if there was another violent nutjob attack on a synagogue, black church or LW rally and it was the same day JPP members like Libhater, Truth Detector or Uncensored2008 disappeared forever?

Terry Gardner is very knowledgeable, but his rhetoric is increasingly radicalized. Would it really surprise you if he popped like a ripe zit and committed mass murder?