Trump: Disabled people "should just die"

The man is a monster.

IMO calling him a monster is a complement , the rotten bastard is nothing but a POS.
and I may even be giving him a complement calling him that.
I have a son with a disability and I know some what what this family went through , and I never had the type of money they could put their hands on,
Have a nice day
So, Marty...

Years ago you would see persons with Down's Syndrome (an genetic, Intellectual Deficit Disorder), that is, they were mentally retarded to the extent that they often had IQs of 50 or less and would never be able to live as autonomous, independent, self-regulating individuals in society.

These days you VERY rarely see Down's Syndrome youth or adults in public.

"Why's that ?" , you ask.

I'll tell you, Marty.... It's because just about every single woman in America who becomes pregnant has prenatal screening for Down's Syndrome. Ths generally takes the form of a blood test and an ultra-sound test during the first trimester. When pregnant women test positive for carrying a foetus who has Down's Syndrome, 99% of them have an abortion.

But the medical or surgical abortion of a Down Syndrome foetus represents the premeditated, intentional and deliberate killing of a defenceless human being. (according to science).

What do you think of that, Marty ?

If Trump is a monster, then he has got a shit-load of like-minded company. Right ?

Later, Marty...later.

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal Trumper Hound !!
So, Marty...

Years ago you would see persons with Down's Syndrome (an genetic, Intellectual Deficit Disorder), that is, they were mentally retarded to the extent that they often had IQs of 50 or less and would never be able to live as autonomous, independent, self-regulating individuals in society.

These days you VERY rarely see Down's Syndrome youth or adults in public.

"Why's that ?" , you ask.

I'll tell you, Marty.... It's because just about every single woman in America who becomes pregnant has prenatal screening for Down's Syndrome. Ths generally takes the form of a blood test and an ultra-sound test during the first trimester. When pregnant women test positive for carrying a foetus who has Down's Syndrome, 99% of them have an abortion.

But the medical or surgical abortion of a Down Syndrome foetus represents the premeditated, intentional and deliberate killing of a defenceless human being. (according to science).

What do you think of that, Marty ?

If Trump is a monster, then he has got a shit-load of like-minded company. Right ?

Later, Marty...later.

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal Trumper Hound !!
Prove it.
Forty-six Senate Democrats support abortion up until the point of birth

That would include for down syndrome AS THE ONLY REASON
Prove Trump said what u claim
I have re-read what Mr. Badguy said...and it seems to me that he said that according to a Time Magazine article, Trump's nephew said what he said.

Mr. Badguy included a link to the article...and indeed, the article does claim that.

So...back to you: YOU claim that lots of Libs think babies with down syndrome, cleft lips and other birth defects should be killed in the womb...just because they will be born disabled.

I have re-read what Mr. Badguy said...and it seems to me that he said that according to a Time Magazine article, Trump's nephew said what he said.

Mr. Badguy included a link to the article...and indeed, the article does claim that.

So...back to you: YOU claim that lots of Libs think babies with down syndrome, cleft lips and other birth defects should be killed in the womb...just because they will be born disabled.


Trump: Disabled people "should just die"​

That his headline
Forty-six Senate Democrats support abortion up until the point of birth

That would include for down syndrome AS THE ONLY REASON are providing 46 Senate Democrats as proof that "a lot of libs..."

Look...don't post things you cannot prove...and you cannot prove that "lots of Libs think babies with down syndrome, cleft lips and other birth defects should be killed in the womb...just because they will be born disabled."

It is way too general.

Lemme help you. Claim that 46 Democratic Senators support a bill that would allow women to make choices about their own bodies that some people oppose.

That you would be able to prove.