Trump: Disabled people "should just die"

Yeah, it is. And then he explained that he was reporting what Time Magazine reported a nephew saying.

So when someone reports that blacks killed 18 people over the wkend in Chicago and links a WGN report on it

That doesn't make the poster racist....

Trump: Disabled people "should just die" The man is a monster.
How truly gullible you are. It's not Donald Trump saying anything bizarre, it's a Trump detractor claiming that Trump said something bizarre.

Why should anyone believe this story? Freddy Trump is trying to sell a book to leftists, especially the TDS-afflicted. To ensure success, he badmouths Trump, guarateeing great sales.

He's trying to sell a book.
Liberals don't support the killing of any "babies in the womb". Never have.
Leftists support the killing of living humans on demand. They're evil that way. If you try to infringe on their perceived "right" to kill living humans on demand, their eyes glaze over and they accuse you of dragging us back to the stone age, to a time when living humans could be killed on demand.

Leftists are beyond help in that regard.
The man is a monster.

The man is a monster.

Obamas brother said Obama was born in Kenya

so I guess that makes it true
Last edited: are providing 46 Senate Democrats as proof that "a lot of libs..."

Look...don't post things you cannot prove...and you cannot prove that "lots of Libs think babies with down syndrome, cleft lips and other birth defects should be killed in the womb...just because they will be born disabled."

It is way too general.

Lemme help you. Claim that 46 Democratic Senators support a bill that would allow women to make choices about their own bodies that some people oppose.

That you would be able to prove.
The article doesn't even support what he said. It's an opinion piece saying that because Democrats didn't want to vote for an unreasonably restrictive abortion ban that they support abortion up until birth. It says nothing about cleft palette or down syndrome. But I'll tackle the issue anyway.

I personally think the option for abortion until birth should be legal and up to the individual and their doctor. If there comes a point where say a mother will likely die during birth and there's only a 50/50 chance even the baby will survive, the mother should be free to make that decision in the moment. Decisions like those are never made lightly as much as conservatives would like to imagine they are, and the government should have no place in those decisions.
The article doesn't even support what he said. It's an opinion piece saying that because Democrats didn't want to vote for an unreasonably restrictive abortion ban that they support abortion up until birth. It says nothing about cleft palette or down syndrome. But I'll tackle the issue anyway.

I personally think the option for abortion until birth should be legal and up to the individual and their doctor. If there comes a point where say a mother will likely die during birth and there's only a 50/50 chance even the baby will survive, the mother should be free to make that decision in the moment. Decisions like those are never made lightly as much as conservatives would like to imagine they are, and the government should have no place in those decisions.
Thumps nephew it must be true 100%

Obamas brother said...but its all LIES
I repeat: So you are using 46 POSSIBLE liberals to tell you that "lots of libs"!

How many people in America identify as liberal? (Hint: over 80,000,000 people)

So you are using 46 people to speak for over 80 Million. And the 46...are more interested in allowing women to choose what to do about a pregnancy occurring in her own body...which every sane, intelligent, reasonable, caring person would do.

WTF is it with you?
Denigrating modern birth control and family planning because Margaret Sanger was a piece of shit is like saying being prompt and having efficient public transportation is bad because Mussolini made the trains run on time.
The man is a monster.

Sounds familiar,

"Unworthy to Live"​

Learn about the Nazis’ medical killing program that was responsible for the murder of mentally and physically disabled people during World War II.

As Adolf Hitler consolidated his power at home in anticipation of war, he moved not only against Jews, Sinti, and Roma but also against those Aryans whom he considered “unworthy of life”—people with epilepsy, alcoholism, birth defects, hearing loss, mental illnesses, and personality disorders, as well as those who had vision loss or developmental delays or who even suffered from certain orthopedic problems. Hitler viewed them as “marginal human beings” who had to make a case for their own survival at a time when the nation was preparing for war.

The first to be eliminated were too young to speak on their own behalf. In fall 1938, the parents of a severely disabled infant petitioned Hitler for the right to kill their child. He granted the petition and saw in the request an opportunity to encourage what he called “mercy killings” or “euthanasia.” In fact, according to science historian Robert N. Proctor, the goal was not to provide mercy to the victims but to improve the “Aryan” race and make hospital beds and personnel available for the coming war.

Hitler also thought that the war might minimize protests from Germans who learned of the deaths. According to Hitler’s chief medical officer, “The Führer was of the opinion that such a program could be put into effect more smoothly and rapidly in time of war, and that in the general upheaval of war, the open resistance anticipated from the church would not play the part it might in other circumstances.”

The following spring, Hitler set up a committee of physicians to prepare for the murder of mentally and physically disabled children. Known as the Reich Committee for the Scientific Treatment of Severe Hereditary and Congenital Diseases, the group was told to keep its mission secret. In August 1939, just two weeks before the invasion of Poland, committee members asked doctors and midwives to fill out a questionnaire that would identify children born with various deformities or disabilities. Initially, the focus was on children under the age of three. The committee claimed it was using the information “to clarify certain scientific questions.” In fact, it was used to determine which children would be allowed to live.

The committee relied entirely on the questionnaires in making its decisions. Members did not examine a single child, consult with other physicians, or speak to the families involved. Once a decision was made, the committee told the child’s parents only that their baby was being placed in a special hospital to “improve” treatment. There, death came quickly. After the war, a physician involved in the program told Robert Jay Lifton, an American psychiatrist, “According to the thinking of that time, in the case of children, killing seemed somehow justifiable . . . whereas in the case of the adult mentally ill, that was definitely murder.”

The physician went on to describe how nurses were ordered to give the children sedatives that were harmless in small amounts but deadly in large doses. The doctor noted, “And with these sedatives . . . the child sleeps. If one does not know what is going on, he [the child] is sleeping. One really has to be let in on it to know that . . . he really is being killed and not sedated.” Lifton added: