Trump ex-deputy Weisselberg sentenced to five months for perjury


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NEW YORK, April 10 (Reuters) - Former Trump Organization Chief Financial Officer Allen Weisselberg was sentenced on Wednesday to five months in jail after pleading guilty last month to perjury charges for lying to investigators and a judge about Donald Trump's finances.

Judge Laurie Peterson handed down the sentence at a hearing in Manhattan criminal court. The sentence was in line with the punishment the judge said she would impose at Weisselberg's March 4 plea hearing.

Love how he came ready to go straight to Jail without passing GO and that is exactly where they sent him. No time for more goodbye or get his affairs (do more fraud) in order.

It is so much fun, watching almost every circle of people who touch Trump or his business in any way ALL go to jail or otherwise face serious sanctions, fines, etc.

The Trump Crime Syndicate is being dismantled piece by piece.

Five months makes one wonder if maybe it is worth it, he got bargain basement rent for years, obviously additional perks and lucrative bonuses, and all for the opportunity cost of five months in a minimum security country club. Sure he also had to pay a huge fine, but he is a man of means and won’t walk away penniless. Desperate people rob gas stations for chump change and get years of hard time

Beginning to understand the logic of the ethics that Cohn taught Trump, get away with all you can because the benefits will generally out weigh the consequences, morality isn’t a factor
Why was the plea agreement honored? This man perjured himself. He should have gotten more jail time. He should face the music for ALL the charges that were dropped. This is why white collar crime is rampant.
NEW YORK, April 10 (Reuters) - Former Trump Organization Chief Financial Officer Allen Weisselberg was sentenced on Wednesday to five months in jail after pleading guilty last month to perjury charges for lying to investigators and a judge about Donald Trump's finances.

Judge Laurie Peterson handed down the sentence at a hearing in Manhattan criminal court. The sentence was in line with the punishment the judge said she would impose at Weisselberg's March 4 plea hearing.

He can do that standing on his head. You must be disappointed he did not get the death penalty. You are a jerk.
NEW YORK, April 10 (Reuters) - Former Trump Organization Chief Financial Officer Allen Weisselberg was sentenced on Wednesday to five months in jail after pleading guilty last month to perjury charges for lying to investigators and a judge about Donald Trump's finances.

Judge Laurie Peterson handed down the sentence at a hearing in Manhattan criminal court. The sentence was in line with the punishment the judge said she would impose at Weisselberg's March 4 plea hearing.

Are Comey and Wray next?
Five months makes one wonder if maybe it is worth it, he got bargain basement rent for years, obviously additional perks and lucrative bonuses, and all for the opportunity cost of five months in a minimum security country club. Sure he also had to pay a huge fine, but he is a man of means and won’t walk away penniless. Desperate people rob gas stations for chump change and get years of hard time

Beginning to understand the logic of the ethics that Cohn taught Trump, get away with all you can because the benefits will generally out weigh the consequences, morality isn’t a factor

He is going to spend that 5 months in Rikers Island. There is not enough money on the planet to tempt me to spend even a month there. It is anything but a country club.

Weisselberg and all the other Trump collaborators are fucking NUTS. They are paying a price for what they consider being loyal.
He is going to spend that 5 months in Rikers Island. There is not enough money on the planet to tempt me to spend even a month there. It is anything but a country club.

Weisselberg and all the other Trump collaborators are fucking NUTS. They are paying a price for what they consider being loyal.

Rikers Island will not be good for him

Why was the plea agreement honored? This man perjured himself. He should have gotten more jail time. He should face the music for ALL the charges that were dropped. This is why white collar crime is rampant.

I think it was because they wanted him to plead guilty as charged, and because he was not even the real target.

Having him plead guilty to lying in court, keeps him off the witness list in Trump's trial, as no jury can believe anything he has to say any further, where he may have tried to contest the testimony of Michael Cohen which is essential in getting a conviction in that case, had he not pleaded guilty of lying.

Now that he is an admitted liar, he is useless to the case now.


He is elderly, and Riker's Island is no Holiday Hotel, and 6 months of hard time there will be a total nightmare for him at his age.
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Five months makes one wonder if maybe it is worth it, he got bargain basement rent for years, obviously additional perks and lucrative bonuses, and all for the opportunity cost of five months in a minimum security country club. Sure he also had to pay a huge fine, but he is a man of means and won’t walk away penniless. Desperate people rob gas stations for chump change and get years of hard time

Beginning to understand the logic of the ethics that Cohn taught Trump, get away with all you can because the benefits will generally out weigh the consequences, morality isn’t a factor
He's still collecting salary.
Rikers expert says Allen Weisselberg will get better treatment as a prominent Trump supporter

Trump's ex-CFO, Allen Weisselberg, was sentenced Tuesday to five months in NYC's Rikers jail.

Rikers guards love Trump and will give better treatment to Weisselberg, 75, one expert predicts.

But the executive-turned-tax-felon will still find Rikers' chaos and filth to be hellish, he said.

Most Rikers guards are big fans of Donald Trump — so the former president's longtime top money man, Allen Weisselberg, will likely get preferential treatment as he starts his five-month stint at New York City's notorious jail complex, an expert told Insider on Tuesday.

Being 75 years old and in the news will also help Weisselberg, predicted the expert, Five Mualimmak-Ak, a jail-reform activist and former detainee who visits Rikers frequently.

"Ninety-percent of the guards are Trump supporters, even though most of them are Black and Latino women," said Mualimmak-Ak, program director for LIFE Camp, a city-based nonprofit. The guards favor the former president's pro-law-and-order beliefs, he said.

The city's former correction officer's union head, Norman Seabrook, was vocally pro-Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign.

"So he'll get preferential treatment from the guards because he is a Trump supporter. They'll try to protect him," said Mualimmak-Ak, whose program helps youth and families impacted by violence. "They'll treat him with a little more dignity."

Still, Weisselberg's days in Rikers will be hellish, he said, calling the 6,000-inmate facility filthy, chaotic, and plagued by gang violence and drug use.

Weisselberg himself was concerned enough about the sentence to hire a "jail coach," a consultant who can help him get through the ordeal safely.

Be aware that the Regime runs perjury traps as SOP.

Get a lawyer....say nothing till you do.

They will lie, are not your friends.

Dont B Dumb.
He is going to spend that 5 months in Rikers Island. There is not enough money on the planet to tempt me to spend even a month there. It is anything but a country club.

Weisselberg and all the other Trump collaborators are fucking NUTS. They are paying a price for what they consider being loyal.

True, but even at Rikers prisoners are segregated by level of security, it’s not all one big free for all
And don’t forget Hillary and Obama, for years we heard Trump and the cult echo say they were all criminals and going to jail, but in the end, it is a Trumpkin on his way, with potentially more to follow

Poor anchovies, why do you want Hillary put in jail?