Trump fan busted for posing as black woman on Twitter to win over minority voters



Brad Reed
27 Jun 2016 at 07:47 ET
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Donald Trump speaking at his veterans fundraiser in Iowa in January (Photo: Screen capture)
Donald Trump speaking at his veterans fundraiser in Iowa in January (Photo: Screen capture)
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In case you haven’t noticed, presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump has a serious problem with minority voters — in fact, some polls have found that more than 90% of black voters have an unfavorable opinion of him.

Because of this, it’s not surprising that at least one Trump fan has come up with a wacky gambit to win over minority voters by impersonating a young black woman on Twitter using the account handle, “BlackGirl4Trump.”

How do we know that they’re impersonating a black woman? Because the woman whose photo is being used in BlackGirl4Trump’s profile is not happy about it.

Here was her initial reaction after being alerted by a friend that her photo was swiped for a pro-Trump Twitter account:

This was followed by demands that the Trump fan stop using her photo:

And calls to report the rogue Twitter account for impersonating someone else:

As of this writing, BlackGirl4Trump is still using the stolen photo, despite the fact that many users say they’ve reported the account to Twitter.
& maybe he/she identifies as a whole other person, whom she/he never met nor asked permission to use her likeness..

Good for you, obviously the person whose identity she stold didn't.......

lol.....this from a guy posting as "Bill" with an avatar of Bill Clinton?......