
Sad that Americans would support such vile & heinous acts....... SHAME!!!!!:palm::palm::palm::palm:

By JILL COLVIN, Associated Press 7 hrs ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — Democrats on Sunday accused President Donald Trump of trying to inflame racial tensions and incite violence to benefit his campaign as he praised supporters who clashed with protesters in Portland, Oregon, where one man died overnight, and announced he will travel to Kenosha, Wisconsin, amid anger over the shooting of another Black man by police.


snip>some of his advisers see an aggressive “law and order” message as the best way for the president to turn voters against his Democratic rival, Joe Biden, and regain the support of suburban voters, particularly women, who have abandoned him. But Democrats accuse Trump of rooting for unrest and trying to stoke further violence for political gain instead of seeking to ratchet down tensions.
If Trump were given the chance to push a magic button once every day until Nov. 3 knowing that an American at random would die on the spot with each daily push but doing it would win the election, he would breathe a sigh of relief knowing his second term was in the bag.
Sad that Americans would support such vile & heinous acts....... SHAME!!!!!:palm::palm::palm::palm:

By JILL COLVIN, Associated Press 7 hrs ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — Democrats on Sunday accused President Donald Trump of trying to inflame racial tensions and incite violence to benefit his campaign as he praised supporters who clashed with protesters in Portland, Oregon, where one man died overnight, and announced he will travel to Kenosha, Wisconsin, amid anger over the shooting of another Black man by police.


snip>some of his advisers see an aggressive “law and order” message as the best way for the president to turn voters against his Democratic rival, Joe Biden, and regain the support of suburban voters, particularly women, who have abandoned him. But Democrats accuse Trump of rooting for unrest and trying to stoke further violence for political gain instead of seeking to ratchet down tensions.

Lol it's the Democrats and their media who have completely endorsed the actions of the BLM/ANTIFA terrorists. Who do you people think you're fooling? The Democrats didn't even address the riots until it started to effect the polls.
If Trump were given the chance to push a magic button once every day until Nov. 3 knowing that an American at random would die on the spot with each daily push but doing it would win the election, he would breathe a sigh of relief knowing his second term was in the bag.

Prove it moron.
Lol it's the Democrats and their media who have completely endorsed the actions of the BLM/ANTIFA terrorists. Who do you people think you're fooling? The Democrats didn't even address the riots until it started to effect the polls.

The radical Democrats own the anarchy in cities that Democrats control.
They tell us that these right wing vigilante groups have got second amendment rights to carry their weapons, and also these right wing groups seem to believe that they have got a monopoly of firearm usage.

But doesn't the groups on the left have the same second amendment rights, and also some on the left have had military training, and it's not that hard to use a firearms, and firearms are easily procured. The point is that the left can just as easily arm themselves, to compete with the right wing groups.

The only winners from this violence will be the NRA gun sellers, whose cash registers will be ringing with joy.
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They tell us that these right wing vigilante groups have got second amendment rights to carry their weapons, and also these right wing groups seem to believe that they have got a monopoly of firearm usage.

But doesn't the groups on the left have the same second amendment rights, and also some on the left have had military training, and it's not that had to use a fire arm, and firearms are easily procured. The point is that the left can just as easily arm themselves, to compete with the right wing groups.

The only winners from this violence will be the NRA gun sellers, whose cash registers will be ringing with joy.

You have the right to defend property not destroy property, only one side has killed in cold blood.
Ah, so you have no evidence to back your BS claim. Blocked for retardation.

The evidence of your retardation is right there - you can't tell a gibe when you see one.

Maybe a Trumper who engages in rational dialogue will show up one of these days. None seen yet in this supposed debate forum. Makes you wonder.
The radical Democrats made a calculation that allowing the anarchy to continue in cities controlled by Democrats would benefit them politically.

Never mind the pain caused by these riots, looting, burning, assaults and murders.

Now, this is backfiring on these radical terrorists.

Even CNN is now admitting that it is helping the re-election of President Trump.

The far left Democrats and now they are all far left Democrats, own anarchy in America and Americans are watching.

A huge miscalculation that will cost them the it should.
They tell us that these right wing vigilante groups have got second amendment rights to carry their weapons, and also these right wing groups seem to believe that they have got a monopoly of firearm usage.

But doesn't the groups on the left have the same second amendment rights, and also some on the left have had military training, and it's not that hard to use a firearms, and firearms are easily procured. The point is that the left can just as easily arm themselves, to compete with the right wing groups.

The only winners from this violence will be the NRA gun sellers, whose cash registers will be ringing with joy.

Yep. One of my friends who lives in Colorado Springs said he went to the feed store the other day to get stuff. Out in front they had a sign that said "No ammo." Sure enough, when he checked the shelves were bare of everything but BB shot and .22 shorts. He asked the owner what was up; the guy told him that they were sold out a couple weeks earlier because "Biden's going to take our guns and stir up violence." RWers sure are stupid and easily duped by the NRA.
The radical Democrats made a calculation that allowing the anarchy to continue in cities controlled by Democrats would benefit them politically.

Never mind the pain caused by these riots, looting, burning, assaults and murders.

Now, this is backfiring on these radical terrorists.

Even CNN is now admitting that it is helping the re-election of President Trump.

The far left Democrats and now they are all far left Democrats, own anarchy in America and Americans are watching.

A huge miscalculation that will cost them the it should.

Earl, the right wing vigilante are remnant of the brown shirts in Germany in the 1930s.
If Trump were given the chance to push a magic button once every day until Nov. 3 knowing that an American at random would die on the spot with each daily push but doing it would win the election, he would breathe a sigh of relief knowing his second term was in the bag.

Prove it