Yep. One of my friends who lives in Colorado Springs said he went to the feed store the other day to get stuff. Out in front they had a sign that said "No ammo." Sure enough, when he checked the shelves were bare of everything but BB shot and .22 shorts. He asked the owner what was up; the guy told him that they were sold out a couple weeks earlier because "Biden's going to take our guns and stir up violence." RWers sure are stupid and easily duped by the NRA.

It' just incredible how stupid people can be.
#TRE45ON is clever and very good at preying on those types.

I don't understand why you associate Trump with treason ? I mean, Obama, yes. He was a slimy, devious, little, criminal, Marxist bastard who was caught trying to bring down a duly - elected US President. No one disputes its it He was a treasonous little Kenyan shit who had a big chip on his shoulder about being Black, so he hated whites and hated America Trump and Treason have nothing to do with each other !!

Later, Foulwoman
