Trump Fumbles Repeatedly in Terrifying Speech at Florida Rally

Does anyone expect Trump to sound coherent? If his vocabulary exceeded his IQ I'd be shocked.
We should definitely start nominating better people for president.
A good speaker doesn't run one topic into an unrelated topic like trump does. trump is just trying to cover for the fact that he knows precious little about anything except himself.

trump whines that airports are crowded and dirty. What's he going to do about it?

trump grumbles that the ubiquitous "they" don't have qualified pilots or air traffic controllers. What's he going to do about it?

If trump isn't offering solutions to these problems, he's just bitching.
Perhaps you shouldn't vote for him.
Trump gave a particularly incoherent speech during a recent rally, as he rattled through a lengthy list of odd grievances that didn’t quite ring true, devoid of some very necessary segues.
From the death penalty to crying mothers and crappy airports, if Trump was hoping for an emotional moment, he seems to have missed it by a mile. His breakneck pace and awkward delivery suggests that the presumptive Republican nominee doesn’t actually care about a single one of his randomly assembled points. How can anyone take him seriously when he speeds from his often-repeated, baseless claims about immigrants to whining that as a country, “We don’t eat bacon anymore”?

Trump continued to rely on blatant fearmongering to excite his supporters, who grew sleepy and disinterested as the former president rattled on through his 75-minute speech.

The violent crime rate in D.C. has dropped 30 percent since 2023, according to the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia. But of course, Trump is unconcerned with actual crime statistics. Instead, he’s interested in keeping his base in red states ignorant, fearful, and angry about life in blue states.

the gentile jew obviously didn't watch Trump's awesome speech......he kicked ass.......
I wonder if the "mainstream media" will take a few minutes away from howling about Biden's mental fitness to report Trump's babbling insanity.

Of course they won't.

They want to get Joe the old white man out of there so they can open up the slot for their "woman of color".
Trump gave a particularly incoherent speech during a recent rally, as he rattled through a lengthy list of odd grievances that didn’t quite ring true, devoid of some very necessary segues.
From the death penalty to crying mothers and crappy airports, if Trump was hoping for an emotional moment, he seems to have missed it by a mile. His breakneck pace and awkward delivery suggests that the presumptive Republican nominee doesn’t actually care about a single one of his randomly assembled points. How can anyone take him seriously when he speeds from his often-repeated, baseless claims about immigrants to whining that as a country, “We don’t eat bacon anymore”?

Trump continued to rely on blatant fearmongering to excite his supporters, who grew sleepy and disinterested as the former president rattled on through his 75-minute speech.

The violent crime rate in D.C. has dropped 30 percent since 2023, according to the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia. But of course, Trump is unconcerned with actual crime statistics. Instead, he’s interested in keeping his base in red states ignorant, fearful, and angry about life in blue states.

His supporters don't care. They aren't connected to reality.
A good speaker doesn't run one topic into an unrelated topic like trump does. trump is just trying to cover for the fact that he knows precious little about anything except himself.

trump whines that airports are crowded and dirty. What's he going to do about it?

trump grumbles that the ubiquitous "they" don't have qualified pilots or air traffic controllers. What's he going to do about it?

If trump isn't offering solutions to these problems, he's just bitching.
I wasn't commenting on quality but rather on content.
I'm sure you, like any maga, thinks this makes sense. From drug dealers to dirty airports, just a stream of consciousness meaning zilch.

"We will institute the powerful death penalty for drug dealers, for each dealer responsible for the deaths, during their lives of 500 people or more. Mothers will never again be forced to watch their children overdosing in (unintelligible). And we will never allow mothers to watch their child hopelessly dying in their arms, screaming "what can I do? What can I do? Help me God, what can I do? We are a nation whose once-revered airports are a dirty, crowded mess. You sit and wait for hours and then are notified that the plane won't leave, that they have no idea when they will, that ticket prices tripled, they don't have the pilots to fly the planes, they don't seek qualified air traffic controllers, and they just don't know what the hell they're doing..."
Trump is clueless as his untraveled rabel
Perhaps paid by the CCP.

Always stirring the shit....usually speaking against Americas interests.
Absolutely he speaks against America's interests, as does everyone in the Marxist, anti American, socialist, globalist,
CRT, DEI, anti Semite, pro Hamas, open border, illegal loving, Constitution hating, Sanctuary city/state, American flag burning dummycrat party.
Absolutely he speaks against America's interests, as does everyone in the Marxist, anti American, socialist, globalist,
CRT, DEI, anti Semite, pro Hamas, open border, illegal loving, unconstitutional, Sanctuary city/state, American flag burning dummycrat party.
Its is far too late to save America....this is a fact that you need to process.

This son of a bitch is going down.
Its is far too late to save America....this is a fact that you need to process.

This son of a bitch is going down.
I'll admit that our nation is going down the drain rather quickly since bribem got elected potus. But I have
great faith that Trump will reverse any and all disasters bribem created. Lets remember just how
great America was under the Trump presidency. I see no reason he won't make America Great Again starting
in January. It certainly would be too late to save America if by some disastrous reason joe bribem gets
re-elected. But that ain't going to happen. Trump is the only person able to bring America back from this
march toward being a Marxist run banana republic. Keep the faith, for Trump will close the border completely
and he'll deport all of those criminal illegals, he'll provide the knowhow and the strength to quiet our
foreign enemies where there will be no wars, and capitalism will be once again front and center, we'll become
energy independent once again etc.
I'll admit that our nation is going down the drain rather quickly since bribem got elected potus. But I have
great faith that Trump will reverse any and all disasters bribem created. Lets remember just how
great America was under the Trump presidency. I see no reason he'll make America Great Again starting
in January. It certainly would be too late to save America if by some disastrous reason joe bribem gets
re-elected. But that ain't going to happen. Trump is the only person able to bring America back from this
march toward being a Marxist run banana republic. Keep the faith, for Trump will close the border completely
and he'll deport all of those criminal illegals, he'll provide the knowhow and the strength to quiet our
foreign enemies where there will be no wars, and capitalism will be once again front and center, we'll become
energy independent once again etc.
"Hawkeye I was wrong about you, I am sorry, I wont do it again".