Trump goes down!

trump's been pushing for violence since January 6 if not before. If you had even a shred of honesty, you'd admit it.

"Trump’s messaging on January 6is precisely in line with how he’s historically addressed violence on the part of hate groups and his supporters: He emboldens it.

As far back as 2015, Trump has been connected to documented acts of violence, with perpetrators claiming that he was even their inspiration. In fact, dozens of people enacted violence in Trump’s name in the years before the Capitol attack, according to a 2020 report from ABC News.

In 2016, a white man told officers “Donald Trump will fix them” while being arrested for threatening his Black neighbors with a knife. That same year, a Florida man threatened to burn down a house next to his because a Muslim family purchased it, claiming that Trump’s Muslim ban made it a reason for “concern.” Then there are the more widely known examples, like Cesar Sayoc, who mailed 16 inoperative pipe bombs to Democratic leaders and referred to Trump as a “surrogate father”; and the mass shooting in El Paso, Texas, in 2019 that left 23 dead, where the shooter’s manifesto parroted Trump’s rhetoric about immigrants."

It's all a tu quoque. You are trying to deflect using nothing but whataboutisms.
This isn't their MO. Antifa is into large scale riots and low intensity violence. Maybe a Red Brigade type or someone associated with something like the John Brown Gun Club or Redneck Revolt...
Oh my! Trump is such a nice guy. Shocked anyone would do this. Shocked!
Nazis are not liberals.

Nazis are right wing authoritarians.
The German people were proud National Socialists. They were ordered to "serve the State". Businesses were PINO, Private In Name Only. Serve the State or die, or have your property confiscated and be thrown in prison.

They hated "classical liberals" aka conservatives. They would have loved you Big Gov't neo libs and your push for a massive welfare State similar to Imperial Germany's Otto Von Bismarck's.

The Brown Shirt leadership was homosexual. And they were led by Ernst Rohm, an openly homosexual man and Hitler's BFF. And Hitler was a drug addled, vegan hippy dippy failed artiste, former homeless gov't leech, complete with weird facial hair (and possibly only one ball). These are all the trappings of the modern white lib.

It is the democrats that want one party rule, and to enlarge the scotus to stack it. And it is Democrats protesting on campuses and in the streets for the Death of the Jewish State.
No, you're not. You've already speculated that it's a false flag operation, then you demanded Trump--no one else-- renounce violence even as violence by those that oppose him is the cause of this incident, and you regularly call for violence against board members in your rants.
Saying if is different from claiming facts that don’t exist are what happened

Your shits are lying
They're also too big of pussies for this.
The ones I mentioned, are armed and regularly argue for violence and "resistance."

Red Brigade types: (note the one with the bayonet on his rifle. This is a felony under US firearms laws)


John Brown Gun Club


Redneck Revolt


All three are on the far radical Left, all require members to possess and practice with firearms.
The ones I mentioned, are armed and regularly argue for violence and "resistance."

Red Brigade types:


John Brown Gun Club


Redneck Revolt


All three are on the far radical Left, all require members to possess and practice with firearms.
Those Antifa faggots rely on anonymity and unarmed opponents.
The German people were proud National Socialists. They were ordered to "serve the State". Businesses were PINO, Private In Name Only. Serve the State or die, or have your property confiscated and be thrown in prison.

They hated "classical liberals" aka conservatives. They would have loved you Big Gov't neo libs and your push for a massive welfare State similar to Imperial Germany's Otto Von Bismarck's.

The Brown Shirt leadership was homosexual. And they were led by Ernst Rohm, an openly homosexual man and Hitler's BFF. And Hitler was a drug addled, vegan hippy dippy failed artiste, former homeless gov't leech, complete with weird facial hair (and possibly only one ball). These are all the trappings of the modern white lib.

It is the democrats that want one party rule, and to enlarge the scotus to stack it. And it is Democrats protesting on campuses and in the streets for the Death of the Jewish State.
Come on, Son. Learn some history. Hitler took over the party, kicked out the socialists (even had many killed) and kept the name.

This is a known fact.